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[NA] Tarnished Coast [UK] LFG - PVX


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Hi o/

I am currently on the Tarnished Coast [NA] server but live in the [uK] - and time difference is huge.It is hard for me to find anyone to play as when I am online US probably still in bed or work and vice versa.

So my goal is to find a nice NA guild that we can play together (sadly can't play across region) with members in the EU and UK (and perhaps make some friends, go to guild meetings etc) :)

I mostly just roam around nowadays, did PVP some time ago and WvW but that time has passed.I don't mind doing any pvp, wvw, pve! As long as the guild community is healthy and nice!

I would not want a guild however, that is purely focused on one PVX. I want to explore all. Dungeons, FoTM, PVP, WvW..

See you in game! o/

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