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How to make 2v2 appealing to general population?


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As much as I'm excited to see a 2v2 game in PvP, I felt like talking about it here won't raise awareness in general PvP population in gameSo this thread is created to compile community ideas on ways to make 2v2 more noticeable in the gamePlease put down some suggestions you think would inform a regular PvP players who probably wouldn't delve too deep into tournament streams or forumsAnd I hope these can give some inspirations to ANet on potential ways to market their invested work on PvP scene

My suggestion:

  • With the upcoming 2v2, I think it is possible to replace "Stronghold" tickbox in unranked option with "Alternative" modes. This mode should include stronghold, courtyard and 2v2. If rostered parties have more than 2 players then automatically exclude from 2v2 and have choice of stronghold and courtyard. In the future if we have any new game modes (or test maps?) then it can also be added into this list.
  • Players should also get a information/warning sign indicating this alternative mode queue may require different builds for different objectives, perhaps give a short 1 sentence in loading screen to inform new comers
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@"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:As much as I'm excited to see a 2v2 game in PvP, I felt like talking about it here won't raise awareness in general PvP population in gameSo this thread is created to compile community ideas on ways to make 2v2 more noticeable in the gamePlease put down some suggestions you think would inform a regular PvP players who probably wouldn't delve too deep into tournament streams or forumsAnd I hope these can give some inspirations to ANet on potential ways to market their invested work on PvP scene

My suggestion:

  • With the upcoming 2v2, I think it is possible to replace "Stronghold" tickbox in unranked option with "Alternative" modes. This mode should include stronghold, courtyard and 2v2. If rostered parties have more than 2 players then automatically exclude from 2v2 and have choice of stronghold and courtyard. In the future if we have any new game modes (or test maps?) then it can also be added into this list.

^ This is actually a really good idea. I would play alternative mode often if they were all in one que like that.

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Anet must do like [Overwatch's "Arcade" ](https://images2.minutemediacdn.com/image/upload/c_scale,w_912,h_516,c_fill,g_auto/shape/cover/sport/59f607972ee40f0e62000001.jpeg "Overwatch's "Arcade" ")and add a secondary tab where we can select between a multitude of alternative pvp modes.

Then just add some sort of bonus, like, 3 first victory's on each game mode grant 2 reward track potions or something simple like that, and let it roll.

My point is, players only need organization and incentive.
If ANET take their time to make something great it will work. If they just throw 2x2 in the middle of the unranked queue like they did with Courtyard it will fail.

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nerf cheesy power builds and maybe it'll be appealing

problem with 2v2 is that "it's not real pvp" , same as dueling/1v1 .. so it's always been hard to take it seriousMaking 2v2 more appealing means reducing the appeal of 5v5 which i don't know how i feel about but i do prefer smaller scale kill focused arenas over objective based stuff with players. Anyhow stuff like ladderboard and queue that works for solo and duo but ladderboard shows solo wins/win rate etc as well as duo - that way you'll not feel bad if you sign by yourself and overall that's a good incentive to do pvp, top it off with money rewards or something like conquest and it's suddenly even betterobviously best rwards would be some 'exclusive' armors but thats probably too much to ask for cus they need to sell armors cus they need income after all

but yeah in the game's current state..? perma stealth/random power burst teleports are just way too lame. I'd much rather fight a scourge + fb duo than 2 power burst duos because at least scourge and fb doesnt kill you in a blink of an eye and you can actually try to do something about it. Also when there's no point to stand in the whole meta would be quite different

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@"incisorr.9502" said:problem with 2v2 is that "it's not real pvp" , same as dueling/1v1 .. so it's always been hard to take it serious

I could say the same for the stale game mode of circlequest. Being a player from the glory days of pvp aka guild wars 1 i can tell you gw2 pvp is just a sad joke. Hell stronghold and TDM have a better competitive side then dancing between 3 little circles on a map. Just think all tha matters on a map |..................................................................................| < that size is 3 little dots |....|. Hell basically conquest is a game of who has the smarter or faster teef player.

If more speed is required then then skill, its not a competitive game mode.

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