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Marauder vs Assassin/Valkyrie


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As the title already indicates i'm wondering if should start using Marauder instead of Berserk.However, then i thought why not use some Assassin and some Valkyrie stuff so I can kind of figure out the exact amount of precision I really want.

I run this build in PVE:https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Spellbreaker_-_Dagger_Sun_and_Moon

Is that just stupid since it's DIY Marauder then?Or would that be beneficial in any case?

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Marauder cuts both Power and Ferocity to invest in Precision -- often over-investing in doing so, and losing DPS significantly. Using Assassin + Valkyrie allows you to better adjust your stats piece by piece to balance your Precision with your crit-improving class skills, while maintaining the same Ferocity as a full Berserker build, so you lose less DPS. I took this approach on my renegade, and it worked wonders for her; with her class skills, she maintains like 95% crit with max Ferocity.

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