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Slow+Crit Chrono


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Curious about some feedback on this. I wanted to make a build that used Danger Time and Lost Time since it seemed to lend well to stacking critical hits without having to focus a lot into stacking Precision Stats.

Sword/Sword + (???)Specialization 1 - (???)Specialization 2 - Dueling - Critical Infusion, Phantasmal Fury, Sharper Images, Fencer's Finesse, Master Fencer, Superiority ComplexSpecialization 3 - Chronomancer - Continuum Split, Time Catches Up, Danger Time, Time Marches On, Lost Time.

If I understand the mechanics right the idea of this build is to have capitalize on critical hits. High attack rate stacks activates Lost Time to apply Slow. Applying slow provides a 30% crit chance with Danger Time and a 10% increase on those critical hits. Therefore, the idea is to apply slow through high crit rate and high attack rate. Once an enemy is below 75% health near permanent fury can be applied through master fencer for a free 50% crit chance if I understand this right between it and Danger Time. An additional 5% at lv80 is granted for all characters for 55% free crit chance. With Fencer's Finesse a high attack right with sword attacks can grant near perm Fencer Finesse stacks for an extra 10% dmg on all crits. At 50% and below, Superiority Complex provides all crit attacks with 1.15 multiplier (or 1.25 on condition met).

To get 100% crit rate under the above conditions just need 45% crit or 945 precision. Since precision is a major attribute its easy to stack this value up. As this is a crit based build it focuses on stacking power, precision, and ferocity specs until 45^ crit total. So, I think this should be Berserker insignia until the 45% mark. After that I am not sure what to focus on other than continuing to keep stacking power, ferocity. I think it would be good to stack toughness, Boon Duration, and Condition Duration.

After this I am not really sure how to combine more of this which leaves me with these questions.

  • Is it feasible to be able to always apply slow?
  • Does Danger Time + Fury equate to 50% critical chance on top of that caused by precision?
  • Does ferocity have a cap at all?
  • What would be a good third specialization for this idea?
  • Not sure the healing skill, 3 utility, and elite skill to use.
  • What should be the weapon swap slot be?
  • What should the attributes to stack after precision caps?

Also, I have never done a fractal or raid or WvW, so I have no idea whats ahead in those.

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As someone who has attempted making a danger+lost time build:

  • Slow uptime can range from theorhetically 100% to not-that-high depending on build. However, you may need to keep in mind you will always begin attackig an enemy who is not slowed (specific utilities like Well of Action may help)
  • The only reason dps Chrono runs a heap of assassin gear is because illusions are not affected by traits and other things like Sigil of Accuracy, for example. A danger+lost time build does not use illusions as much, and your setup is perfectly capable of running full zerkers (in other words, yes to your second question)
  • Ferocity does not have a cap (except if you want to min-max, because at some point, putting points into power has much more gain than ferocity) Keeping putting on zerkers (because there’s no other significantly good choice, maybe besides valkyrie)
  • Third spec would Domination 2-2-2 - this spec is actually worth more than Dueling is terms of -maximum- dmg output for the mesmer (because not considering illusions), unless you plan to take this to pvp, which I don’t do
  • Not sure but well of calamity, action and mantra of pain would be a logical choice for more ‘hits’ and therefore dmg output, unless you want survivability.

Some random notes about a danger+lost time spec:

  • Mesmer actually has really bad hit-rate/speed, unless auto attacking on GS. Your illusions’ attacks don’t count as your own and the proc requires 6 hits (5 for stack, 1 to activate). That’s two full sword chains on a single target, or only one proc on blurred frenzy :astonished: And GS just happens to be a bad weapon at sustained damage
  • This build takes dps Chrono’s cleave or mobbing capability down a level. There’s also the chance the proc will activate on the wrong target and the stacks won’t necessarily build up faster because of the random ICD
  • This build lacks a clear burst, which is now the real meta in PvE, the reason why professions such as DH, Holo, Weaver and now Soulbeast are undisputed kings of most instanced PvE content, and why dps Chrono is annoyingly widely considered as suboptimal in comparison
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Thanks for reply. I ran into a few of the things you mentioned trying out a rough form of it. In looking over this set-up, I think the mob aspect is not that bad if abusing illusions. When I look at some power chrono builds I see that what I have theorycrafted is pretty much a power chrono, but just swapping 133 for 111 for danger time/lost time.

After looking at some of the precision numbers added in on something like Berserker/Assassin stuff it pretty much equates to ~50% crit anyway. So, pretty much I do need to fully slot precision in everything to reach the 45% goal. There really is not much variation for anything else as its 100% chance compared to 80%. I suppose in PvE there are other ways to make up the other 20% in food or banners or something. In which case, danger time/lost time pretty much just brings slow and 10% more damage. Meanwhile, Chronophantasma can get a x2 damage output and there are ways to spam lots of phantasm. I guess there is a reason danger time/lost time is never used.

The mobbing was not that bad since shatters exists and continuum, but its not very long and sustained. Pretty much have to open up with blurred frenzy into that in order to burst somewhat.

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