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Questions to the 2v2 ATs


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I checked bug report sub forum before but maybe i missed the thread. Since yesterday when all ppl got dc after winning the first 2v2 matchup the 2v2 stays bugged. The announcement for the 2v2 week says there will be 2v2 ATs running every 6 hours for the whole week. But since yesterday i only see one upcomin 2v2 in 5 (now 4) days. Do i miss something? Is there work in progress and it wil be fixed or is the announcement just wrong? When can we expect the next 2v2 tournament up and how do you deal with the bugged outcome of ppl got kicked from the first 2v2 tournament cuz they couldn't log in again after dc?@Ben Phongluangtham.1065

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:We had them shut off temporarily while we resolved some bugs. But they are back now, and we are extending the tournaments to Monday. The Saturday tournament will still be the main event.

Ty for the answer but it bugged again, we could not enroll at all and it closed immediatly instead starting... :( At least seems to be fair now that all could not join and not some few lucky ppl get an ez win...

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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:We're looking into the issue. There's a new bug that's not opening the special event tournaments properly. We think we'll be able to manually force open the next tournament at 11am PDT while we investigate a better long term solution.

that would be 9pm cest? there is no tournament announced ingame for that time. the one at 8pm cest was bugged as well

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