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Flashy mounts, Just missing Jackal and Roller Beetle now. :)


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Sadly jackal being rng gamble from the original licence. :(

And also sadly the bunny uses the default "cute" bunny model and not the awesome/superior Kourna Jackrabbit model, otherwise I'd have got it. :(

Skimmer's great though, maybe even the best. :) And griffon/raptor are decent, just I rarely use either of those mounts now.

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Jackal and Griffon are bound to the original MAL that does not have a select version. I wasted so many gems, I now only have 3 that are still bound to the original MAL. The Raptor is Istani (iirc); skimmer and springer are in the new Distant Lands. And while yes, the Jackal one (Stardust) is shimmery, it is in metal plates, and you only have 2 tones for the ethereal shimmer.

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I love the space skins (although mine tend to be darker than the OPs). But so far I've only got the skimmer and the raptor. I'm thinking about getting the springer but I'll never get the griffon and jackal as long as they're only available via gem store RNG, and that makes it seem kind of pointless to get the springer. (The skimmer was part of a pack where I got all of them and I wanted the raptor, I'd love to have the jackal and griffon but I'd only be getting the springer to complete the set.)

If they ever brought out select licences for the original adoption licence I'd get all of them, and a few others.

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