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Been Fun Guildwars ! peace


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played this franchise since launch and loved pvp ve got to rank 480 and i think im done , lack of balance and pvp updates ( same in every mmo ) but im gonna go n have snowball fights instead irl pvp lol , big shout to IZZY , Grouch , JEBRO and MO and Giale the frog hahaha loved LA when you came girl , n wish all happy holidays n best of life xx :)

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@Griever.8150 said:Taking a break once in a while is healthy, take care ! Try out some other games, might give you some more global perspective.

The grass really isn't than much greener tho.

I've been playing BDO, ESO, Tera, and BnS lately on the side. And I have to agree with this comment.

GW2 atm in my honestly opinion compared to the MMOs I listed. Has hands down the best PvP in the genre. So if you are looking for better PvP then GW2. The chances are supremely high, that you will have to look outside the MMO genre completely.

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@Fearless.3569 said:

@Griever.8150 said:Taking a break once in a while is healthy, take care ! Try out some other games, might give you some more global perspective.

The grass really isn't than much greener tho.

I've been playing BDO, ESO, Tera, and BnS lately on the side. And I have to agree with this comment.

GW2 atm in my honestly opinion compared to the MMOs I listed. Has hands down the best PvP in the genre. So if you are looking for better PvP then GW2. The chances are supremely high, that you will have to look outside the MMO genre completely.

have to agree here.. new CoD is fun, I've always hated CoD but this Battle Royale and Zombie mode kicks ass.

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See you gotta find your fun In pvp and try around. Sadly there is no competitive scene at all so I found my fun in stronghold unranked. It's a better community and it's a better game mode competitive wise.

Seasons 1 - 4 were amazing. Then the train wreck of season 5 happened and has continued for 10 sad seasons now.

Nothing will change in the ranked cesspool till we get 2v2 or 3v3 or tdm of any kind or anything besides dancing in circles all game. We need to get past the wintrade wars with duos.

Then things may improve finally and not swirl down.

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Snowball Mayhem from next week though - best pvp mode. :)

But yeah I hear you - mostly enjoying other games and lurking here waiting for some proper big skills balance patch (not rune and sigil patch...). I suppose it's just coming to a point where finding gameplay a bit monotonous - could use a big shake up to incentivise new build ideas. Feel like when I can visualise all the combat scenarios before even logging on, that the game's not going to give any satisfaction beyond that for anything new. Not even beetle racing is enticing enough, as much as I love the roller beetle.

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@Decrypter.1785 said:played this franchise since launch and loved pvp ve got to rank 480 and i think im done , lack of balance and pvp updates ( same in every mmo ) but im gonna go n have snowball fights instead irl pvp lol , big shout to IZZY , Grouch , JEBRO and MO and Giale the frog hahaha loved LA when you came girl , n wish all happy holidays n best of life xx :)

Feel free to send your stuff to me, I can put it to good use :)

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@Fearless.3569 said:

GW2 atm in my honestly opinion compared to the MMOs I listed. Has hands down the best PvP in the genre. So if you are looking for better PvP then GW2. The chances are supremely high, that you will have to look outside the MMO genre completely.

And yet the developers let ESL competition slip threw there fingers because of there unwillingness to attempt proper balance when the teams of those days where screaming for a change in the bunker meta. Teams where quitting befor the first 200 ticks were even reached if i remember correctly.And now we have this burst meta that only a few select builds and classes can play to achieve anything on the leader boards.

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The combat is fun the pvp is not. Nobody likes standing in circles they just come for the combat. They need to add permanent arena death match and balance around that. Add Fort Aspenwood and Jade Quarry with guild vs guild and season armor with unique graphics that you can attain for each season. Every mmo has crappy balance but the conquest mode itself isn't that fun.

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While some of the things that the OP and others have said may be true....

...There's also the theory that if you spend hours on hours, every day, doing the same thing over and over, you'll eventually get bored. I think Einstein came up with this theory btw (or it might just be common sense).

Unless you're making an E-name for yourself or some cash by streaming or you are really into the competitive scene (if one even exists for this game) and have goals/strategies to place meaningful rank, then you may want to reevaluate how you spend your free time.

More often than not, the game doesn't need changing, bored fustrated players just need to play less and gtfo outside and away from their monitors.

GW2 is not a bad game. I challenge you to go play other MMO pvp modes and discover how good GW2 really is.

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Khalisto.5780 said:If you survived the dd cele ele and the turret engineer era I'm pretty sure you going to survive now

Neither of them were as bad as bunker chrono or PoF launch, not even close. Also you missed hambow xD

Path of Fire launch wasn't anywhere near as bad as post phantasm rework Chronobunker back February-April.

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