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Anet, lets burn something down (may contain spoilers)


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I feel like with all this tragedy and disaster all around, we need a catastrophe, a big one.We keep doing this and that, lose friends and strangers we just met(don't let me start on that poor guy we blew apart and firtsborn sylvari that I liked). Enough with lyric.But it doesn't feel complete(?). Very little changes in Tyria. It feels stall. Lets burn something down please. Destroy a city? Revamp a map? ~~Cleanse Orr? ~~ etcLets shake thing up.

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There are so many areas on the world map yet to open up, I'd hate to see them waste time re-designing existing ones to any major extent instead of making new areas available. Minor tweaks would be fine - a major overhaul would be a waste of time. Also for new players, there's still some association of physical exploration and the occurrence of sequential events. Making the base locations affected significantly by current story would only make things confusing for them. Things like joko minion invasions give them a taste of things to come, and that's fine, but they shouldn't have to immerse themselves in the latest story events when just starting their story chain.

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