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Guild Trek interact reaction time

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So, it seems that when I am doing a Guild Trek Mission (which is timed at 15 minutes), invariably I have a point where I press F and/or click on the Interact button for over a minute before there is any response from the game. Frequently, it is with the last point I need.

I mention this because I completed three Guild Trek Mission within a 1.5 hour time period, and in each case the last point in EACH one took over a minute to respond to my pressing F and/or clicking on the Interact button. The other four in each instance did not take that long, so I do not think that it is my internet connection, but rather something tied to the game code. For the last mission I completed. I watched the timer go from 3 minutes, 5 seconds to 1 minute, 18 seconds before the game acknowledged my pressing F and also clicking on the Interact button - that's nearly two minutes of delayed response (roughly 13%of the allotted 15 minutes to complete the mission).

Previously, when working with Guild-mates on larger Treks, we have failed Trek Missions - not because we did not locate each point. The final point failed to acknowledge our pressing the F key and/or clicking on the Interact button before the timer ran out.

Again, This makes me think that the extended lag time is related to game code and the last point in a Trek - not the speed of the internet connection.

Thank you for your time.

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Interact only once. It always takes a bit of time to respond. But from what I experienced, if you continuously click it you are resetting some internal timer and it will take longer than needed. So only interact once, tell anyone with you to not use it, and wait until it registers. It always does for me, even if it can take longer than 5 seconds.

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If there is more than one player at a trek target only one player needs to interact with it though. Everyone standing near the marker will get credit.

But if everyone spam-clicks on it the effect in the original post can happen. At least that's what I have observed. Just have one player interact with it once and wait.

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