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[BUG] Vinewrath Chest not paying out after successful event

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More than 1 year ago I noticed people saying that the Vinewrath (VW) event chest was not paying out and like others, I suggested that their autoloot probably already picked it up or that the chest animation (it opening) might have bugged out or some such - always assuming that the player was at fault in some way. But it made me wonder.So i started checking the looting possibilities of the VW arena after the event by looking to see what in the room was open to looting as I walked just into the arena - far from possible autoloot distance - and noticed that very often - in fact, more often than not - the VW chest did not have anything to loot. In other words, there was no floating text to show a lootable item - more often than not. Sometimes the floating text was there - and the chest was lootable by clicking at the spot.I have asked other players about this and no one seems to know - or I suspect, few have noticed that this is happening. And its not like the chest doesnt appear at all. I know that if you dont participate in the VW event enough, the large chest will not show at all. This bug is where you spent the hour going through the FOOTHOLD phase, had a successful breach and then beat all the VW bosses - only to find that the large chest - although showing - gives no loot.
Soo - question has to be - IS THIS A BUG - or does the VW chest only give loot randomly? It obviously doesnt pay out EVERY TIME - this is testable. And what ever is happening - its been happening for a while -

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There are no documented cases of people not getting the loot. In every case in which people could track, the Key of Greater Nightmares ended up in the person's inventory. (In a lot of cases, it wasn't possible to track, e.g. people posted long after they had cleared inventory or had keys in inventory without having documented the number before the battle.)

It's not impossible that it sometimes bugs or that something else is wrong. There's just not enough evidence to make a strong case.

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