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Game Release Notes, abrupt total shift

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War EternalAurene is slain. Kralkatorrik, victorious. Now Dragon's Watch must reconcile their defeat and prepare themselves not only for the end of Tyria, but for the end of all things as the Crystal Dragon continues his rampage through the Mists.

New Legendary Weapon: ExordiumTyria is on the brink of a new era of magic and technology. Exordium physically embodies this renaissance—a symbol of hope, unity, and a bold way forward. The blade's form expresses itself in unique ways based on the user's specific need, taking on different shapes when thrown, thrust, or slammed into a target.

So, everything is crap and we're all gonna die, also we're about to undergo a renaissance. Since I won't be playing until tonight, I can't say if this is a case of spoilers (like they're really going to leave A... nevermind) or just a very out-of-place backstory. But, maybe it should be different?

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I thought much the same when I read it. I realise the two were probably written separately and the order is determined by priority but it does read very strangely. "Tyria is doomed, the Mists are doomed and we're all going to die...but you can get a new sword to celebrate this new era!"

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