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I hope eventually our characters can have jobs. Our characters could work at an NPC’s farm or be in charge of their own... design it however we please... select a location in any map... pick our expertise to specialize in and choose out of a variety of animals and crops. I’m just begging to raise chickens. I could harvest their eggs for cooking and make a profit. Or maybe it’s the NPC’s that buy them for a gold a piece lol. I could level up my hens to upgrade their hatched results from finer eggs to more valuable ones; if for other players’ use, they could be ascended or even legendary materials. And there could be all kinds of breeds and colors of chickens; esp. silkies with their adorable fluffy pant-like legs, crest afros, long beards, and poofy muffs! One could even be a breeder for minis or mounts at their own pet shop or stables. Be a fisherman. I hope one day we can have our own ships that could both sail and fly (my cultural mount skin idea would apply to this). Our characters could utilize our craftsmanships to be not only a profession but a career and make income as a blacksmith or tailor etc. set up anywhere in the world so there’s no fee from the trade post. It’d be amazing if there weren’t just art contests with a rare chance for our illustrations to make it in game, but a program provided for us to create our own one of a kind skin that we could choose to share with others and would make our shop more unique and would rely on referrals rumoring about a hidden market. Then we can have the appearance of armor, weapons, mounts, furniture, architecture, icons etc the way we want them. I think it’d be fun to be a librarian or set up a small bookstore around the corner... maybe become a professor that teaches at academies. It’d also be cool if we could train there ourselves like in Fable, and it could help level characters faster and more professionally teach us mechanics in grander detail along with other important fine print or invisible things veterans learn from experience that one can’t get from what’s provided in text or isn’t obvious. For the casual players, one could even work at a bar or medicinal clinic. So many options. I just think it'd be fun to do something ordinary & quaint while playing. A hero or saint can be a normal being like anyone else. We run out of things to do, achievements to check off... and this would provide something creative and fun, no matter how simple or in depth we go.

All the best,Nala

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