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[SUGGESTION] Warrior banner "battle standard"


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Having immunity to conditions and reduce damage taken by 50%, that is ONLY WHEN GRABBING THE BANNER AS A WARRIOR, it would greatly help a warrior command WvW as a true commander and leader in the battle field.

Currently, the warrior cannot even go near the front line with all the AoE and condi-cancer that afflicts WvW because all the boons are corrupted or stripped, and on top of that endure pain is bugged and receives damage from siphoning life.

Now, there will be warrior haters that will cry out loud: "Hell no, that will be to OP, bla bla bla....."But that will not be OP because the banner is only for support and has a cool down of 240 seconds (4 minutes). If the warrior wants to do damage then he will have to drop the banner and use normal skills, but if he drops the banner, then he loses immunity to conditions and the 50% reduce damage.

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