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Focus the same target


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I'm atm at gold 2 and there's a very specific build comp I can't beat

When I see it i feel actually like "oh god, here we go again"

Comp is any combination of firebrand, scourge (even reaper sometimes) and scrapper

Any combination of 2 of this classes are really annoying to play against

I avoid fighting the 2 together

But team doesn't accept they're hard , to not say impossible to beat with an uncoordinated team in a team fight, if your comp has the capability to kill em at all, sometimes is just a bunch of duelists that doesn't stand a chance in team fights

Even if I tell them not to push usually mid the capped point, and fight there over 4, 5 mins trying to kill one of those, they keep doing it, feeding mid forever

In their minds the cause of failure is "we didn't focus the same target"

In fact this can work sometimes, but 80% of the time they'll be able to ress each other and wipe your team again

I just try to tell them to play sides, try to split the tanky duo and out rotate their team

But nobody listens

I can only think I have to get better at my game, win my duels faster, so I'm able to rotate more

I know I'm not good enough, I've seen plat 2 ppl carry this games

I'm playing weaver atm, and I win most of my duels

I'm not saying I always play right, I screw up my duels sometimes, and also my rotations, but at least I try to find favorable fights across the map

Even tho, I still keep my winrate 60-70%, so I'm slowly climbing out of this hell

In plat 1 matches, even if the duels are really, really harder I don't have this problems, team just moves around, and are often in the right place

Is there any class more appropriated for this kind of matches or just should find a duo?

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Good scourges and scrappers are my thief's nemesis lol I poke at each to see where their at and if their good st sustaining I leave them unless +1 them for the rest of match cuz they can stall a fight so long if u can even down them before they down u, ur better off going to another node or helping ur teammates elsewhere cuz ur not really achieving much especially if their holding the node. Funny thing is players on those classes that arnt really good are easy pickings lol. Duo q or switching to a class that hard counters them or if there's a thief get him to +1 them with u quick during his rotation. The bursts are obscene these days but there's a few specs who have obscene sustain as well. Unless the other 3 players on their team are real bad good luck taking a node from a fb scourge combo let alone killing either lol both rez like beasts

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You need to manually divide up your team so you have focus on multiple enemies at once. Two people should be enough to down the scourge, have a third soften up the FB and then refocus all DPS on FB after the scourge goes down.

If they have both Blood Scourge and FB and Scrapper then you have to out rotate them. Easiest way is to tell them you will distract the FB and for them to fight for nodes where the FB isn’t. They can see where the FB is because you will be there consistently.

Still, you probably can’t save every game that relies on team mates who rotate into the sustain of FB-scourge and end up dying instead of capping the other node.

You might consider playing with builds that can quickly pull a target into your team or push dead bodies around. Down the FB then pull the scourge away from its res attempt. Plan for that moment.

And, you can also try to stagger their spawns so that, if they don’t regroup, they won’t be around to chain off one another.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Good scourges and scrappers are my thief's nemesis lol I poke at each to see where their at and if their good st sustaining I leave them unless +1 them for the rest of match cuz they can stall a fight so long if u can even down them before they down u, ur better off going to another node or helping ur teammates elsewhere cuz ur not really achieving much especially if their holding the node. Funny thing is players on those classes that arnt really good are easy pickings lol. Duo q or switching to a class that hard counters them or if there's a thief get him to +1 them with u quick during his rotation. The bursts are obscene these days but there's a few specs who have obscene sustain as well. Unless the other 3 players on their team are real bad good luck taking a node from a fb scourge combo let alone killing either lol

Lol, you don't understand, my team is throwing their bodies at them while I'm the only one rotating around, the duo is often capable of holding against 4, while I get plus'd wherever I try to cap, or I win my duel while my team gets killed mid and them they rotate to kill me or to chase me all across the map

It's lose, lose situation

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Oh sry Haha yea that's pub pvp for u lol u can try and communicate with ur team to stop feeding them kills but toss up to wether they listen. I made a joke on here earlier today in a thread who should go mid? My answer was everyone apparently cuz most games I'm in the side nodes are ignored except by me which usually isnt enough especially when going mid to help ur team usually ends up ur team dead and all the opposition now looking at u with a grin lol that's why I complain about rank system, half the time ur teammates even in ranked just wanna fight or get mad the got killed in mid and rush back to usually just die again lol and no matter what u do u lose match and rank.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Oh sry Haha yea that's pub pvp for u lol u can try and communicate with ur team to stop feeding them kills but toss up to weather they listen. I made a joke on here earlier today in a thread who should go mid? My answer was everyone apparently cuz most games I'm in the side nodes are ignored except by me which usually isnt enough especially when going mid to help ur team usually ends up ur team dead and all the opposition now looking at u with a grin lol that's why I complain about rank system, half the time ur teammates even in ranked just wanna fight or get mad the got killed in mid and rush back to usually just die again lol and no matter what u do u lose match and rank.

Apparently ppl that doesn't think they all should go mid are all in plat, I see full duelist team or 3 duelists and a scourge running mid against a comp that is all team fight oriented. And if you go far, oh god, it's all your fault they lost mid against fb 2 scourges and a holo

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If you care at all about ranking up you should find a partner to duo with. Its very difficult to carry games as a solo player, and its only really possible when the other team makes constant stupid mistakes that you can spot and take advantage of. You can get 20 kills a game, be winning every 1v1 and even 2v1s, but if your team is incompetent and cant hold points then you will still lose. Match quality is usually pretty poor because of the low population, which makes skill difference between players pretty huge. Expecting teammates to know not to run into unfavorable fights is often too much to ask for.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:Counter comp them. Learn other classes and figure out how to best beat them. Pugs are dumb. Plain and simple.

^ this is ur only option. Ull meet players or teams full of players in gold that seem like the dont understand the games basic mechanics. That's again due to new or bad players getting favorable matchmaking and being carried by their teammates. I bet if ranked was based of individual performance each match more people in gold wouldn't lick windows lmao

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