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[Suggestion] Expand Salvage All Options

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With the advent of the unidentified gear players have gained some inventory space or at least have more control of when they must stop to clear space before they continue their activity. To me this was a good change and the intention was appreciated. With that change though an additional QoL change that aided players was reduced in value, that being the salvage all option. If a player does not pay attention there are good odds they will break down unidentified gear by mistake. Though this breakdown will result in a chance at materials odds are good when it was done it is more often done so in mistake versus on purpose.

I would ask that the following options be considered:

  • Add a toggle that could be checked in setting that salvage all include or not unidentified gearor
  • Add additional options under the drop down that list what level of gear to salvage that includes unidentified or not. So for example we would have "Salvage all identified masterwork or lower" and a "Salvage all masterwork or lower". So for each tier we would now have two option, higher listed of the each would be the more restricted item set.

QoL changes are much appreciated since it does add quite a bit to game play but they should be adjusted if they remove/inhibit the benefit of a prior QoL change.

Thanks for the time and read. Good gaming!

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