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Please fix the lag


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What ms do you get? How far from the server are you? Isp throttling?

Im aussie with a constant 190ms (which is 60 below our national average of 250).. But as mmo goes thats actually really low compared to gw2 competitors... Eg eso id average 600ms, neverwinter was around 300ms, elite dangerous 280ms, eve online 270ms.So as for someone at is at the furthest point (gaming wise) anets doing a pretty good job when it comes to lag and to still have a strong sea/ocx community yeah you can tell.

I guess improvements could be made, ut how much is it the "middle man" so to speak?

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Consider this a report of a server issue:I normally don't have lag issues, but right about Wintersday time, I started noticing significant skill lag in WvW (note this year that bell choir is also pretty much unplayable, and that used to be my fav part of wintersday, so I suspect there is a general PvP issue...could be coincidence). This morning, in WvW, everyone on my server and the enemy servers suddenly disconnected during a truly great fight (fightus interruptus is a terrible thing) which some people believe is due to some sort of exploit. Regardless, this evening, the lag has now hit me so hard, that I don't even get to fight before I disconnect. PvE maps are normal, then I go to WvW, and immediately my ping starts to climb. When it hits around 4,000 I disconnect (yes, that is four thousand). I have reset my modem, router, and rebooted. Internet speed tests look great. Am not running arcdps, or any of that sort of thing. (Other MMO's which will not be named, are working great.) Another person on my WvW server has been having the same massive ping issue with disconnects since Wintersday, and did a repair which served to only be a big time-waster for her, so I'm not going to repeat that frustration. Instead, I'm going to go play another game. I do still love GW2 and would greatly appreciate it if you guys would pay your server bill. Thank you.

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If you roam a lot, the lag helps you a bit since you can "feel" a zerg before you see one.

But playing large scale would be more fun if there was no lag. Too bad fixing this issue would require more resources that Anet won't invest in.

IMO it should be priority #1 over anything, but given our current "roadmap", I don't see it getting better.

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