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Resurrection teammate or Capture the point, which one is preferred?


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depends. what class is around that is trying to kill them, and what defensive CDs I have available at the time. It's not your fault if any of your teammates dies. There are so many factors at play on your screen and in your thought processes that your teammate would never be able to monitor. And the time it would take to explain your thoughts before you committed to any actions would be a loss. Just do your best, and whoever rages and blames you for anything, probably blames everyone else for everything and doesn't have a sense of self-accountability. pvp is dynamic, not static. everythign happens and changes on the fly. So just do what feels best in the moment.

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I rezzed a good player yesterday and climbed all the way to him on the no port spot in collosseum where you can jump around the edge of the roof, feared ppl away of disturbing me with shroud 3 and staff 5, put anti-projectile cloud under my rezz because of those rangers trying to kill me. This rezz prevented us from snowballing hard since afterwards we could kill all those ppl standing around. In higher games (p2) ppl know when to rezz and when it is better to back off and it is usually more coordinated. If a player is downed that died like 10 times one game already (I had a guard in a game yesterday who always jumped in the middle of the node and was free feeding) I don‘t. Especially when you rezz them and they just stand there afking mid afterwards because they are trash-talking in the chat and not even noticing.

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