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0% Map Completion + Infinite Loading Screen/Can't Log in

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This sounds like some sort of a connection issue. Certain values not loading suggests that the client is receiving the information correctly for some reason or another. The endless loading screen reinforces that theory - of course to get to the character selection screen at all confirms there is some sort of connection. Client repair will be the thing to do for sure if your connection is solid. https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/201863008-Repairing-the-Game-Client

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:You can try a -repair of the client.You can try deleting your GW2 local.dat.[...]You can try the Command Line Argument, -prefreset.

These are the three things I'd recommend as well, in the following order:

  1. You can try deleting your GW2 local.dat.
  2. You can try a -repair of the client.
  3. You can try the Command Line Argument, -prefreset.

If those don't solve the issue, try this:

Launch the Command Prompt (cmd.exe) and execute the following three commands:

  • ipconfig /release
  • ipconfig /renew
  • ipconfig /flushdns

Then restart your PC.

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