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Why we don't balance around low-tier (anecdotal)

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I'm a casual pvp player who spends maybe an hour a day playing, beginning a short few months ago. I'm at silver 2, I believe. I rolled my first symbolbrand. I just copied the Metabattle pvp build. I read the tips. I practiced for about 90 seconds in the arena while waiting for my first match. Led my team in damage at a measly 224k.. And that's while getting focused hard by pretty much any enemy in range and dying a LOT. It doesn't mean my dps or build is op. Means it has a low skill floor. Means I'm not the one you should be balancing around. Just my opinion. Discussion and counter-points welcome.

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Low skill floor builds are something which did be addressed, but not at the detriment to the class performance overall.

For example, nerfing the cooldown on unholy sanctuary was a good change because it takes the auto-shroud out of heavy use in lower skill tiers, but it was already not needed in high skill tiers.

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I dont even really think that the Auto Shroud was much of a problem for that build. It is the way that the traits and shroud life pool work. Taking those high vitality amulets gives necro more life , which gives a bigger life force pool , those traits are % based and restore 2-3% life force per second . so when you combine the 2 it acts as a 900hp per second heal essentially. Even more with sanctuary runes that give you shroud based on every heal you get , with wells pulsing heals and life siphon and shroud already negating damage. They need the traits to be more stat oriented and less % based. Like you heal based on healing skill X amount while not in shroud. . The necros life force pool should probably be a static number that only increases with the trait line designed to increase life force and it should be a static number. Like 100 baseline 120 with trait. That way things like the signet that restore X% don't get completely busted when stacking a ton of vitality. I'm all for removing the auto save me stuff , but it isn't the reason nearly every player is packing every hard CC you can cram into a build to deal with necros.

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Symbol brand isn’t that bad- if u want ez sage brand would be x2 as ez. But it seems to be less optimal because in large scale team fights where both sides have good comps the burning won’t do much damage cuz they might have resistance or say they have a condition rev- you will just kill your team

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