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What race do you like for your engineer, and why?


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I picked Sylvari for my engineer.

Simply because I like plants and looking through the customization options, I thought it was pretty cool that you could chose a mushroom for your hairstyle that kinda looked like a bamboo hat.Also I liked that it was a pretty unconventional combination and was really hyped when Scarlet Briar got introduced, giving us a prominent Sylvari engineer.

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Norn. Because Norn are best.

That said, Charr fits more thematically what with their thing being making turrets and tanks and helicopters and stuff.

On the other hand... Asura Engineer can use their mech-suit racial elite or summon a golem... (Too bad Engie doesn't get a toolbelt skill for racial elites, only normal racial utilities)

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I picked Asura. And I love her.

She's a Retro engineer[basically a reverse engineer with a cooler name] who was experimenting on Dredge sonic tech that exploded and permanently damaged her hearing. So now she wears hearing aids that filter out extreme noises and helps her hear softer sounds.

It helps with me with some of the theming issues with Engineer and Asura since the turrets for an Asura probably should be old have the Asura turret skins but don't. This way she has a reason to use those old clunky looking charr and human turrets, gyros and kits.

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I changed from tiniest and slinkiest Asura to max size fattest Charr because people complained they couldnt see me. Now my pistols are larger than an entire Asura.

I can add that I originally picked Asura because of the sheer fucking joy they get out of engineer pistols.


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Norn: drunken coarse mechanic (just give me a hammer large enough and I will make it fitting)Charr: ecological disaster (ok, it makes a lot of noise, looses oil and produces a lot of dark smoke, but hey what would it be without?)Sylvari: flower powerAsura: experimental high tech (It will explode, im sure, I just have to find out which part and when)Human: mechanics? We are still medivial!

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My oldest Engi is human because weapons and armour look best on humans.

I’ve just levelled another Engi though, this time asura and really enjoying it! I could do with an extra 10-15% in height and the weapons clipping through the ground are annoying, but there’s a quirky agility about asura which is great fun and complements grenade-tossing and pistol-slinging.

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