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HOT and Ley line gliding is it worth it?

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I'm at a crossroads. I have almost enough mastery points (11) for Ley line gliding. I do have enough for either itzel leadership or nuhoch proving. Would Itzel or nuhoch be more beneficial at the present time and just wait on Ley line gliding? I'm leaning toward Itzel ...

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Leyline gliding is super useful, theres leylines in various maps in the living story seasons 3+, as well bounce shrooms.Leyline gliding is used in hot to reach hero points that is unreachable except with mounts or a friendly mesmer portaling you.Northern Drizzlewood have leyline gliding options.

And theres more than enough hot mastery points to get everything if you have the whole of ls3. I have everything hotwise unlocked, and x21 spare hot mastery points.

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One of the least useful but itzel leadership and nuhoch proving are worse in comparison since those only have one use each while ley line gliding in usable in various places. On the other hand itzel leads to Adrenal Mushrooms which is pretty nice so it also depends a bit on your future plans

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Ley Line Gliding is quite nice. Even with mounts such as Skyscale/Griffon, it can be useful to traverse maps like Bloodstone Fen and Ember Bay among other areas where it can be useful.

The last couple of masteries for Itzel/Nuhoch/Exalted are pretty lame. The challengers generally require several people to beat because they're super tough (More so than your average HoT HP Champion) and are not particularly popular to be done. Otherwise their only use is to allow the purchase of the items for the Order backpacks but that's of limited relevance if you enter LS3 and can farm currency to purchase Ascended backpieces...

With the final mastery being basically just for 1 unlock each:

  • Itzel with the Adrenal Mushrooms is useful for a HP in Auric Basin where you have to eat the funky meat and not throw up (But can be done anyway with a number of class skills that can provide persistent healing), it theoretically can be useful for fights but in my experience the places where Adrenal Mushrooms are tend not to be places where any fights of actual note take place (I.e. HP's, Meta event champions/legendaries)
  • Nuhoch with the Nuhoch Alchemy seems basically irrelevant for anything I've encountered so far, even the troublesome Chak HP's make it pointless by the Champs just insta-downing you with the first hits of acid anyway. Maybe it has use for the achievement in that one mission where there's that area with 100 Chak you need to kill, but if you just pull them 1 at a time with a ranged weapon it makes it less necessary.
  • Exalted with the Exalted Gathering is literally just used to get an item for the Specialization collections.

Really, after getting the key masteries (Up to Blazing Speed for Itzel, up to Exalted Acceptance for Exalted and up to Nuhoch Stealth Detection for Nuhoch), Gliding and the LS3 masteries (Up to Oakheart's Reach which is necessary for the JP in Draconis Mons and is very useful in Draconis Mons and Dragonfall before getting your Skyscale) are the most useful.

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