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RETURNING PLAYER after a few years.

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well.. downloaded the game out of curiosity and basically fell on my head.i remember leaving a little after path of fire in order to play other games (duelyst R.I.P).

HOWEVER it seems that i did not buy the h.o.t expansion, i did but the path of fire one. while the new free h.o.t deal is going i'm asking for your help, how the hell am i getting in? i bought the path of fire back then, don't want to pay more then needed.

thank you,you average cheap person.

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Login to your account (account.arena.net) and it lists what you have access to. It should also say so under the story journal inside the game.

Everyone with PoF has HoT. They're not actually including HoT with sales of PoF, they instead changed HoT to require either a HoT or PoF key to access. In rare cases, accounts with PoF may still have HoT appear to be locked, in which case you just contact support to fix it.

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@"Ashantara.8731" said:I am not so sure about it...

"[...] we chose to include Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns free with all Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire purchases from now on."

Source: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/guild-wars-2-heart-of-thorns-is-free-with-guild-wars-2-path-of-fire/

Yes but the line right after state, so that means even older path of fire account should have it unlocked aswell.

If you already own Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire but didn’t purchase Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, both expansions will be available on your account within twenty-four hours of the announcement.

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