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Please remove event requirements in future living story episodes when you play the story for the 2nd


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3rd or the 1000th time! (I hate title limits)One time on one character is enough. I'm currently doing some stuff on an alt character and this is very panicking, boring and tideous for me.Also some older LSS episode maps are very unerpouplated wich makes stuff much harder for beginners (not veterans like me playing since 2012 but new players are pretty overwhelmed by this).At least give us an option to skip this as this can be very stressing, panic attack inducing and maybe hard for noobs.Most of the community doesn't even care about the beautiful lore of this game and rather wants to show off prestige stuff and speedclear every raid once a week and only log in once a day for daily rewards and fractals T4 dailies and randomly insults other players which is sad.Most of the event stuff doesn't even contibute to the lore anyways.

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Ok, then don't do something that causes panic stress and boredom then assume some new player is going to experience that and stuff needs to be change for someone who has panic attacks in a video game but keeps doing stuff that causes these panic attacks. Any new player will get the same advice. Try and play LS maps when it's the daily day as maps are much more populated then on non-daily maps.

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  • 3 weeks later...

OP, which stages of LS are problematic for you?

I left the game shortly after HoT was released, and just came back earlier this year during the original GW anniversary event in spring. I've since done season 3, HoT, season 4, and PoF solo without getting stuck at all due to empty maps. In my experience there are always players around, and if I don't see a group actively doing something in LFG I can do something else for a brief time and check back and there will be a group doing events/bounties/etc.

In the last six months or so of doing both LS seasons, both expansions, and getting every mount, I've only had to initiate getting a group together once, and that was for Toxic Spider Queen in Kessex Hills (can't remember, was that for a skyscale or beetle step?). Someone asked in map chat for help with the Krait Witch, so I pitched in, and when it was done, asked if the handful of people there could help with the Spider Queen, and several were happy to help.

I haven't found a single abandoned zone from any of the old LS or expansion content. Occasionally, I had to be flexible and come back to something a little later, but that's not a huge problem.

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@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:In the last six months or so of doing both LS seasons, both expansions, and getting every mount, I've only had to initiate getting a group together once, and that was for Toxic Spider Queen in Kessex Hills (can't remember, was that for a skyscale or beetle step?).

How did you fare with the Alpha Beetle in Silverwastes afterwards? (now that IS a hard one to find a group for)

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@Nazarick.9653 said:

@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:In the last six months or so of doing both LS seasons, both expansions, and getting every mount, I've only had to initiate getting a group together once, and that was for Toxic Spider Queen in Kessex Hills (can't remember, was that for a skyscale or beetle step?).

How did you fare with the Alpha Beetle in Silverwastes afterwards? (now that IS a hard one to find a group for)

I think that is one of the mob types with very bad AI which allows you to kite them at range with little risk.

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@Nazarick.9653 said:

@Steve The Cynic.3217 said:In the last six months or so of doing both LS seasons, both expansions, and getting every mount, I've only had to initiate getting a group together once, and that was for Toxic Spider Queen in Kessex Hills (can't remember, was that for a skyscale or beetle step?).

How did you fare with the Alpha Beetle in Silverwastes afterwards? (now that IS a hard one to find a group for)

Um. Please refine your quoting. I didn't say that.

That said, I think that all I did was hit it until it fell over and didn't get up. It's been a while since I did that one (trust me, I really wanted the Beetle, so I cranked on its collections pretty fast after they released it), but I don't remember anything special about it.

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