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"compact" option again right next to "deposit" option.

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Before today's update, both options were inside the "cog" menu of the inventory. There was a setting which players could use to place the 'compact' option either right next to or far away from the 'deposit' option. This facilitates players that just prefer to organize their inventory in different ways.Todays update pulled those two options out of the menu and made them separate buttons next to the "cog" icon. But they were both pulled out, regardless of the setting "please move that option away from "deposit", moreover, the whole setting is gone now. In effect, the "compact" option is, again, right next to the "deposit" option. For some players that's perfect. For others, it's terrible. I am one of the latter.Why it is terrible for me? Because I prefer to order my inventory in a specific way. Where ever I put items I like them to stay there. I would like to never use that "compact" option. Every time I do, I have to resort my inventory for a long time, which is very, very frustrating. I would really like that option to be inside the menu again, out of my way, where it is difficult to click on by accident.There are suggestions to "simply" use special bags. Except that is a bad idea. I already have bags, some of them account-bound. I don't really fancy crafting those expensive bags again, just for a different type. Also, all of the "non-compact"-bags also have other side-effects I do not want. Some of them prevent vendoring, some prevent depositing, for some, no 32-versions exist. I am not aware of any existing 32-slot bag that would just be a regular bag but prevents "compacting". Even if it would exist: how would I exchange existing bags to that type? Why should I be forced to use that special type and be "locked out" of bags like the Bandit Coin purse or Halloween bags, just because I do not want by inventory reordered?

TL;TR: Please, please, please re-add the option to hide the 'compact' button. It wouldn't need to be off completely: maybe just add an option to have it back inside the "cog"-menu again. I really like the change of the "deposit"-button being outside, but the "compact"-button being there as well is a terrible regression for some players.

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I also am petrified I'm going to hit that compact button in error. I have a sensitive mouse dpi and it wouldn't take more than a minimal hand twitch or slight hitch in movement to set the cursor in the wrong spot just as I click.

I sort my inventory by location in my bags. I keep the window a particular width so nothing ever moves around without me manually clicking and dragging it. Some of my alts have enormous amounts of items that I can quickly find things in because I know where in the various "tabs" and what side of the line of slots they will be in. Back before the Compact option got moved I accidentally hit it a few times, rendering that alt almost useless until I'd spent 15 minutes dragging everything back into place.

Please offer a way to prevent Compact from being accidentally hit while using the constantly needed Deposit All. Either move it again, or give an option to lock it from being used. I don't know that this thread belongs in Bugs, but wherever it goes, the issue is real and urgent.

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The same issue for me: I have a 24-slot bag in the bottom of my inventory for some stuff, which I need to keep with myself, but I use it rarely. If I compact my inventory, all this trash bubbles up so it takes like 5-10 mins to re-sort my bags again. I could use an invisible bag for this theoretically, but there is no invisible boreal bag in game and elonian one is like 1.5 times more expensive to craft. So previously it was a fine option to move 'compact' button so it could not be clicked accidentally. Now there is not.

Another one problem I noticed after the patch: clicking icon, then 1st option from list became a reflex. I clicked 'hide rarity/show rarity' for 5-6 times already during the evening. So if devs move 'compact' back to list as a 1st option, it might be even worse then it is for now :-)

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@Kitich.4580 said:So if devs move 'compact' back to list as a 1st option, it might be even worse then it is for now :-)

I didn't even think of that. I just hope that they realize that someone who wants to hide 'compact' inside the cog, likely also does not want it to be the first option, let alone at a place where the most-clicked icon so far had been. :#

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@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet should simply revert this change.

Not quite. I think the 'deposit' button outside was a good idea, for everyone. The 'compact' button should have been configurable, like before. I can see that it could be very helpful for those that like to compact, and also to have them right next to each other (or even configurable one button for both actions?). Both 'compact' and 'deposit' are both not easily undoeable if you accidentally click them, however while all (?) players typically like to 'deposit' stuff, the same is not true for 'compact'. And, because both buttons are now, again, right next to each other, mis-clicks will happen and the consequence is really, really annoying - in a game that is supposed to be fun.

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@areliorn.3165 said:

@Fueki.4753 said:Arenanet should simply revert this change.

Not quite. I think the 'deposit' button outside was a good idea, for everyone. The 'compact' button should have been configurable, like before. I can see that it could be very helpful for those that like to compact, and also to have them right next to each other (or even configurable one button for both actions?). Both 'compact' and 'deposit' are both not easily undoeable if you accidentally click them, however while all (?) players typically like to 'deposit' stuff, the same is not true for 'compact'. And, because both buttons are now, again, right next to each other, mis-clicks will happen and the consequence is really, really annoying - in a game that is supposed to be fun.

Before, you had both options in the list by default, with the option to turn those two functions into buttons (as far as I remember).Now the buttons have been forced onto everyone.

Clearly, that choice before was objectively superior.

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@Fueki.4753 said:Before, you had both options in the list by default, with the option to turn those two functions into buttons (as far as I remember).

Before you always had both options in the list, with the compact option right after the deposit option by default, but with an option to move it to the end of the list, where it is harder to click by accident. Now both have been moved out of the list, right next to each other, and that option got removed.

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