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Feedback Pick & Ban PvP Showmatch


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Hello to you guys,

After having organized the showmatch this Saturday, we wanted above all to thank you for being so present, and for helping us to make this project a reality.

We already had feedback from players and few viewers, but we would like to get as much feedback as possible.The goal will be to continue in the same way and to be able to organize tournaments (and maybe more) with the best format we can provide

I'll post the YouTube link from the French cast of the Showmatch later.

Thank you in advance

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I didnt watch it yet

But i read the previous post

You should try something around maps to draft, like dota, you can choose the side of the map or first pick.

Since you pick/ban classes some comps will be at great advantage in certain maps

The other team has to figure out what you trying to do when you pick one of those maps

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