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Constant crashes

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Getting the same issues, first the game wouldnt install right so i had to fix that, then i get the crash error randomly and everything is fine for a week, now i cant play for more thana few min before the game just closes itself or i get the .exe crash message....nothing on my end is causing this as i've checked and rechecked every possible issue and tried numerous fixes with zero luck...no other game gets these issues just gw2...so annoying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have this as well. It's been a recurring issue for me for at least a year now. Sometimes I can play without problems for days, other times I get crashes with 10 minute intervals. The same issue has been referenced in threads like this for ages as well.

Like many others, I have tried virtually every test imaginable. I have repaired and reinstalled the game, I have done hardware tests and stress tests, and a clean OS reinstall. I've tried to play without antivirus or any other program that people have suggested might cause some interference. During this year I've had an overhaul of almost all hardware in the computer, and the issue still persists.

It's been an issue to the point that I'm just playing the game sporadically now, and barely ever bother with any meta events. What's the point when you likely crash in the middle and then end up on an empty map when you return?

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  • 4 months later...

Same issue here, A lot of crashes after 5 minutes - 30 minutes of game-time. All random with different causes. One time memory address not readable or a GUARD-issue or a code i didn't understand. I repaired 4 times already, 1 time suggested by the Client after starting but didn't respond. 2 times Full repair. 1 time no response at after 1 minute. I even re-installed the entire game. Yesterday 6 of August 2020 i played the game the entire day on max graphical settings. No Problem. ASUS ROG Strix 2080RTX should not be the problem. All drivers redone. CPU AMD Ryzen 3900, 12 core. DxDiag sees no problems whatsoever. So after a year is this still an issue Anet?Solution please (and resetting the game was already done by you, twice).

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  • 4 months later...

It crashes for me often, especially when I fighting algongside many other players. I have tried underclocking my 1650 super, reinstalling drivers, updateing Windows 10 etc.... It only happens with GW2, the rest of the games run fine. I have seen posts on NVIDIA and other places raising the same concern about the game stability.We would appriciate if you can improve the game.I found this support link: https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/230671867-Fixing-Errors-and-Crashes-with-a-Clean-Boot. I am not about the strength of the argument suggesting that the root cause is another application. An out of memory error is typical on applications that are spilling memory.Good luck improving stability and compatibility of this great game.

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