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A small and unlikely theory about "War Eternal"


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@"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:The Wiki says, "The All, also referred to as the Antikytheria, is a symbolic representation of the world of Tyria as a machine with various moving parts. Those who have seen it describe it synonymously with the Eternal Alchemy"

Yet you're saying it's not the same.

I digress.

Yes, those who have seen it - mainly Scarlet and the Commander alone - described it synonymously with the Eternal Alchemy. The Commander described it as such because they didn't know of The All at the time, they merely entered the machine and saw what Scarlet saw, and Scarlet claimed she saw the Eternal Alchemy. The players, Commander, etc. learned of The All's existence three episodes after the Commander saw The All.

Unreliable narrator in heavy use here. Scarlet claimed to see the Eternal Alchemy but actually saw The All; the Commander saw what Scarlet saw, knowing it was what Scarlet saw, and thus said they saw the Eternal Alchemy, only to learn later it was actually The All they saw.

@"Sir Vincent III.1286" said:But Abaddon's influence extended all the way back to the Lich and Shiro way before Varesh.

They were both converted (via manipulation or not) via demonic servants, not Abaddon's own actions. There is a vast difference between the reach of Abaddon's influence (his powers and direct actions) and Abaddon's impact (the reach of his manipulation through servants).

He was able to send a handful of servants - namely, three known ones - to Thyria in the past around 200 years prior to GW1, and through them manipulate others (including Khilbron and Shiro) into doing what he wanted them to do. But Abaddon himself was unable to do anything. Everything that Khilbron and Shiro did had no direct relation to Abaddon until their postmortem imprisonment in the Realm of Torment.

I don't know about "nearly beaten" because to me he's just toying with us. Playing into our belief that there is hope to only crush that hope in the end.

At the start of the battle, Kralkatorrik is radiating energy, his crystals a bright shining purple. By the end of the battle, those purple crystals are dulled and grayed like stone and flesh, his energy no longer so radiant. He was definitely beaten to an metaphorical inch of his life. Whether you interpret him rearing up at the end after laying down as him passing out then coming to at the last moment, or him playing dead. But he was definitely near collapse when we were stabbing his eye.

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