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Some tips on getting the PoF City of Amnoon Sous-Chef mini game Mastery Point

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Initially, I found this mini-game to be really frustrating and clearly its supposed to be a challenge, but it felt like the design made it unintentionally more difficult than intended. Many a "kitten" phrase did I utter while attempting this over and over again. Below are some tips on getting this mastery point.

Like all things gw2, check out the wikihttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pot_of_Soup

First thing, take a deep breath and accept this mini game will take many, many, many attempts. You will need good memorization and reasonable accuracy and good response time. You can do it without being perfect but screwing up hurts.

The tips

  1. You throw the ingredients at the chef and not the pot of stew. I and many other people initially made that mistake.
  2. The chef doesn't have to be dead center on the throw's ground target. He just has to be in the circle when the ingredient lands. If he moves before it lands, you miss.
  3. He won't say anything if you miss. He will say something immediately if you hit. Either he will tell you threw the wrong thing (he won't repeat the right thing) or he will tell you the next ingredient.
  4. Also when you hit with the correct ingredient, time will be added to the bar above your head.
  5. The throw "cast time" is 1 second and it takes another fraction of a second for the ingredient-projectile to hit, but the chef moves quickly. If he's moving, aim at the place he's going to.
  6. Expect the chef to move every 4-5 ingredient throws.
  7. The cooking stations like the ingredients are fixed places but which one he moves to is random.
  8. The ingredients are spread all over the kitchen (see diagram in wiki) and which ones the chef will ask for is completely random and it can be a duplicate. Also, he may not ask for the ingredient in the same way every time. He may just say "Yellowtail" one time and "Yellowtail tuna" the next time
  9. Change your settings to see NPC chat text in your chat box, you will instantly see what he's asking for and can start moving before the voice acting finishes. Also, if you throw the wrong thing you can look at your chat box and check what he originally asked for.
  10. Some ingredients are right next to other ones and its very easy to think you've picked up one when you have actually picked the wrong thing. For example, water and apple pie don't look like they are right next to each other, but its very easy to accidentally select water when running over to the pie and you are supposed to throw pie (sadly no funny pie throw animation). Make sure the small "bouncing arrow" is pointing above what you want selected before hitting "F".
  11. There are 19 ingredients, but each one is always in the same place. Again see the wiki for a diagram. I wish I had looked at that first. Sadly, the cooking stations the chef moves between are not in the diagram but you eventually figure those out.

Hopefully you can last the entire 2 minutes of this brutal psych torture and get that Mastery!

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Took me a few goes to get this, as I didn't know where the things he was calling out were.So what helped me?? (1) figure out where the ingredients he calls out are (2) spam run whenever it's off CD (3) Throw as soon as he has stopped somewhere and not about to run off somewhere else :)

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