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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. i wanna know if anybody has come up with a useful soulbeast roaming build that doesn’t rely on camping towers. suitable for 1v1 as well..
  2. people, you have no excuse for dying to sicem meme rangers. you have mounts and build templates. swap to full nomads and mobility before you reach your squad. it’s literally 2 buttons. git gud. also, just stop running around with 2300 armor, maybe? if you run THAT squishy you have 0 right to complain about being 1shot. sicem ranger is no longer unblockable. block rapidfire and they have only melee, so kite them. now they have nothing. it’s so easy i can’t even remember the last time i died to sicem ranger. boonbeast GS- LB is way stronger but it won’t kill you in 2s. NM variant with sw-wh is just kinda.. meh? they can’t really hurt you unless you let them. WS - BM is where it’s at. skirmish + BM with quickdraw also works but it isn’t as strong as WS. boonbeast can currently be very tanky and deal decent dmg at the same time, BUT , it has 0 mobility outside of stealth. and if you play bird, you don’t have stealth other than LB. also i don’t really see how people are getting facerolled by noob rangers? they play like garbage. it’s not hard to beat. you are either playing too squish or they are just better than you think they are. dolyak stance is definitely a “”problem”” if you want to nerf soulbeast, but if you do nerf soulbeast significantly we will just go back to being useless in blobs, useless in roaming, useless in pvp.
  3. Don't play this kitten anymore cus it's not even close to being balanced. Necro noob mains can misplay like crazy but still use fear making it hard to hold node, meanwhile even tho they play terrible they survive for 100000 years. Why should necro be able to live for so long? Most other classes still die in 10-15s~ if they play bad, but necro takes at least 40 seconds. And couple that with their stupid res skills, downedstate dmg... It's just stupid. This game is not even close to competitive anymore (well it never was, but it's at least x2 as bad now) and if you honestly think you're good at this game cus you get plat 1 or 2 with ele, rev, FB, DH or core necro... Well, you're not. Oh and don't get me started on DH it's actually more infuriating than necro because how god damned EASY it is to stay alive. Their defense rotation is mind boggling easy. I'm not talking about ppl on same skill level here, I'm talking about literal NEWBIES with less 500 games being able to stay alive and be a NUISANCE to me in spvp for WAYYYYY longer than they should be able to for their skill level. They get outplay massively, i dodge all their dmg but playing defensively is so *** easy it made me quit the game.
  4. That wouldn't explain why this specifically only happens in spvp and not wvw.
  5. Over the past year or so I've noticed spvp has gotten laggy. Like, server-side ms ping lag. Not fps. Pretty sad. If I were to compare it to anything, it's like when you're in wvw ebg and there's at least 1 big blob fight. If you go to a wvw map with 0 blobs, the server lag is gone.. but in spvp, it's always mostly always there. Anyone else notice this? It's getting quite frustrating tbh. I mean spvp is supposedly the most competitive game mode in gw2 yet it seems, at least to me, to be more laggy than WvW which is very ironic.
  6. I guess rangers and mesmers don't count. Ranger has to use combo fields or land an arrow. Still decent amount of projectile blocks, various classes have blinds, some have aegis. Yea it's not an easy arrow/skill to dodge I'll give you that, but at least it relies on actually hitting so there's counter play. As for the smokefield, it's fairly obvious when they are going to cast it so if you have reveal slotted it's very easy to deny them that opportunity.
  7. For roaming I run 0 condi cleanse by traits (soulbeast) but I run double cleansing sigil, although I wouldn't say it's "on demand" as I can't just swap weapons any time I want to cleanse. And Lightening reflex removes immobilize.. that's basically it. I like cleansing sigil in wvw more than spvp as it kinda frees up other traitlines to be used. Before they made it 3 condis, everyone always had to run condi cleanse traitlines etc and it was so boring.
  8. I would say thief and holosmith. They have enough invul/stealth/block uptime that when they are attacking they have stab the entire time. I haven't looked at engi for a while so I can't tell you the traits they run right now (on phone) but they use mostly commanders stats and durability runes (yawn.. ?) Faceroll in photonforge for dmg, oh noes my stab is off cooldown or enemy dodged all my cooldowns, you just use invul, shield block and some of them also use the utility that gives them weapon set with block and pull (forgot name) just so you can't do anything to them for at least 10 seconds or so, then pop stab again, photon forge rinse repeat.. It takes very little skill to pull off and is incredibly effective. The worst that can happen is that you don't land your dmg or CC but then you just reset and try again. Thief is probably stronger though, as it's able to strip boons consistently. Imy more upset about holo than thief tho, as it's so stupidly easy to use and play. In trouble? Just press a few buttons in no particular order and enemy can do pretty much nothing.
  9. While I agree balance rn isn't the best, to say balance wasn't stupid before is just wrong. Boons were even more overkill than they are now. However, this patch was laid out as ground work and afaik the next balance patch is Tuesday next week.. so we will see how that turns out. As someone who moved to guardian(DH) from longbow ranger before soulbeast was a thing, there is no comparing the 2 classes post patch, ranger grossly out classes DH skill per skill from longbow/elites/invuln's/melee with cast times/speed/damage post patch without taking a pet into consideration, soulbeast was tough, and dangerous before the patch, but now unless the ranger is grossly incompetent the DH may as well log off.Pre patch I could fight any class, very rarely did I encounter something I couldn't find a way to kill, only 2 builds I found could run over me, or brokenly hard counter me, and I played the same build for 4+ years, anyone could kill me when I made a mistake, didn't take the enemy seriously, or they out played me.So, boonbeast with siamoth didn't kill you before? Permaboons holo with crazy stab uptime and quickness was np? After the patch, as a ranger, FB feels harder for me, as I'm no longer playing with boons ( purposely, cus boons are for noobs )I have to be careful every single step and make sure to avoid f1 every time or I could die very quickly. I'm not saying DH is on par with soulbeast, but it is definitely not as easy as before, cus before you didn't have to care what opponent was doing. Just executive the same rotation until they are dead. Now it's different.
  10. While I agree balance rn isn't the best, to say balance wasn't stupid before is just wrong. Boons were even more overkill than they are now. However, this patch was laid out as ground work and afaik the next balance patch is Tuesday next week.. so we will see how that turns out.
  11. Every time I try posting LF 2v2 plat1Some dude in gold1 or less party invites me and me being stupidly naive I don't realize they are shit rating until like 4 minutes later just before the queue pops and I have to cancel. The majority of gw2 players are silver - gold 2 players. Why do you think they qq so much? U barely ever see any posts like " hey guys I've been having issues with X class what can I do to improve? What are their weakness? I play Y build". A lot of people in shit rating think their opinions are facts. Also, this .. OP dude is posting a build about condi mirage and only tested it in wvw with energy sigils and then posts it in spvp thread. Genius.
  12. I feel the same way as you but I think we need to specify which spec we're talking about to clarify.
  13. Absolute brainiacs don't even realize this is a troll post and are upset at OP LOL
  14. Yea the best advice I can give is do it behind walls, you know they don't have immediate condi cleanse ready, or at a point where you know they can't dodge it, they might have cleanse ready but you have CC ready. Because the immob means they can't dodge your stun, etc. Cleansing usually takes an extra second for most people whereas dodging is basically instant.
  15. Yu are able to field way more CC which come up faster than someone can run Stunbreakers who can answer for it. Some CC skills are also baked into Weapons and Profession mechanics. Meanwhile, all sorts of Stunbreaks, from passive traits or from utilities, got a widespread nerf. Result? Yu can now CC lock someone because yu can rotate two entire cooldowns of CCs before their Stunbreaks even come up. As someone who has been abusing Kick Warrior in WvW and PvP, I know for a fact CC lockdown builds are a problem right now.All I do is chain Bull Rush into Kick into Shield bash into another Kick into Stomp into another Kick while weaving in some Axe autos and Axe 2s in between and just finish up with an easy Axe burst. That build sounds hilarious.But.. I mean.. enemy has stunbreakers.. and dodges.. and blocks depending on class.. gap openers.. blinds. I don't think we should be balancing game depending on how easy it is to rofl stomp noobs :)
  16. Yes I agree. I also bought all the skins with gold. I grinded this game in pve so hard to get as much gold as possible for the last 3 years so I could buy all the skins and passes, legendary armor and everything.I set foot in wvw for the first time since 2012 and for some reason anet thinks it's OK for me to die in under 10s? Keep in mind, I run the BEST build with the highest DPS. Kitten this balance, anet!
  17. What exactly is wrong with cc lockdown builds tho? Considering CC skills now deal almost 0 dmg it seems fair to me. It's not like they have hammered down everyone's ability to run stunbreakers.
  18. gear wise, isn't this impossible to avoid? Marauders versus diviners: pretty much the same damage wise, one gives vitality while the other gives concentration. Basically, the only way an actual tradeoff can happen is if reaching 100% boon duration was reachable by combining concentration gears+runes and a specific boon oriented traitline that offers no damage bonuses (which would mean 20~30% less damage than picking an offensive traitline). I would say that part of the problem is that maximum concentration gives twice as long boons, but going from 2 second stability to 4 may not actually feel that impactful gamewise? What if going for capped boon duration meant 3x boon times (if doing so forced 20~30% less damage)? But then we have the bunker issue: condition builds generally don't benefit as much from damage modifiers, and mostly they don't even get more than one traitline that specializes in condition damage, meaning they could go full bunker with long boon durations. concentration is in sort of a pickle: for pve it's all about maintaining full uptime of the key boons for groups (mostly might, protection, alacrity and quickness), whereas in PvP/WvW, it's supposed to be about calculated short duration usage. How does one reconcile that? Splits so that boons are vomited all over the group in PvE, but scarce in PvP/WvW? Diviners gives significantly less dmg than marauders, as marauder has power and prec as a main stat with fero and vitality, whereas diviners has concentration as a main stat. So you'll have the same power as marauder, but significantly less precision which leads to overall way less than marauder. Even if you have the same power and ferocity levels in a build, the difference between 50% crit chance and 100% crit chance is huge when using skills like rapid fire or axe #5 which are multiple hits. In pvp/wvw especially, you want to have more reliable dmg instead of half crits half non crits.If Maul on your greatsword doesn't crit it's gonna deal such an insignificant amount of dmg you may as well have used an auto attack.
  19. I know it's not always easy to get against some professions, but kiting and waiting for a good moment, you can do it :) OMG I LOVED EACH OF THESE BUILDS!Still today, the Beastmaster Condition with ax / dagger and sword / torch is MY FAVORITE BUILD, with 1200 leash pets BEAUTIFUL XDBunker Druid omg I still remember 15 minutes of fighting with a Tempet on the point, Bunker meta LOL You forgot the power shortbow 1200 range, that build was cancerous :) Oh yea you can definitely do it and I have done it multiple times but it just isn't worth using when mentioned specs can just try chipping you down the whole game while you can't do anything unless you land a perfect double stun burst combo and they are completely out of everything. All it takes is 1 aegis proc and your burst is gone. Or 1 blind or even a daze to interrupt you. It can work but you're mostly scrambling just to survive until everything falls into place for you. And believe me, if you're fighting competent players they will see this coming a mile away. Everyone knows how soulbeast works. I'm not saying it's bad, but FB just fucks everything over, imo. That spec needs to be straight up removed from the game and spvp will be better off.
  20. I could be wrong but I think op is asking for ranger to be changed so soulbeast does not merge with pet but gets the pet skills of whatever pet is active thus always having a pet. This is exactly what I think the OP is asking for as well. And I'm not down for the idea. Me either as I like the pet less merge idea it has. I've been having a blast in pvp and wvw again on my soulbeast and am totally fine with the one pet trade off as I gues I never really swapped pets in combat often anyways due to cd's on em.Only thing I dislike post patch is how short boon duration is now on my boonbeast lol. I understand why they lowered boon duration just sucks giving up dps for boon duration defensive stats that result in very low boon durations anyway. Giving up dps is a given and ok just the durations are so low now.You shouldn't have both dps and high boon duration at the same time soo.
  21. Druid pet nerfs were nice as it was pretty stupid you could be super tanky, load your pet up with fury, 25might stacks from naturemagic traitline and then burst someone to 10% health if they didn't dodge bristleback f2 lmao. Also, after pof drop and boonbeast bunker with siamoth was meta, that was actually terrible. I didn't even play it cus it was just so stupid. I've always wanted to see soulbeast have a viable power build because it's the most fun, and now it is viable as long as you're not fighting FB. But ofc, soulbeast will be completely gutted and destroyed before anything ever happens to FB. I think on 17th we will see FB get slight cooldown increase on some tomes, and ranger maul + WI dmg will be cut by 20% and stat bonus from beastmastery will be cut by 33% making soulbeast effectively useless.
  22. You can get Moment of Clarity from Point-Blank Shot from Hilt Bash from Maul's Pre-casting after you have merged with the pet, and from skills obtained in BM mode for example Charge. Quickening Zephyr is optional, many prefer to use another defensive ability, I like it for the Superspeed, Maul has a slow and easy animation to dodge with that ability you can exert more pressure and it's a Breaks Stun Good luck pulling this off when firebrand and necro can spam aegis, aoe daze, blinds and necro weaken you so you deal almost 0 dmg. MM is still mostly a meme traitline.
  23. Everyone saying game has worse balance now got carried by passives and skill spamming. My build got nerfed quite significantly. Game is technically slower, yes. But now, bad players like those of you QQ'ing this thread, are much easier to kill cus you can't spam your skills anymore, and you're not being saved by passives. BTW, someone called out fire weaver for dealing massive dmg. HOW ABOUT.. OH.. IDK... YOU STOP LETTING HIM LAND ALL HIS DMG ON YOU? What is dodging? What is blocking? What is kiting? CLEANSING CONDITIONS???? healing... CC ? Stealth? Clearly, someone got beat up by a better player and is now salty. L2P.
  24. Yea. I run full dmg traits. No stability, 2 stunbreakers. All zerk with scholar runes.I get 1 hit by gunflame warriors, and I can 1 hit them too unless they use endure pain. But even tho I'm playing full glass, people will say ranger is OP. In wvw, people will see a really good ranger player killing 2 ppl at same time , kiting hard, outplaying them, use perfect positioning and WIN... just to say ranger is OP. Bruh. You would've lost even if ranger was nerfed. You got outplayed hard because you're not as good as that guy, that's why you lost. Not because "X class is OP"
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