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Everything posted by bigo.9037

  1. The new kick is significantly worse than the old one. All it has going for it is the very short evade. I use LB/GS and Smokescale/Gazelle. I know you didn't say it, but trust me, it's not a L2P issue on my part. Also, core ranger basically got gutted this patch as well. Playing it successfully at a high level involved using the GS auto evades and Crippling Throw ON PURPOSE (no RNG!) to survive and kill people. It was admittedly too strong for an AA chain imo.. I've just retrained muscle memory to evade manually. It hasn't gotten me into any trouble yet.. and the block changes make up for everything imo. Much more solid now. I've been asking for that for a while. But it is a shame the throw is gone. I can't speak for core ranger but when on slb I think it was too op.
  2. exploits@arena.net Way to dumb down the game. Instead of throwing a tantrum like a five year old. Make a constructive complaint and send it to ArenaNet if you don't agree with their decisions. They have made many questionable decisions in the past year. From buffing Holo to nerfing core guard and druid. Leaving mirage cloak unchecked, and Mercy signet in the game. I understand you don't want your main class nerfed, I understand how that feels.But at the end of the day, this wasn't intended behavior and should never have existed in the first place. And ranger GS is already very strong without it, having gap closer, evade, block, hard cc and burst all in the same weapon is a boon very few classes has access to.Many classes have seen nerfs this patch, so it's only fair that ranger gets theirs Also would like to point out:How the kitten is it dumbing down the game by removing the option to press 111111 to deal massive dmg while having 50% evade uptime with quickness? It's making you need to use more skills. Literally the opposite of dumbing down.
  3. Maybe, but reflect is nowhere near as strong as evade.
  4. From my perspective in hindsight as top tier soulbeast (wvw balance): Auto chain was broken. Ranger has lots of access to quickness and the power stab evade duration didn't decrease. Meaning while merged, you have significantly higher stats than opponent, and adding quickness meant your AA chain was effectively a 50% evade uptime while hitting very hard ( power stab deals like 75% the dmg of maul, which already hits very hard ) . As for counter attack, throw removal sucks. But the change to the block is VERY GOOD.. no more auto proccing by clones, phantasms, pets, minions or on someone you didn't want to hit. And you can chain it more easily now because there's like a 3 second window you can use the KB after the block. Overall I would say it's good. The power stab was abused a lot. Change to block makes up for it as well.I've literally had 1v1s with rangers where we just auto atracked each other for a solid 5 second each wep rotation after swapping pets and just hoping we got the right timing with the dodge cus it's so broken lol. Also, i have video clips where I literally kill roamer thieves with AA and quickness ONLY.... KILLING PEOPLE WITH AA.. YES!
  5. Unrivaled sustained melee dps? That has never been true for ranger. GS weapon is the weapon with.. probably most utility of any class except ele who can swap atunements. Evade on AA chain with quickness hits very hard with high evade uptime, maul hits hard with very low cd, evade / leap for combo field or gap closing, block that doubles as a knockback, a stun that resets maul cd. Not to mention while merged you have most likely another stun, a dmg mitigation tool of some kind and another utility. High protection uptime, regen, quickness, stab. Multiple sources of stealth if you have longbow. Did I mention dolyak stance? Oh boi.
  6. The reason why Hammer rev is not great in wvw roaming is because they are easily picked on by so many classes. Hammer Rev may dish out the damage but they have extremely obvious tells and even worse cast time. Coupled with the fact they severely lack any form of sustain, they are easily put down in a drawn out fight, which most if not all roam builds are designed to contend with. I just feel that it is extremely disgusting that one of the best dueling sustain professions in the game also has the best burst capability. Thieves and Mesmers pay for their burst through building very squishy stats, to the point a stray DH LB 2 can instantly drop them. Rangers, on the other hand doesn't have this weakness at all, having very high Protection uptime, easy Vuln stacking, and hefty damage boosts, as well as ridiculously high Power scaling. The only thing stopping them from playing in zergs and dominating is that they are countered very hard by multiple layers of projectile hate and aegis, which zergs tend to have an overabundance of. A class with high sustain, unrivalled burst and sustain dps from ranged or melee, excellent escape, is obviously gonna be constantly on the radar for balance changes. This category which ranger falls in is also shared by Holosmith and Warrior, but each for similar aspects, though not exactly like Ranger. The only thing more toxic than cheesy 1 shot builds or disgusting Condi stacking tumors, are all rounders which do everything a little too well. Imagine if Weaver had a seriously stupid scaling to all stats or have ridiculous base numbers. They would be the most broken class in wvw roaming due to no wasted stats and extreme coverage of all aspects of combat. I'm Happy if they nerf 1hit ranger. Ever since anet nerfed sicem and no unblockable, roaming has been much better. All the noob rangers went away. And that means anet isn't paying attention to my insanely overpowered build with no weakness except mobility ( not enough to escape people chasing me ). So I'm happy.
  7. No, the first step is to get rid of the bunker meta. Then once bunker is out of flavor, we will have period of glass, then everyone will resort to bruiser builds instead of glass, and then we will have more balanced game play. Pure dps builds today are a symptom of heavy tank/healers like FB and endless sustain builds like scrapper etc. The first ERROR was to get rid of the bunker META. People complain alot more about being bursted down before they can see their opponent than they ever did when fights actually lasted a while and cooldown management was actually a skill needed to play GW2 in any PVP mode. Do you remember what it was like? Were you really there? Cus the bunker meta was literally just who got to the point first. Class stacking was a thing. Chronomancers were king, could never die. It was one of the reasons spvp "esports" failed so hard right at launch, because nobody wanted to take a game like that seriously. It wasn't about cooldown management. You just lived forever regardless of what happened.
  8. No, the first step is to get rid of the bunker meta. Then once bunker is out of flavor, we will have period of glass, then everyone will resort to bruiser builds instead of glass, and then we will have more balanced game play. Pure dps builds today are a symptom of heavy tank/healers like FB and endless sustain builds like scrapper etc.
  9. If that would be so, then answer me why there was so much hate towards rangers (SB) even before mount release? Thank you, nice discuss, we should have another one in the future.Have a good day. Because people in this game are petty as kitten and refuse to ever accept rangers as anything other than free bags. People were acting like the sky was falling back when Anet halved the channel time on RF. About a month later, they all got over their collective pants wetting and learned to dodgeroll instead of just "WM1 Pyro" spamming attacks to kill a ranger. It's the same stupid complaints now as then.Yea pretty much. If you go in wvw on ranger solo, you will find all classes including necros get off their mount to attack you cus they still think you are free loot.
  10. Range versus Melee. Melee range requires more risks and gap closers to land the burst while ranged combat requires less risk and can land burst from 0 range to 1800 range. This is why melee dps tends to be higher in almost every game, single target or AOE, than range dps. Hammer power rev needs retuning just like the soulbeast though. Usually that would be correct, but gw2 completely tossed logical balance designs out the window a long long time ago and arent going back. The risk of range is reflects and poor map geometry. Risk of something like a melee warrior is... well nothing aside from heavy condition pressure and boon corrupts. Theyve given melee classes the ability to gap close like juggernauts so staying in range with a soulbeast isnt a difficult task. Ranger can use gs and owl to easily stay out of ange of most classes. That set up had even kept up with my thief enough to keep pew pewing me to death while trying to run away. Thieves have teleports.Warriors have stability and lock on gap closers.Guardians have teleports and leaps.Engineers have leaps and reflects. Just to name a few, they also have times where they are completely undamaged. This isnt even counting their vigor uptime for more evasion. Ranger seems easily susceptible to CC's though. > @Psycoprophet.8107 said: Maybe I can help. If a rev burst u and u either die to it,live through it with dps taken or avoided it with dodge,sustain skills etc where does that put the rev? Puts it in melee range with low energy and skill on CD. Ranger does its crazy high unlockable burst wheres that leave ranger? Still at 1800 range in safety. Huge difference. Make revs hammer drop hit consecutive times at 1800 range with a 40% dps modifier and I'd be broken as well lol before u say revs a might boon monster so its different it really isn't hassle gets more than enough dps modifiers and boons ontop of sic em. Revs burst was definitely OP but it's all it had and it got deserved nerfs,power slb can be built far more ways than power rev This doesnt make sense. How did you get into melee range against a rev, but not into melee range against a soulbeast? If a rev does its s/s burst as I'm assuming that's the burst ur talking about that puts the rev in melee range at end of burst. Slb burst is done at 1800 range with ranger still being at said range. Slb burst doesnt end with it next to the opponent like revs does. High reward with zero risk. That doesnt make sense? Most agree that range attacks should have less burst or dps potential than melee do to way less risk, especially when it's the only class that can dps from that range. Yet slb range burst has zero risk or drawbacks with unblockable on top just to make sure it's that extra kind of op lol Talking about Hammer Revenant damage being compared to SlB Longbow here. Not sure where melee range is coming into play here. Why is the Rev in S/S? Range versus Melee. Melee range requires more risks and gap closers to land the burst while ranged combat requires less risk and can land burst from 0 range to 1800 range. This is why melee dps tends to be higher in almost every game, single target or AOE, than range dps. Hammer power rev needs retuning just like the soulbeast though. Usually that would be correct, but gw2 completely tossed logical balance designs out the window a long long time ago and arent going back. The risk of range is reflects and poor map geometry. Risk of something like a melee warrior is... well nothing aside from heavy condition pressure and boon corrupts. Theyve given melee classes the ability to gap close like juggernauts so staying in range with a soulbeast isnt a difficult task. Well... No. A warrior unless using sword mainhand doesn't have that many good gapclosers outside of rampage elite which has a long CD. They do however have really, really good sustain and dmg mitigation. Gs3, Gs5, Bull rush, Shield, Rampage. This is if not running sword btw. With good sustain and dmg mitigation. Yeah thief teles on inf arrow can be done when enough ini is available,one shadow step and infiltrator sig if targets available. Gs and owl slb can and have kept close enough to me disengaging on thief to easily pew pew me down. Ranger doesnt have to catch up to thief, just stay in pew pew range which is easy considering low CD of swoop and gs leap ontop of swiftness. Not to mention mounts. I've had mounted groups catch my DD and eat me alive. Ini isn't infinite for inf arrow and CD long enough on shadow step. Nowadays thief's mobility isn't that much better than a lot of classes, not like people make it out to be.Thief can also teleport without using any initiative.Kind of confused on how your playing your thief if your running from the ranger instead of closing the distance and stealthing up.Mounting in a 1vX situation is another issue itself, not much of a ranger issue then it is a mount implementation issue that should have never touched the mode to begin with. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:@iKeostuKen.2738Rangers can also double swoop, about face weapon swap to sword, hornet's sting, about face again, Monarch's Leap. About the only class that can't play the mobility game is Necro. If a ranger is doing that to stay out of range Im pretty they arent much of a threat at that point since they possibly just broke the out of combat zone. Also if they weapon swap they arent doing any damage to you at range and you have about 9 seconds of no pressure to do what you want. (Btw, how do they have double swoop? Isnt there a cooldown on swaps and going beastmode?)He probably just means a merged pet skill from bird or gazelle + the gs3 swoop.
  11. Range versus Melee. Melee range requires more risks and gap closers to land the burst while ranged combat requires less risk and can land burst from 0 range to 1800 range. This is why melee dps tends to be higher in almost every game, single target or AOE, than range dps. Hammer power rev needs retuning just like the soulbeast though. Usually that would be correct, but gw2 completely tossed logical balance designs out the window a long long time ago and arent going back. The risk of range is reflects and poor map geometry. Risk of something like a melee warrior is... well nothing aside from heavy condition pressure and boon corrupts. Theyve given melee classes the ability to gap close like juggernauts so staying in range with a soulbeast isnt a difficult task.Well... No. A warrior unless using sword mainhand doesn't have that many good gapclosers outside of rampage elite which has a long CD. They do however have really, really good sustain and dmg mitigation.
  12. Except that melee classes should have 0 problems with people when they are OFF mounts. They aren't going to be on them 24/7. If they want to take anything, or are already in a form of combat with ANYTHING they are probably off their mount. If they aren't, why bother chasing them. Move on to the next target. That's why the warclaw really isn't a big issue at all. People have a weird expectation that if you see it, you should be able to fight it every time. It's not how WvW worked previously, and that hasn't changed at all. Also, the thread was already focusing on the warclaw due to people protesting about the warclaw anyway. Which doesn't surprise me given how much "forum" hate there is for the mount. In reality the mount isn't a big deal to most players, the forums are just the most vocal about it. Sucks about the griefers but unfortunately that's been that way for a long time. I wish there was something that could be done, but I think that would need an overhaul to how tactics/seige placement works in general. That's time I think the wvw doesn't have given how many plates are being spun right now between working on the warclaw, the eventual release of alliances (maybe?) and whatever else they have in the pipeline. From a game design standpoint, where themap(s) are an open battlefield, it is bad that it's SO easy to avoid certain people. Necros who have low mobility just flying right past you, without him being in any sort of danger unless there are multiple players that can try to dismount him or a slb. You're supposed to sort of ""be in danger"" as soon as you leave your spawn area. There used to be a reason to take high mobility utility skills or weapons. Now it doesn't matter nearly as much.
  13. But why? It's not like 11k hp is even that much, especially 11k that's has no way to be healed. Also why CC at all, again with a dismount skill coming you don't need this (also that would just encourage all the pew pew immob rangers more than there already are >.>) And the dodge has been cut, it had a longer range before. They halved it essentially. 3 dodges aren't THAT big of a deal. I mean we have to put up with thieves right? Like 2 and a half months late right? Okay but any class or spec that relies on melee is screwed basically. You could've just ignored the warclaw and kept the thread on track but here we are. I'll be happy to disagree that the warclaw is a bigger issue than you suggest lol
  14. Wrong. Thief backstab for 12k pretty much meant you were dead. Maybe if you played a glass ele. A 12k backstab was pretty high damage, but it didn't 1-shot most classes/builds and didn't necessarily mean the target was "pretty much dead" as you say. I played a lot of thief/engi/mesmer back in the day and don't recall having many problems with being 1-shot. My point is power creep in the current game is unhealthy, at least in my opinion. 20k Malicious Backstabs, 15k Backstabs, 8k LB AAs, 20k+ quickness rapid fires, insta-death mauls, 11k+ mesmer scepter channels, constant condi puke, etc etc etc. The list goes on. Power creep has gotten ridiculous. I'm an experienced roamer and can deal with quite a bit of it (not that I like it.) But I can't imagine trying to get into this game now with the absurd TTK.Yea sure increase the TTK but I feel like it hasn't changed dramatically over the years. The power creep, at the very least, went both ways. You get higher dmg but also more defensive options etc.But again, most of these 1shot builds today really can't fight players properly.I've died many times to players with these builds and sure it's annoying as heck the first time but then you just find them again, dodge their burst or rotate around it and win EZ.
  15. Wrong. Thief backstab for 12k pretty much meant you were dead. Warrior axe MH 1 shots were a thing too. The main issue with 1 shot is stealth. 1 shot builds are so easy to kill if they don't kill you with their 1 hit combo.
  16. Let me just stop you right there.It ain't a 3rd party problem it's a l2p issue as the OP is running pure glass against pure glass. His house got shattered and so he took the only route he can, come complain on the forums. Youre clueless.This oneshot build has been around for Months. Totally a l2p issue,lmao. that looks balanced... if players can get carried... its balanced for gw2 standards. Working as intended.Man. What the **** do you think dodges are for? Dodge his burst and you win easy. No dodges? Block. Anything that denies his burst, and now you have the upper hand. I play soulbeast too with zerker / assassins gear and I've fought some of these players before. The first time they get you, you're surprised. Next time you got fight them, just be a little more cautious. You see them trying to pull off the same 1trick combo and you avoid it. Then it's really easy from there. They have almost no defense after a certain point cus they traded it for 1trick offense.
  17. lag in wvw has been around for years. what's new? anet won't upgrade any servers or make any changes to the state of the game anyway
  18. I think it would be a good idea if you can mark your account as a roamer. Roaming NEEDS to be more useful in WvW. I dont know exactly how this should be achieved.. just make roaming, small groups and solo players have more of an impact on the score. Atm it feels like its kinda useless except taking camps and killing some people here and there.. If a server/world/alliance etc. has a lot of roamers in it though, wouldnt that make it weak? considering how zergs and PUG groups will have a much easier time taking towers and keeps etc. simply because of their size?I am worried that by linking roamers together you will just make our problem more apparent: there isnt a clear place for us to do what we are best at which is: smallscale fights or solo fights. I see it as the complete opposite. Not having a big server to lean on anymore mean more people will band together in guilds and alliance to form their own little clique within the world that has been generated and them put in. Sure it can go whatever which way in practice, but I expect more small parties and independant roamers instead of less.i HOPE thats the case. Im just worried this will somehow make blobbing and zerging an even better alternative to roaming, which is already not very useful.
  19. I think it would be a good idea if you can mark your account as a roamer. Roaming NEEDS to be more useful in WvW. I dont know exactly how this should be achieved.. just make roaming, small groups and solo players have more of an impact on the score. Atm it feels like its kinda useless except taking camps and killing some people here and there.. If a server/world/alliance etc. has a lot of roamers in it though, wouldnt that make it weak? considering how zergs and PUG groups will have a much easier time taking towers and keeps etc. simply because of their size?I am worried that by linking roamers together you will just make our problem more apparent: there isnt a clear place for us to do what we are best at which is: smallscale fights or solo fights.
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