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Everything posted by Falseprophet.1502

  1. Helio Rush should function like Burning Speed while also being ally targetable. Get rid of the ground targeting and have it lock to the target and ends at the end of the target. Would feel more fluid and eliminate the /want/ to bring back the flipover
  2. I like this idea. Also, a solve for the Gift of Battle is to introduce reward tracks in PvE where you earn progress based off events.
  3. I'm all for alternative methods for a gift of battle, however, you can literally afk farm participation for these. Reward tracks were recently sped up to complete faster.
  4. No one said that there is anything wrong with WvW Legendary armor. The whole thread is asking for alternative methods to something we only have one method of obtaining while pointing out legendary armor and backpacks has four methods of obtaining, rings two, neck pieces two, et cetera.
  5. Fair point versus recolor or variant but I think whatever they are -- at the end of the day, it is tangential. The devs did mention this was to help introduce WvWers to the mode, but there are so many easy ways to get ascended in WvW and now through the Wizard's Vault. This is something WvWers really did not need. To your latter point, you've interviewed devs; I don't think this has been an argument they've ever made. I could be wrong as I have only have heard or seen the 'play-your-way' philosophy pushed by devs since 2012. I only briefly skimmed through your interview video and I am glad you asked the question about alternate methods to legendary trinkets and I believe Roy commented "if there is a gap we see, we will consider." This is obviously a gap. I'm also not against implementing a PvE ring. Shoot, I'm not even opposed to them just copying the same Aurora/Vision effects and slapping them on the PvP/WvW variants for the sake of development resources. The same view would be for rings in PvE. I am not sure legendary weapons fit the argument either for comp modes. PvP has given out Legendary Choice boxes prior to the introduction of swiss tournaments. If you're mostly playing PvP and not much of anything else, you're making a decent amount of gold to just simply buy them off the trading post for the functionality/skin. The case could probably be made for WvWers, too. This really isn't a good argument. Not conducive to the topic. These will still stay populated through sales and return events.
  6. With the latest patch adding seventeen recolored variants of Hero weapons for the sake of incentivizing WvW players for rewards, the devs are continually digging themselves in a deeper hole with WvW rewards. While this won't solve any problems with those who have thousands and thousands of tickets, legendary accessories still give them an incentive to work towards something that will increase playability, allow players an additional method to get legendary accessories outside of living story, boost WvW population numbers, and make it easier to access other modes. We are continually seeing other methods of legendary acquisition in PvE through a second legendary armor set and upcoming legendary backpack in Janthir, however these competitive modes still get neglected.
  7. Another seventeen ugly weapon skins and no WvW legendary accessories. I love this team!
  8. The autoattack needs to be a two part chain. It has the animation for it. This will allow you to put more damage on to it because it is lacking. A chain auto attack would help add more ways to get illuminated. Helio Rush feels off. It definitely needs to be sped up as it doesn't feel very good in any mode. The illuminated bonus needs to be reworked, self protection or aegis would be a nice addition to the illuminated bonus Gleaming Disc is the best skill on the kit. Solar Storm is alright. Damage is decent, the illuminated effect should increase the amount of hits a target can be hit. Symbol of Luminance cooldown needs to be lowered. This symbol's cooldown is 60% longer than any other guardian symbol. A cooldown between 16-18 seconds would feel much better. The knockback tooltip is weird, not sure why they didn't do a knockdown instead.
  9. I am on board for the front loaded boons. Lowering the ticks, you're going to have to sell me more on. I would almost prefer a trait that allow them to move around the player, almost like mini gyros/wells/whatever they are now
  10. I agree. You are missing one of our friends: scepter. Absolutely zero buffs or changes to scepter. You'll never run scepter in any power build. They need to rework the AA and increase the damage coefficients on symbol/aa. I don't even know what they need to do SC3.
  11. I don't think Guardian needs this kind of weapon. It really needed a good power-focused mid-ranged weapon. If this weapon doesn't scale well with power and if the symbol doesn't do damage in PvP/WvW due to it's CC, it's dead on arrival for any power-focused build. I guess we'll have to wait to see how the illuminated mechanic works but I am not excited for this one bit as it seems to be a weapon that will help bring up support* Firebrand in comp modes because they can't figure out how to balance the spec.
  12. This needs to be a thing. It would be a great way to maintain the WvW population, too.
  13. Instead of the pulsing/flip over effect, just make it a buff that you get similar to Thief poisons or Ashes of the Just. Whenever you proc Zealot's Fire, you get three stacks of burning that will apply on your next attack. Similar interaction when you proc it through the trait, it just adds an extra three stacks. It would make it feel good when you're not on Torch.
  14. It would be nice if these PBAOE Arrows refreshed Mechanical Genius while on Mechanist.
  15. No. You're wrong, again. My argument is when @Loke.1429 stated that it's an absurdity that Advancing Strike goes against some 2020 balance philosophy because "cc" skills had their damage significantly reduced (down to sub-10 damage because control effects disable the player character). I stated that is actually a consistency because immobilization is a condition, not a control effect. This post, in fact, adds nothing to this discussion whereas the other posts just calls out a select few who are complaining about being able to /just dodge/ and poor balance when they just simply don't understand prior philosophies or think their perception is the only way.
  16. Nah, it's under "similar." And it literally states it is a condition that has some control. "Some conditions will deal damage to enemy Defiance bar without being considered a disabling mechanic (particularly for purposes of various traits, as well as Stability as their counter). These conditions are often referred to "soft CC"." https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Immobile Immobile is a condition that prevents movement, turning, and dodging.
  17. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Control_effect Control effects https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/7/79/Daze.png/20px-Daze.png Daze — Disables all skills for a short duration. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/9/97/Stun.png/20px-Stun.png Stun — Prevents movement and actions for a short duration. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/3/36/Knockdown.png/20px-Knockdown.png Knockdown — Knocks the target on ground, preventing movement and actions for a short duration. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/3/31/Pull.png/20px-Pull.png Pull1 — Pulls the caster to the target or the target to a specific location and disables them for a short duration. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/c/ca/Knockback.png/20px-Knockback.png Knockback1 — Knocks back the target away and on the ground, preventing movement and actions for a short duration. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/6/68/Launch.png/20px-Launch.png Launch1 — Throws the target in the air over a short distance, preventing movement and actions for a short duration. Can move Downed targets. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/c/c8/Float.png/20px-Float.png Float — Causes the target to float in the air, preventing movement and actions for a short duration. Causes underwater targets to move up. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/6/66/Sink.png/20px-Sink.png Sink — Causes the underwater target to move downwards. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/e/e6/Fear.png/20px-Fear.png Fear1 2 — Disables all skills and causes the target to flee directly away from the caster for a short duration. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/images/thumb/c/cc/Taunt.png/20px-Taunt.png Taunt1 2 — Forces the affected target to run towards the source of taunt with all skills except stun breakers disabled while using their auto-attack skill.
  18. Oh, since you're obviously an Ele "main," here's a cool screenshot in a WvW environment (Armistice Bastion) testing out a pure power dagger/dagger build for roaming. If you don't bother opening up the link because it doesn't fit your narrative -- I'll put the highlight here. Burning Speed, a movement skill, doing 17K crits WITH AN UNBLOCKABLE utility (Augment Fire)!!!!!! This screenshot doesn't even show the other big hits, like Fire Grab hitting for 10k+ (it just had a normal hit in that screenshot for almost 6k LOL), Convergence hitting for 7K+. We can go on. But let's just start with facts instead of inaccuracies to fit your bias. Your unfound hatred still doesn't change the fact that the lead balance dev mains your class.
  19. Immobilize is not a control effect. It is a condition. It's not a bias departure like this very unsound point you're trying to make. In fact, it's a consistency because it is a condition. If Advancing Strike did a knockdown, then yes, it should do damage like other control skills in the game and should be nerfed based off that balance philosophy almost four years ago. But alas, it does NOT and here is another poorly articulated atypical "I hate blue class" post. Onto the next!
  20. LOL. Calls me clueless and then compares a weapon skill to a utility skill.
  21. If you two honestly believe this, it may actually be the most astonishing thing I've read on these forums. Judge's Intervention is a core skill. Nature's Traversal is not. Concurrently, Nature's Traversal is MUCH better and than Judge's Intervention. Your "balance" suggestions are nonsensical. They won't fix your inability to dodge one of the most telegraphed professions in the game.
  22. move symbol off the autoattack; going to be a clown weapon until this is done.
  23. Can we just stop with the guardian hammer cast time reductions and just move the symbol off the autoattack?
  24. We still have forum-goers who think Hammer is a good weapon. They think the AA chain is unique and good, despite it being a very outdated, highly counter-able weapon. I empathize with you.
  25. Trust me man, I'm on your side. I agree with everything. I've never been a proponent of ZD or skills that root you (take a look at my post history). I don't think it sucks, it's just outclassed by the majority of the roaming classes out there.
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