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Everything posted by windyweather.1238

  1. So I'm guessing all the bikini strings have snarled up the gem purchase gears, which is why we can't actually buy this nice item. All I get are 102's.. Then the CC shows, then a 102. Overloaded with Bikini purchases are we?
  2. YES PLEASE. This seems like an intentional choice that is a REAL PAIN. Please just make then currencies.
  3. Ok. We figured it out. The setting at the bottom left of the skill bar was set to Jade Bot not Scan for Rift. NVM 🙃
  4. Ok. I see. we can make more. Somehow I got through the whole without needing to make more. But my friend scanner is still broken. And Kamilla wont talk to my friend. 😨
  5. My friend's Rift Scanner is broken. And the motivations are broken too. Anybody know how to fix this? We are on Story Part 8 Into the Obscure. 😝No images here apparently so just imagine what I'd like to show you. 😝 Text Reads: Yes, we got motivations. But I don't recall any body mentioning where we get more of them or Why On Earth learning to do Level 2 Rifts requires a Currency rather than being a permanant property of having gotten through the story or to Amnytas.. But never mind. How can we progress with my friend through the story? Thanks a whole bunch.
  6. Anybody else complained that the Wizard Vault is Booorrrrrring compared with the old system. I used to look forward to Bounties. But no. Just Combo finishers - which now that I have figured out take exactly 30 sec to do. And then there's the recurring Spirit Vestibule MiniDungeon that I spent 20 min trying to get past the 2nd safe spot. No FUN AT ALL. Sure, the commenter says, I can do go hang out at bounties.... But with no incentives like the dailies any more I'll bet it's a ghost town there. Also which one. The dailies for bounties put everyone in the same map with a Apple looking to lead us to smash the big bad boss bounty. Also, now the weeklies are 6 out of 8 for the big reward. But dailies are 4 out of 4 with that stupid MindiDungeon keeping me out of the extra reward. Used to be I could always skip the jumping puzzles, which I don't particularly like. But nope not any more. 4 out of 4 sucker.... No big chest for you today. Boooorrrrrring...
  7. So basically. "Open Unidentifed Gear Containers". Got it. I was trying to get one to try that. TY
  8. Oddly, when I look this feature up I get: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Identify_Gear I remember back in the day when there were "Identification Kits" - Or was that GW1? Well I thought it was in GW2 as well for a while. So, what am I being asked to do here? Just Salvage 100 Pieces of Unidentified Gear? Sure no problem. Guess I'll try that and see if it ticks the counter. But I'm not clear why we are referring to a feature in the Wizard's Vault tasks that has been removed from the game. Or is this just my confusion?
  9. Glad YOU like it. Maybe you can help. Treachery. Cerus with Ranger Untamed with Hammer and Bow. How do you break his bar? Nothing seems to work. Tryed everything for maybe 45 min. Cerus sister showed up to res me over and over and I tried everything. I can't seem to scratch the sucker. Thanks a whole bunch. BTW I have seen that other classes seem to beat him. I know it can be done. Guess I'll just replay the whole story on my mech or vindicator and see if I have better luck. Edit: Redid my build and was able to get to the place where (Suppression) appeared and then I could finish it. Somehow I never saw that before. Used Demon sigils and dropped untamed to get break bar on pet Aether shark. Not sure if that helped or not. Checkpointed maybe 2 doz times. Just seems too hard. Not challenging, just brutal, sadistic even.
  10. Can someone let me know how much I need to do to get to the North Wizard Tower to get the Juvenile Aether Hunter? Other info seems to show it's there. I thought the Tower Event would help, but nope. That is just an Auric Basin re-do that gives momentary access to the South Wizard Tower. I'm not looking for too many spoilers, but it sure would be nice to know how far I need to go to unlock the North Wizard Tower to get me "Sand Shark Redo" ahem Aether Hunter Pet. LOL Thanks a bunch.
  11. Is anyone else annoyed by the lack of tooltips on the map for RAIDS. Just shows an 80 on the map and then you have to figure out how to find the map or usually RAID it refers to. Could we please just put "Forsaken Thicket" or some such in a tool tip when you hover over the 80 on the map? I had to find the old Reddit Post that showed that it was a Raid. We don't hide BloodStone Fen or DragonFall when I hover over that. It shows the name of the map so it's obvious what to look up in the Wiki. But RAIDs are different for some unknown reason. Looks like they are supposed to be Secret or something. Also the Guild Halls. Let's put tool tips on those too please. I don't need a big popup, just a simple name of the map would be great tho. Thanks so much,
  12. Sorry, but I'm not ever gonna sign up for 2 Factor, so if this "Forgetting" is yet another annoyance to incent me to sign up for 2 Factor, sorry. Not going to happen.
  13. That's twice now. The launcher is forgetting my email / password when the checks are there. Not in a row. works most of the time, but failed again this morning after working yesterday and for a few days since it failed last. BUG! Annoying Bug. This has worked correctly for over a decade and now it's broken. Whazup? ;(
  14. I'm not sure how to Merge this into the QOL suggestions. So, the game is getting huge bloat around "Portal Scrolls / Tomes". Other games, that shall remain nameless here, use a menu system, which is like a Universal Portal Tome. Everyplace that would get a scroll in that game - That is needs some sort of Unlock, but you did it and got there, appears automagically in this menu. And then you can go back there. How about we do that in this game. Avoid all that Portal Tome / Scroll bloat and just make a travel menu or Universal Travel Tome - in the menus not an item in the Inventory. At this point it seems that the tome and scroll bloat is just gonna get worse and worse. Of course items like the Lilly of Elon don't have a tome to live in, so that could just live in this menu too under a tab called "Special Destinations" or something. Do we really think that the taking of the small amount of magic / gold from the game economy is worth the confusion that Travel Tome/Scroll Bloat is causing? Let's take a lesson from Dungeon Currency Bloat and make a Travel Menu. 😉 Oh. Arbotstone Stone, Spearmarshals plea, Hall of Monuments, Invitation to Dragon Bash, Invitation to this other thing, Exhalted Portal Stone, and on and on and on.
  15. Yep. Oddly my game started at 1920 when monitor is 2560 and I fixed that before doing preview in Gemstore. So maybe not DX11. Thanks. Yep that's exactly it. DX11 works fine. Looks like the "Preview" in gemstore and Hero panel didn't get the memo about screen res change. LOL
  16. Has this been mentioned, like 1000 times? Can we please have Jade Bow, or Jade Armor skins for our Mechs? With all the cool animations. Pretty please? You know, like the jade armor / bows in the Mursaat areas of Ember Bay. Like those. 😁
  17. Oh. It appears on, for example, the Glider preview panel of the Hero panel too. And it's all fixed if I disable DX11 rendering in the graphics options. 😒 😎
  18. I thought there was a way to submit a bug in game with a screen shot. Anyway, Just went to the gem store and the preview pane is oddly clipped. Like a square fixed to the screen and moving the dialog clips the preview pane of oh. say the electo glider so that I can only see a portion at a time through the clip window. No easy way to leave a screen shot here either I see. Oh well. Have a nice day.
  19. Yeah. Like I said. Bummer. There is no technical reason for that. Seems like a built in opportunity for a future "Quality of Life" upgrade. "Change my mind." LOL Sort of like if your ranger pet died every time you change maps, don't you think?
  20. With 4/4 jade battery charges, I zoned into dragon's end for the first time. and my battery charges were gone. What's up with that?
  21. Has someone mentioned needing some size options for the Mechanist Mech? Sure does look pretty funny with an Asura Engineer. LOL How about we get to choose 3 sizes ? Huge - the way it is. Medium - 1/2 as big And Small - As tall as the typical Asura. I love the whole Eye Candy esthetic of the Mech, and all, but Seriously. For most stuff isn't it just way too big? In a big battle don't we want to shrink these things down? And if I set the size of my mech, how about I see everyone elses mech that size. So make this size an Option for the account? That way when I go into a Meta event with 50 folks I get to see more than all the Eye Candy Mechs covering everyting else up. Don't we need some control over this?
  22. So green story markers on a green island full of green green greeen... What could possibly be wrong. LOL
  23. Sometimes I use speakers and sometimes I use a USB headset. Windows 10 of course. When I use the headset I am using Discord - no surprise. The problem is that no matter how I set the audio to be used, the GW2 client keeps changing which audio device it's using. Even after I set it, it bounced to something else randomly apparently.. And it isn't even consistent when a cinematic plays. Or story cutscene or whatever we call it. So for example, this morning I'm playing EoD and in the open world I finally coerce the game to use the headset. But when the Cutscene plays - not instance [ although that too ] just an ingame voice over when I talk to a story dude - Rama in Shing Jea - his voice comes out of the speakers while I hear the world in my headset. What I would like is what other games do. Use the DEFAULT OS AUDIO for ALL THE AUDIO IN THE GAME and whenever I change the Default OS Audio device the game notices and switches to that right away. No FREAKING ANNOYING OPTIONS DIALOG - do I seem upset? Well how about you play this game and continually find that you can't hear what's going on.? Darned annoying. I know this above wish is possible because other games do it. And I don't have to get annoyed with them. They just work. "Convince me I'm wrong" as they say. w
  24. I did part of story yesterday and lots of HP/MP stuff. I recall in a story segment being referred to as "Asura" . Hummm those references add to the voice acting. Lots of voice acting. Which is great. But doesn't all the voice dialog seem pretty "Colloquial" to you? It seems unusually informal and full of modern jargon references. Sort of trashes the immersion for me. I appreciate that there is a lot of it, but wish it was more in keeping with a foreign place and time and less like 90210 High School. Or is there a better way to characterize it? Donno. Which is exactly what I've heard folks say in the voice dialog.
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