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Ultimate Shingo.2374

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  1. I've reported that issue ingame weeks ago, but might as well throw my hat in, too. Every infinite kit has a separate instance of the bug, closing and reopening the inventory or changing map resets the bug. It's so easily reproducable that I do it several times per day just by clearing out my inventory.
  2. In the bonus level after World 1, the background soundtrack is missing completely. It's working as intended for the World 2 bonus level, and neither restarts nor file verifications of any kind helped.
  3. Why deserved? Honestly considering the fact that in all the years I've been on the servers where it never managed to win a matchup solo that I know of, I am baffled at Anet's decision to insist on having them fly linkless.
  4. The third note is on one of the slightly higher levels above the waterways in the ruins - if you have a Skyscale it's impossible to miss if you fly around.
  5. I did also find the note in question, seems like I was just very unlucky in the order I found them, as there are hints from note 1 where to find the others, but not the other way round. That point can be stricken. The other ones I need to test again today, but considering no mentions in the patch notes, I assume them to still be bugged.
  6. Hi there! To preface this, for everything I note down there is a non-zero chance that something just slipped by me, and in that case if you can correct me, I will test it ingame and confirm it myself. I have spent three days rigorously testing certain things, so who knows. But now to start: - Literary Thievery: I am convinced that the first Field Note does not exist. I can pinpoint the locations of Field Notes 2 and 3 (both in the Old Kaineng Ruins), but after many hours of scouring through the place and a few other locations just in case, nothing. I have also not met anyone that completed it except one person who did not provide proof, and at this point I think he either lied or (less chance but maybe) the first note did exist in a previous build and was erroneously removed. NOTE: This one works as intended, the order in which I found them just made it impossible to find them without random chance really. - Ocean-fresh Sashimi: I have not seen either of the delivery events trigger ever. At first I assumed some event chain, and did just about every event this map has (and found multiple bugs pertaining to NPCs getting stuck, for instance Detective Aimi and Yao, broken Repair Crew escorts, Kappa running through walls and more), but then found delivery crew NPCs for Sakda which just spawn, never do anything, and then despawn. My guess is the event trigger is just broken. - Cleanup Duty: I found exactly two graffiti that never respawned (not on map change, daily reset, character swap or anything) and then never one again. There is a slight chance that I am just extremely blind, but considering the time I spent very closely looking for things, I'd bet my money on things being broken there as well. I really hope you can fix those sooner rather than later, because the pile of achievements I have to set aside because of bugs is getting larger and larger and is already easily exceeding the amount of broken achievements in any other release. Not to mention stuff like the "collection available" icon in the archive ministry that leads to a pile of nothing because it might be related to something I haven't unlocked yet.
  7. I agree with SAB being a special case, and I don't mind LNHB strictly because the test or challenge is active in the entire fractal. Being able to skip something in there would actually nerf the achievement. I can also agree with more reset motes where needed. I just think, and your mileage may vary, that this specific achievement in this specific fractal is an egregious example of that. It being an achievement that's one and done, or only worth 5 AP, all that doesn't matter in principle, at most in terms of how urgent it is. I mean, I could go into why and how Siren's Reef as a whole has many issues, but for one, everyone who played it can see it and many in LFG even speak out as much, for another, reworking an entire fractal is a lot of work for devs and one of my points was that my particular point is rather easy to fix, and lastly, achievements are very often not seen as content that sometimes also needs a second look if something is off exactly because generally all of it is one-and-done, the group of people actively caring is small, and there are a lot of issues with achievements in general that this group will more or less just fight through because you gotta get those AP.
  8. Sorry for not answering earlier, I forgot to check this forum. Your pieces of advice are good. I actually didn't know that the bounces off the wall followed this pattern, and since then I tried to observe which point is the one where the orbs start to "bounce off". I read that often. Can't do much about it I guess. Another interesting tip, sadly you generally don't have a choice what classes join an attempt. Even asking for chrono and druid to get through Steve is an issue. The thing is, I agree on the specific maze part. The actual achievement in itself is fine. I also wrote that one issue in itself isn't as bad, the combination makes it bad.The main issue is the large amount of unskippable time wasting before an attempt, in that you have to reset the entire fractal and redo a boss for every time someone fails once. This has nothing to do with being tricky, this has to do with respecting players' times, as much as I dislike to use cliché phrases. Imagine having to redo Escort every time you fail Keep Construct with the challenge mote. This is what it is. Having an option to cut out the irrelevant fluff to actually focus on attempting the achievement, preferrably via a reset node, alleviates every single pain point of mine in one go. Have a troll? Reset, kick the guy. If someone fails and everyone has to reset, it's no longer as bad, because you can go right at it again. Have bad instabilities? An attempt isn't far away, instabilities that make the fight beforehand difficult are not an exponentially worse issue because you only need to defeat it once. At that point only being able to do it in T4 isn't as bad anymore, because you have a reasonable frequency at which you can tackle even more dfficult instabilities in the maze. Can't find enough people? It's probably easier to find people that help you with one boss. Even if they leave, you can try it solo or invite dedicated people for the achievement.
  9. Hi there! Before I begin, a few things. I already opened a thread on reddit, but I think it can't hurt to increase visibility by opening a separate one on this forum. So if you read both, please take into consideration that my arguments are largely the same. For context: I am an average to a bit above average player with a lot of game time, generally only access to LFG for group content and over 37k Achievement Points. Those facts are important when talking about difficulty or about the sample size of similar content I went through. This achievement is granted by getting through the Maze event on the Siren's Reef fractal on Master Tier (T4) without anyone in the group activating an orb. Sounds easy, but there are a few catches than on their own might not even sound too bad, but in combination result in a tedious and frustrating experience with an admittedly meager reward of 5 AP. The Issues (in my eyes) are the following: If one fails, everyone fails. This is in general not a bad thing, but after checking a good chunk of fractal achievements I found out that every time this structure was used, it was either a trivial achievement, or one that gives you a strong reward. This is neither. In fact, even though avoiding fights is generally desirable, the maze takes too long so no group ever cares enough. This goes so far that people will actively run into the first orb they see to disqualify the entire group, no matter what you discussed beforehand. One guy can ruin the achievement for everyone even if they agreed to go for it, and this is the antithesis of fun; it creates hostility. My suggestion is that the achievement should be tied to the individual, not the group. It might allow for people to get it via leeching off, but you can more easily kick those players if wanted and it completely disables griefing.The Maze comes after a boss fight. Again, in general not an issue, but if your focus is the achievement, this structure means a long and unskippable wind-up that, depending on your instabilities, might even get difficult to get through, especially with the small pool of people even wanting to attempt it. If you fail, you can't reset the achievement either. You have to leave the fractal and redo everything. My suggestion is to implement a mote that resets the maze and achievement at the entrance. This way you still have to clear the first boss fight, but then are free to focus on the achievement. The Master Tier. I get why it is labelled as such, in every recent fractal there has been a dedicated Master Tier achievement. But, no other achievement has been influenced as much by instabilities. For a skill-based challenge, having something out of your control dictate not only the difficulty, but in some cases whether you should even try because it synergises badly, can't be intentional. Examples for bad instabilities are, among others: Flux Bomb, Hamstrung, Mists Convergence, Social Awkwardness, Birds (no longer ingame), and potentially Sugar Rush as I'm not sure whether or not the orbs get sped up. In addition, which is also unusual for Master Tier challenges, the Maze's difficulty does not scale with the Tier. The amount of orbs seems to be the same, and how many spirits spawn from one is irrelevant to the achievement. My suggestion is to allow the achievement to be done on any tier, but I can see why this won't happen, as I wrote above.In Conclusion, these three issues combined make something that sounds interesting or maybe even easy on paper in reality tedious, difficult, and basically no one even tries. That is obviously bad. Yes, it's only 5 AP, but achievements are content and should be looked at and, if needed, fixed. I've tried to assemble a group to attempt this every single day since the fractal launched, and had no luck. And I'll continue to do so. But I think much of the challenge is artificial, held up by decisions that we were told they wouldn't happen again (speaking of the long wind-up, if you remember the Living Story season 2, the Dragon Minion in the Grove for instance), and it is easy to correct. Also yes, on the surface, I'm asking for a nerf, but not because the challenge in itself is too hard - I'm asking for a way to make attempting it less tedious and annoying, especially if and when you fail at the first attempt. As an aside, if someone wants to help me complete this achievement and is on EU, feel free to send me a message. Me completing it will not stop me from having this discussion, as I genuinely think that there is a problem that needs adressing, but it can't hurt either.
  10. Playing on EU, I've had massive ping issues for the entire day, sometimes resulting in disconnects. It is unusual to me, as I rarely have disconnects at all in this game.As of right now, several of my characters are stuck in Thunderhead Keeps ( and when attempting to log in to them, I am greeted by infinite loading screens. Something is definitely awry on Arenanet's end, as no website or other game has these issues.
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