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Posts posted by Kachros.4751

  1. 22 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

    Yeah that class/build can hurt and hit like a truck and having 3 of them against you doing the same or almost the same damage output and cc as each other on a single target can be very opressive and unfair. However that is the games fault for allowing 1-2 or more of the same class on the same team. The developers need to put limitations of class stacking. Specially in ATs

    Specifically Class stacking is fine, spec stacking? no. Different specs can have different roles for example core necro (more a roamer), reaper (teamfighter), scourge (bunker/teamfighter) Granted this doesn't apply to a lot of classes however i do agree that rev needs a nerf as all specs have the same role and exceed at it (with the exception of condi herald being a teamfighter)

  2. 9 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    You can always ask to have your ticket escalated to a Senior Team member.

    That has resulted in positive results, previously.


    Of course, each case is different.


    Good luck. 

    Thank you for the help but even after providing every little bit of info i can i got no where and jus keep receiving the same thing over and over again, felt like i was conversing with a wall:) so ill leave it, thank you though.

  3. 3 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    Having been the customer support person using what sounds like a similar system for different software there's a few reasons I can think of for asking now when they didn't before:

    • It's a different support person with different priorities.
    • It was obvious before because you'd only just gained and/or lost the items so it was easy to find the info in the logs, this time they can't see it and need to know when to check.
    • They've recently had a massive increase in fake support tickets asking about 'lost' legendaries the player never actually had and are being more careful with all of them.


    The second one seems most likely to me. If that's the case then any info you're able to give will help even if you can't say exactly. If you can narrow it down to a specific month or something it at least gives them less to check through. (Do you take screenshots when you get cool/unusual items? Or take screenshots frequently? I can never remember exactly when I made my legendaries but I can find out by finding the screenshots of when I made them and checking the date in the screenshot properties.)

    I figured 2 would be the case, I gave the time closest to what i remember but the best i could give was roughly 3/4 months ago as i dont have a good sense of time. I dont usually take screenshots unfortunately.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Not that I know of.


    The CS Team needs to know the times so they can check the logs.  They don't really have the resources to check every log for months/years. 



    Okay thank you, i had sent attachments showing my gw2efficiency account proving that the achievements were done and that the items themselves are no longer within it. I had hoped this was enough alongside the fact both the Experimental and Refined skins were in my wardrobe but apparantly that was not sufficient for them. However i had previously got the bloodstone battery (for the achievement) and moto red infusion without providing the information of when i lost it. So i dont really understand why they are suddenly so adamant about it.

  5. I would agree if this was the case of unranked or something, but anything along the lines of actual (kinda) competitive games/modes... not really. Its a nice add on to tournaments that the likes of Teapot and all would make as it allows a more fair circumstance should such a thing as disconnection or absence occur but for in game modes it just encourages more gold farming bots to appear. This would be a nice case for those aiming to try as a team and aim to win mAT or other tournaments but thats why scrims exist. Also if its filled by "anyone" this could then lead to terrible games after, say if it is a plat 2/3 lfg team and a gold player joins to fill... it would ruin the experience for the other 4. So I think there would be way more issues appearing than actual benefits.

  6. @"Happy Yes.1453" said:Last PVP season was very interesting. I've seen a lot of great gameplay. I have condensed the common pvp community knowledge into 10 simple tips so new players can also benefit from this:

    1. Thief caps close, then goes far. Use shadow step to get to close faster.

    This was never done in the last like 2 years of pvp as you need a sidenoder... to you know, sidenode? thief capping close allows anyone to push it and forces thief to leave which also is the opposite of thief's role... so this is incorrect.

    1. Only attack enemy players that are on the node. An enemy player not on the node is irrelevant, so don't bother.

    This again, is also not true... players who are low HP tend to move away from node to kite, if you let them just run away because they "arent on node" youre missing out on free kills and an outnumbered situation... again wrong.

    1. If an enemy player stealths up, that player doesn't exist anymore. Just leave and be useful somewhere else.

    Dude really? 3 wrong in a row wp, if thief goes stealth they will aim to decap, your own thief or your sidenoder must attempt to stop that as getting decapped is really bad in any situation.

    1. If you play support, your only job is to tank the node. If you die mid, keep repushing that mid node, even if your teammates decide to do something else.

    The whole role of support is to support your team, Mid isnt where the only teamfight will be and you must rotate to wherever that fight will be... not to bunker a node, if you want to do t hat then play a bunker.

    1. After winning the initial teamfight, always cleave all downed enemy players. Then don't push far, unless you've really thought about it for atleast 15 seconds.

    If you think about it for 15 seconds they gonna be respawned anyways like what? send a fast moving player to decap then come back, or all push far and force a teamfight there.

    1. If an enemy player is harassing your close node, then 2v1 or 3v1 him until he is defeated. There is no point in going anywhere else if your close node isn't safe yet.

    Only do this if you have the time to spare, never 3v1 unless you can kill within 5 seconds or that enemy is doing great wasting your time.

    1. If someone is upset and goes afk? Try to upset him even more. Then ask him nicely to atleast leave the game pls.

    Sure i agree with this, they deserve it.

    1. After respawn, walk in a straight line to a node and stay there. You are where you should be in the most efficient way. If your teammates are losing the fight off node, that's their fault. Inform them about this in caps.

    I hope this one was just a meme.

    1. Not winning is called "loose". Randomly mix up "then" and "than".

    2. Always contest the node. If you are not standing on that node, you simply don't understand conquest.

    Make sure you at least kite, in most cases life > node, not the other way around :).

  7. @Trevor Boyer.6524 said:Performance of Thief is bad after 8 init shortbow 5.

    Honestly that change needs to be reverted.

    The performance of thief (like every class that isnt busted) is good if in the hands of a good player, if in the hands of a bad player then said thief value will be very low, thats how classes SHOULD be in pvp.

  8. @Kuma.1503 said:When you go from being uncontested in your role for ages to actually having competition from other classes... I can see how you'd feel that your class is dead.

    8 ini was a lazy change... but so are the majority of nerfs Anet deals out (Core engi nerfs). I don't see why thief should get special treatment.

    Personally im quite happy with the change, i still play thief a bit but it never really impacts me too much because SA still exists, and it still saves me from situations that i should die in. I only ever die if i facetank attacks lol.

  9. I mainly just want to see what everyone's opinion is regarding thief in its current state and to see the arguments both against and for its viability/non viability.Just to declare my own view, it still has massive potential within an arranged team if played well enough and in a specific comp, however in the current meta it doesn't really seem to belong too well, regarding ranked it just comes down to if the thief is simply good, and will get some value or if they are bad and will basically just feed, which only a handful of thieves can seem to get good value within ranked.

  10. @avey.4201 said:Zerk DH in condi bunker meta auto attacks is the only source of damage, but they still managed to nerf a 6 damage skill further by breaking it's use with teleport utility.Not only are traps nonviable, they're now nonfunctional.

    You realise the fact you could TP traps while they are being placed was a bug right? It should not work that way, the whole concept of traps is preparing them ahead of time to, you know, TRAP the enemy. If you believe that they are both nonviable AND nonfunctional you just dont know how to get value from them, they have insane node pressure and can actually still secure a kill if placed correctly.

  11. @WillPaharu.4837 said:

    @"Sigmoid.7082" said:So the crux of your argument is the build, based on metabattle, isn't strictly meta therefore shouldn't be nerfed / can in no way can be a problem or threat?


    You must be new here.Loads of stuff in that category has been changed in the past.

    I don't care about how often it's done, I don't see the logic behind it. have you seen "good" builds in plat games? the crux of my argument is they aren't even remotely meta. have you even seen a decap druid in high ranked games? have you seen a druid in a team that has won monthly ATs? The build is not that effective compared to broken builds. Dragon hunter and rev short bow should be the priority. The nerfs weren't that bad, but I maintain that they were uncalled for and bottom priority.

    Your logic here is flawed, very flawed, just because something is meta does not make it "fine" for pvp, to clarify Fraelin played decap druid and won the last mAT, that alone is misinformation on your part, lets say for example some of the "meta" builds get nerfed, guess whats gonna happen. Yeah, decap druid would be good again, they are providing nerfs for future issues as well as issues at hand, its a good choice which we have needed for a long time.

    • Like 1
  12. @WillPaharu.4837 said:

    @WillPaharu.4837 said:Why would you nerf a build that is only ranked "good" (decap druid)? please refer to metabattle.com before nerfing anything. The only classes and builds that should be nerfed are the ones ranked "Meta". Meta means over powered. "Good" means it's not very effective unless played very well. Please undo the nerfs on Decap druid. It is the only druid build and one of the few ranger builds viable in conquest.

    Were people actually complaining about decap druid or something??? If so that is hilarious, feel free to ignore them. Play decap druid yourself and see how not overpowered it is.

    Again, please undo these nerfs to decap druid. Nerf Dragon hunters instead.

    Ideally there would be no meta builds. Just all good and great, so that it comes down to skill and knowing your class and role. When there are meta builds, people flock to them because they are easier to win with. Which is cheap. I digress, as there will always be meta builds I reckon. But pls leave the "good" builds alone. They aren't the imbalance.

    This is absurdly insane that you believe decap druid is fine for pvp. It produces insanely brain afk gameplay and very little counterplay unless you play full power warrior or rev for example. Anyone can play druid and get really good value with the most basic knowledge of it, if you believe that ANYONE, no matter how good or bad they are should be allowed to get value with a low skillcap build i believe you may need to change your view on pvp.

    decap druid isn't easy. I sense you haven't tried playing it. It's no weaver, but it's not walk in the park. you can easily waste your knockbacks anand misplay, get killed or waste your time, render yourself useless.

    Ive played it numerous times vs both good and bad players, you have 3 knockbacks in about 8 seconds (with quickdraw), if you use even 1 IQ you bait enemy dodge and its easy, it takes next to 0 effort to keep a node decapped, the only scenario in which its not easy is if you vs a hard counter for it, being renegade or warrior. In terms of gameplay weaver is actually harder as you only need to know 3 things for druid, in terms of surviving druid is harder as it has very little counter pressure due to its very low damage, however that doesnt stop the gameplay being so brain afk. Supporting builds like this which do 0 damage, just provide insane value for little effort (especially in ranked and lower levels) is what makes pvp so bad right now, its a bunker/decap metas that get complained about the most and for good reason, keeping builds like this viable makes pvp overall worse and targeting them for nerfs is a good choice, there are some players who wish to keep builds like these as it can be personal preference but the fact remains that its not healthy for pvp.

    • Like 1
  13. @Kachros.4751 said:

    @"WillPaharu.4837" said:Why would you nerf a build that is only ranked "good" (decap druid)? please refer to metabattle.com before nerfing anything. The only classes and builds that should be nerfed are the ones ranked "Meta". Meta means over powered. "Good" means it's not very effective unless played very well. Please undo the nerfs on Decap druid. It is the only druid build and one of the few ranger builds viable in conquest.

    Were people actually complaining about decap druid or something??? If so that is hilarious, feel free to ignore them. Play decap druid yourself and see how not overpowered it is.

    Again, please undo these nerfs to decap druid. Nerf Dragon hunters instead.

    Ideally there would be no meta builds. Just all good and great, so that it comes down to skill and knowing your class and role. When there are meta builds, people flock to them because they are easier to win with. Which is cheap. I digress, as there will always be meta builds I reckon. But pls leave the "good" builds alone. They aren't the imbalance.

    This is absurdly insane that you believe decap druid is fine for pvp. It produces insanely brain afk gameplay and very little counterplay unless you play full power warrior or rev for example. Anyone can play druid and get really good value with the most basic knowledge of it, if you believe that ANYONE, no matter how good or bad they are should be allowed to get value with a low skillcap build i believe you may need to change your view on pvp.

    Just to clarify, i am in no sense defending DH either, there are many builds that were not touched upon enough within the last patch, or in the last few patches for that matter, however they have targeted good spots for those few degenerate builds that deserved their nerfs, whether or not its enough is up for debate however.

  14. @"WillPaharu.4837" said:Why would you nerf a build that is only ranked "good" (decap druid)? please refer to metabattle.com before nerfing anything. The only classes and builds that should be nerfed are the ones ranked "Meta". Meta means over powered. "Good" means it's not very effective unless played very well. Please undo the nerfs on Decap druid. It is the only druid build and one of the few ranger builds viable in conquest.

    Were people actually complaining about decap druid or something??? If so that is hilarious, feel free to ignore them. Play decap druid yourself and see how not overpowered it is.

    Again, please undo these nerfs to decap druid. Nerf Dragon hunters instead.

    Ideally there would be no meta builds. Just all good and great, so that it comes down to skill and knowing your class and role. When there are meta builds, people flock to them because they are easier to win with. Which is cheap. I digress, as there will always be meta builds I reckon. But pls leave the "good" builds alone. They aren't the imbalance.

    This is absurdly insane that you believe decap druid is fine for pvp. It produces insanely brain afk gameplay and very little counterplay unless you play full power warrior or rev for example. Anyone can play druid and get really good value with the most basic knowledge of it, if you believe that ANYONE, no matter how good or bad they are should be allowed to get value with a low skillcap build i believe you may need to change your view on pvp.

  15. I mean it was a very small patch that could be done in less than 1 minute, and the Q was lasting 5 minutes. I dont see how it would get in the way of anyone unless you have absolutely trash internet, not defending the fact the timing was bad its no where near as bad as "ridiculous" xd

  16. @Filip.7463 said:

    @"Cynz.9437" said:I can somehow buy why DD or even DE could somehow "deserve" mobility shave (then again in the grand scheme of things it is questionable but it is topic for other discussion) HOWEVER there is absolutely no excuse for core thief mobility/resources to be hurt this badly. So my suggestion is, as long as elite spec is
    equipped the Infiltrator's Arrow costs are reduced in pvp.

    What is the big difference between core and dd, that core should need buff mobility?

    Core doesnt have 3 dodges, or perma swiftness, and overall always did less than DD in every aspect, id like core to keep the initiative from before the nerf if condi thief was slightly changed since its still quite unhealthy.

    Why do u need perma swiftness while u have perma teleport?

    DD doesnt have perma TP, even if its not massive the perma swiftness is really good which barely any class can have, adding that onto the rest it made DDs mobility unmatchable, im jus comparing the 2 specs.

  17. @Filip.7463 said:

    @"Cynz.9437" said:I can somehow buy why DD or even DE could somehow "deserve" mobility shave (then again in the grand scheme of things it is questionable but it is topic for other discussion) HOWEVER there is absolutely no excuse for core thief mobility/resources to be hurt this badly. So my suggestion is, as long as elite spec is
    equipped the Infiltrator's Arrow costs are reduced in pvp.

    What is the big difference between core and dd, that core should need buff mobility?

    Core doesnt have 3 dodges, or perma swiftness, and overall always did less than DD in every aspect, id like core to keep the initiative from before the nerf if condi thief was slightly changed since its still quite unhealthy.

  18. @Math.5123 said:

    @Arheundel.6451 said:There is not a single spec on ranger considered even Great as far as meta goes, the highest ranger spec is rated at Good ...lol

    Decap druid is basically played on every monthly and daily at winning team right now. But I guess that doesn't count.

    This build isnt exactly good gameplay, its unhealthy but doesnt deny the fact ranger does see play but this build is basically the only viable build ranger can offer in this meta.

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