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Posts posted by BaconReaper.5719

  1. With the implementation of torment - i feel as if there is an interesting playstyle that could be introduced if there was a condition to compliment torment.

    Just some random flavour text:Electrified: Deals damage every second. Deals more damage to stationary foes. Stacks intensity.

    It could be given to professions that don’t have a lot of torment, such as ele, engi & warrior. This could make mesmer & ele team ups even more badass.

  2. Aight so we have two firey quivers & three quivers without effects. Anet can you pleaaaaseeee add a blue looking quiver? Something like a “Spirit Quiver” that matches the guardians spirit weapons. I’m sure lots of people who play fashion wars 2 would agree with me that it would look awesome on dragonhunter :)

    also add capes based on your profession and race

  3. 1) new races will likely never be implemented because think of every single armour in the game, now think of the devs having to put that on another body type. think of all the animations, all of the weapon sizes, everything. it’ll be way too much work for something that doesn’t change gameplay.

    2) racial bonuses would break builds if they are too strong, if they are too weak then it’s pointless.

    3) legendary armour has the same stats as ascended because this game is casual player friendly, you should be able to play how you want without the restriction of not being able to get the highest tier because of the grind. no point changing something now 7 years in if it makes no difference but causes annoyance.

  4. I know this was brought up a bit back in the early POF days when everyone’s weapons were bugging & all weapons they had equipped were showing on their characters models. I was just wondering if anyone would want anet to put in an option to have your two weapon sets be visible on your character. For example: to have your greatsword on your back & your dualswords on your hips. Especially since ele & engi have two weapon sets. Does anybody else want this?? #fashionwars2ftw

  5. I know this was brought up a bit back in the early POF days when everyone’s weapons were bugging & all weapons they had equipped were showing on their characters models. I was just wondering if anyone would want anet to put in an option to have your two weapon sets be visible on your character. For example: to have your greatsword on your back & your dualswords on your hips. Especially since ele & engi have two weapon sets. Does anybody else want this?? #fashionwars2ftw

  6. So i just bought the pyre gloves from the gemstore, but I can't dye them, no matter what colour i do, it doesnt change. I figured out that the gloves stay the same colour as my characters hair, as i was messing around in the total makeover kit and they changed colour as my characters hair did. Theres some other effects in the game that stay the same colour as the characters hair, but i dont think this is intentional. Any ideas on what i should do? https://imgur.com/a/DnNIjPE

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