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aelflune.8590's Achievements

  1. I'm talking about the latest change. Yeah, it was hard after they took away credit for repairing walls, but it was doable. Now it's just an impossible piece of crap unless you're kitten lucky or you have all day to waste.
  2. It's the fifth fight in a row I've had defending a keep where I've killed a number of attackers and didn't get credit for defense. My WvW weekly is at 2/3 keep defense and it looks like I won't be getting that last one before the week ends despite a few days of trying. This triggers me. How could it be so difficult? Yes, they made it more difficult already once upon a time, but it was still manageable given enough opportunities. Now opportunities are hard to come by. I think they just don't give a kitten.
  3. A few times already this week, I've experienced entire fights with zergs inside my team's keeps, with orange swords and everything, killing at least some and once wiping out the entire zerg without the keep even being contested. Whoever made the changes to how defense events work is really incompetent. Seriously, who the heck looks at this and thinks it's fine? Wtf.
  4. VPN worked for a short while for me. I think it depends on the routing and it may add a latency issue as well. Maybe if we make enough noise, Anet will take notice, but I'm not optimistic. I've just given up on playing during a 3-hour SEA "prime time" period in the evenings.
  5. Nah, nothing else lags like GW2 (2k-3k ping sometimes), especially in WvW. Sure, ISPs may be able to do something about it, but they won't. I know. I've tried asking a few times. How many people play GW2? If this was Valorant, yeah, maybe they will look into it. But not for this game. From what I've pieced together, Amazon servers have really kitten downstream providers. That is something Anet can probably do something about, even if it's asking Amazon to do something about it. There's a far bigger chance for Anet to do something about their game than for ISPs to do something about a game that's not popular. ANET. PLEASE. FIX. THE. TERRIBLE. LAG.
  6. 2000+, 3000+ pings. Skills don't work at all. Getting no credit because d/c after a while. It's unplayable at certain times. Barely tolerable at other times.
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