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Posts posted by Barabeam.4638

  1. Hello, lately I have been having an issue with gw2 on Steam. When things get loaded and intense I start having blue artifacts on screen: https://ibb.co/5Br9D46


    When I start the game everything is smooth and there is no corruption. When I go to extremely crowded areas in WvW these blue artifacts start appearing, and then they remain until I close the game. 

    Key Information:

    distro: EndeavourOS | Kernel: 6.9.1-zen1-2-zen | CPU: Ryzen 5 2600 | GPU: RX 580 8GB | Ram: 32 GiB 

    I tried two versions of proton. The most recent normal version, and the most recent GE version. I will try an older version now in case it is related to the issue. I am wondering, has any of you faced a similar issue?


  2. On 11/12/2023 at 6:13 PM, VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig. said:

    Also, if you are on a recent kernel: amd_pstate=passive
    on the kernel command line is really, really nice.

    Excited me for a second! I just checked and it seems my 2600 is not supported >> "Currently, amd-pstate supports basic frequency control function according to kernel governors on some of the Zen2 and Zen3 processors". Thanks for sharing though. 

  3. 9 minutes ago, Sina.9208 said:

    Seems like you have it all figured out.

    I think for gaming X11 should be the default. Wayland works okay with GW2, but I have not yet figured out how to bypass compositing & doing DE meta at 20-30 fps is much better without.

    Since you are using KDE on the X11 session you can run 'qdbus org.kde.KWin /Compositor suspend' to turn off compositing temporarily & test GW2 that way. (latency > screen tearing, well for me anyway)

    Although I got rid of the errors and they were in the other virtual desktop, I still faced some issues in the screen position where the dialogue would usually appear. I added more info in my previous comment as I edited it, and I uploaded some more photos to demonstrate. so I guess I will still need to do more fiddling than I initially assumed.


    In previous versions I used to turn off compositing before playing gw2 and some other games, I even had it scripted in gamemode.ini, but since a while when I turn off compositing while gaming I would have a blackscreen stutter. The monitor keeps on going dark then back then dark and so on. Until I figured out if I keep the compositor it would be ok. I think different setups have different perks to some degree. Or I have borked something unintentionally along the way xD.


    Thanks for your input and supportive stance.

  4. 10 hours ago, Sina.9208 said:


    I also have errors sometimes, for example arcdps always gives me a rundll32.exe error.

    Dealing with these is not very difficult, as long as they are not crashing your game when left alone. For example you can make a new virtual desktop & call it 'Jail' & then just set up rules to send all the error messages to eat all the kittens there.

    Depending on the Window Manager you use there are various options to do this. Such as use 'xprop' to detect the precise Window attributes for the error message (case sensitive stuff) and then set up rules as needed. I don't know how to do this on Gnome, but in KDE you go to the Window Rules menu & you don't even have to use xprop, because KDE has a built in detector for window stuff. If you use a typical WM -such as i3, hypr, sway etc- based custom system, then the rules will go into the WM's config file.

    Thank you!! 

    I use KDE, and I just tried using Window Rules and indeed it allows me to have a much smoother gaming experience.

    Although the error dialogues are sent to another virtual desktop, when my mouse goes over the central part of the screen (Where the errors usually spawn), I can't control the game over there, and if I click the mouse it unfocused the game. 

    These errors are present on both wayland and X11. 

    I uploaded more pictures showing how the mouse cursor changes shape as I pass in the central part of the screen.

    Also, it seems I can't open the trading post or the vault.

  5. @ArmoredVehicle.2849

    Sure thing, Crash Screenshots/Text/Dump, this is a google drive folder that I loaded with the following:

    1. 3 Screenshots. 
      1. The crash I receive as soon as I load the game.
      2. When I click on the upper edge of the crash window and move it away, GW2 launcher appears, and another Crash window spawns.
      3. When I move the other crash windows, more crash windows spawn (probably endless).
    2. The text provided in the crash as a google doc.
    3. The crash dump file found in the root of GW2 folder.

    I hope those help :),, please let me know if you need anything else. 🙌 

  6. Hi @ArmoredVehicle.2849, great to see your package back!

    I also had a freeze an initializing, that I managed to get through when I enabled the Virtual Desktop options through Wine Settings. However, I kept getting errors that didn't kill the game directly, and I managed to login and play a bit, the performance is very good, but the errors keep on popping so I closed the game right after. 


    I use:

    Arch Linux, Kernel: 6.5.9-zen2-1-zen,CPU=Ryzen 5 2600, GPU: Radeon RX 580, 32GB DDR4 Ram. Please let me know if you want any assistance in testing changes or things like that. Best of luck!


  7. On 3/15/2022 at 10:27 PM, GoingMenthol.7281 said:


    I think GOverlay causes issues when adding config files directly into the GW2 folder even when GOverlay was disabled, my desktop was crashing and had to restart multiple times to work again. this is the vkbasalt.conf i had:


      Hide contents

    # zzz
    # Nevin Kiludan.2639 settings
    # zzz

    effects = cas:tone:vibreshade
    TexturePath = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Textures"
    reshadeIncludePath = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders"
    depthCapture = off

    # toggleKey toggles the effects on/off
    toggleKey = Home

    # Vibrance
    vibVibrance = 0.100000
    vibVibranceRGBBalance = 1.000000,1.000000,1.000000

    # Tonemap
    toneDefog = 0.100000
    toneBleach = 0.000000
    toneGamma = 1.000000
    toneExposure = 0.000000
    toneSaturation = -0.150000
    toneFogColor = 1.000000,1.000000,1.000000

    casSharpnesscasSharpness = 0.40

    # Reshade
    FXcolorful = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/Colourfulness.fx"
    denoise = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/Denoise.fx"
    asharp = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/AdaptiveSharpening.fx"
    lsharp = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/LumaSharpen.fx"
    vib = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/Vibrance.fx"
    curv = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/Curves.fx"
    lev = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/Levels.fx"
    tone = "/home/menthol/.local/share/reshade/Shaders/Tonemap.fx"


    maybe i entered something wrong? i changed the file and folder locations to where i found the reshade folder (/.local/share/ instead of /.local/)


    I already see one mistake, which is in this line > effects = cas:tone:vibreshade

    There is no effect that is called vibreshade, you do have vib though. so it should be cas:tone:vib instead of what you currently have.

  8. 10 hours ago, WARHEAD.1932 said:

    I play Guild Wars 2 on Linux before 5-6 years but FPS on same PC drop 50%~60% , today when game support dx11+vulkan maybe work better any player test perfomance under Linux?

    Most of us here in this thread play gw2 on linux, the portable package prepared by Armored Vehicle is very good, I used it for a few years. >> can be downloaded in the first post, choose the package suitable for your hardware whether nvidia or AMD. 


    I think it goes like this, if your GPU supports vulkan, then go with the regular portable package for your brand (nvidia or AMD), if your GPU does not support vulkan, go for the "Legacy" package for your brand. I hope that helps. 

  9. On 2/27/2022 at 4:02 PM, GoingMenthol.7281 said:


    By any chance you know how to configure the effects on vkBasalt through GOverlay? Or where the config files are saved to? I've just about got it working (I didn't realise ArmoredVehicle's package had vkbasalt settings in user_run) but I can't change any settings


    Hi! Sorry, I was out of country without my gaming PC obviously xD, so I didn't have a convenient way to look things up. To be honest, I currently use vkBasalt directly through the config file. I haven't tried GOverly just yet. 

    Umm, there is a global vkBasalt configuration file, and you can also have a copy of it in any directory you want, and then in the user_run file, you can simply add the line:

    export VKBASALT_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/the/config/file/vkBasalt.conf

    for me, it looks like this.
    export VKBASALT_CONFIG_FILE=/home/enigmoon/Games/GW2/data/drive_c/GW2/vkBasalt.conf

    The configuration I am currently using was posted by @Nevin Kiludan.2639 in this thread. This is the link to his post.


    If you need any more help in this I will be happy to assist. 


    CC: @Nevin Kiludan.2639: I was wondering, did you update/adjust your vkBasalt configurations? If so I would be interested to try them XD, thanks!

  10. 6 hours ago, NdranC.5107 said:

    Anybody using reshade by calling it dxgi.dll?

    I don't use reshade on linux, but I do use an alternative called vkBasalt >> https://github.com/DadSchoorse/vkBasalt

    I recall someone posted a very nice configuration file for gw2 somewhere in this post. 


    If you prefer dealing with GUI, https://github.com/benjamimgois/goverlay

    GOverlay is an application that helps in configuring vkBasalt as well as some other gaming related tools on linux. 

  11. Since no one mentioned it so far, I am wondering if anyone tried using FSR:


    * I found a dedicated thread for FSR on gw2, but that one is aimed at windows. And they think it will not help performance. 

    * On linux on the other hand I am wondering if it may help in improving performance :). 

    * I read and saw videos that FSR is already implemented in a recent custom Proton version by Golrious Eggroll


    I am not sure when will FSR be included in mainline wine, probably if someone wants it now, he/she has to build from source. 


    Has any of you tried FSR on linux for gw2? 



  12. @Mack.3045 said:

    @"ArmoredVehicle.2849" said:A new DXVK version has been released today (1.8), the async version also ready. Currently testing it with GW2 for any possible regressions, if everything checks out you can expect a package update over the weekend :)

    Sorry, no Wine rebase to 6.x yet.

    Hi mate, here is the async patch build of dxvk 1.8 with the optimized SPIRV shader compilation time patch included (as per pull request #1582 )

    "uses bit::cast instead of direct memcpy, and the additional DxvkShader constructor is less verbose, passing a const SpirvModule& and building flags directly from it instead"

    This will be slightly faster than the vanilla aysnc 1.8 version for your testing.

    Thank you for posting the new dxvk-async, the compressed folder you shared though doesn't include installation script though, it is fine if I just borrow installation script from a previous version? just copy and paste it in the new folder and process the installation?

    Edit: I copied the setup file from the 1.8 main release and installed, it is working fine, but I am not entirely sure this is a proper way to install it xD ,,thanks!

  13. @Ikarus.2659 said:

    switched from RX580 to GTX1080 and this fixed crashes with DXVK-ASYNC. But maybe it was just my RX580 or my config.Since AMD drivers are open source its the better way for linux. ;)

    I also use RX580, I rarely get any crashes, I also use dxvk-async. maybe it is something in the card or your configuration. :) Note that I use it on a manjaro KDE. And I agree with you it is more relaxing to manage an AMD gpu on linux since we can just stick to the open source drivers. Cheers!

  14. @Leo.3428 said:Thank you @Barabeam.4638 for the good advice :)I've been holding off from doing this because I'm investigating upgrading the GPU - not an easy task at all on these computers though :DI'm also upgrading the hardware of a (non-gaming) PC laptop that may provide better performance.

    If you haven't invested in any of the upgrades you have in mind, may I intrude by asking what budget are you planning to spend? We might have ideas here or there :) Also youtube is full of on-budget gaming ideas, you might find something of interest over there.

    Best of luck!

  15. @"Leo.3428" If I had a similar hardware setup to yours, I would have tried to look into it further, but my experience with linux is for like 3 years anyway lol.I don't know if you went through this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriverthis link is last edited in 2017-08-21, and as you said, seems like ubuntu 16.04 supports the gpu fully, if I were you, I would totally go for that :) Especially since you are also keeping mac on the side! Older OS might be less secure, but if you only use it for guild wars 2/ and the wiki, I would be ok with it.

    But everyone thinks differently, so I hope you overcome this issue.

    Best of luck!

  16. Since no one replied yet I will answer to the best of my knowledge:@Knox.3748 Yup, the package uses dxvk. I don't have enough knowledge to help you on why it crashes though. Did you follow the steps in the guide to edit the file limits? It might help others to provide some basic hardware information, such as CPU/GPU.

    @Leo.3428 The package uses dxvk which uses vulkan, so just in case your GPU doesn't support vulkan, you may want to try the legacy package >> Deprecated/Legacy Packages (WineD3D/OpenGL versions) from the original post. Also, it might help more experienced users to have more details about your hardware and the linux distribution you installed to give you guidance :) Best of luck

  17. @"Mack.3045" said:

    Glad to hear that :) If you would like updates on the Async patch with the latest DXVK binary's you can find releases here at Sporif's branch on GitHub


    Current release https://github.com/Sporif/dxvk-async/tree/1.7.2

    I think it's brilliant to have Asynchronous support/implementation with DX9 in DXVK.

    I also tried the patched dxvk-async, and so far I liked it!Btw it seems like we can either add the line you mentioned (use dxvk.enableAsync = true) in dxvk.confor simply add the environmental variable DXVK_ASYNC=1 << This is probably easier for people who don't already have a dxvk.conf file :)

    Thanks for sharing!

  18. @Montagsgott.7438 said:

    Thank you for your insights!Did you use the script provided by ArmoredVehicle? Or just the Lutris installer?

    Hi, Sorry for the delay, I didn't check out the forums in quite a while. I use the script provided by ArmoredVehicle, I also perform the steps indicated for the filelimits and so on :), Then I create a desktop shortcut with the following command: gamemoderun mangohud ~/Games/GW2/play.sh

    Where ~/Games/GW2/play.sh is the location of the game launching script. I have gamemode installed and configured to automate switching the CPU and GPU to performance mode. And I have mangohud installed and configured to display fps, cpu and gpu utilization and temperatures and so on :)I also have vkBasalt installed, and I used to include it in that command, but someone here provided the lines required to add it to the run script, along with pretty nice configurations that improve the aesthetics of the game ;)

  19. @Montagsgott.7438 said:Hi there,

    I'd like to make the switch from Kubuntu to Manjaro. Of course I'd love to play GW2 on Manjaro, too. This thread helped me finally get it to work on Kubuntu.

    There are however some differences between Manjaro and Kubuntu. For instance, Manjaro has no Wine-32-Package. Will it make a difference? Anyone here got it working on Manjaro and wants to share his experiences?

    I have been running manjaro for maybe 2 years now, and this package is working totally fine. I tested it on both AMD and nvidia GPUs, both worked like a charm.The things related to wine I have installed on my system:

    • wine-gecko
    • wine-mono
    • wine-staging
    • winetricks

    It should be smooth sailing, and if you went through some issues or errors, it should be fairly easy to come up with solutions online. Note: I tried both KDE and XFCE, I don't think the environment would make much of a difference, but who knows :) .. Best of luck!

  20. @"Nevin Kiludan.2639" said:I added the following to bin/user_run to enable vkBasalt setting if installed:

    # vkBasaltexport ENABLE_VKBASALT=1export VKBASALT_LOG_FILE="vkBasalt.log"Would be nice if you add it. So that people with installed vkBasalt can just start with a suttle reshade setting. Better put those reshade shaders in your `share` path.I just added it to mine and tried your preset, it seems you also added it in Github, really useful! I have been considering sharing my preset for a while, but procrastinated optimizing it. Your preset looks pretty, and I will keep on using it for a while and get back to you on it if you are interested in feedback. Cheers
  21. @"ZenAge.4863" said:

    It was still fun to mess around though, and thought that maybe I could use it somehow but in general... there is not much we will be able to improve. As long as we are using the opacity workaround and not actual transparency, we will never get the bright & clear GW2/Taco.

    No problem, the scientific method is based on iterations ;D. I have an idea and I feel it has a fairly great potential. But I will not be able to test it right now as I am out of town. I would have to configure a lot of things from scratch if I were to use my laptop.

    Basically we can use vkBasalt: https://github.com/DadSchoorse/vkBasaltvkBasalt allows the use of reshade shaders and configuring them... configuring them can be hairy, but this is something I already went through and have a fairly good configuration file at home... (now wishing I uploaded it to my cloud).

    Method: Use vkBasalt to increase the color saturation, color vibrance, and other applicable settings on GW2 to counteract the effect caused by taco's opacity :) . Hoping for a perfect result, but I will still be happy with a big improvement.

    Drawback (tentative): When taco is closed while vkBasalt is still running, the colors will probably be a bit too extreme ;o ,, I am sure there should be a way to close vkBasalt while in-game, but I never really needed to do that. but it is something we can look into.

    If you would like we can discord sometime, it may help to think things out and I will help with testing. I am an artist and I like to tinker, so I can test out various settings and generally speaking it could be a learning experience for me as well.

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