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Posts posted by Kondor.2904

  1. 3 hours ago, EpicName.4523 said:



    I use this guy's recommendations and ALL of his builds are amazing, including the one he proposed for mesmer. Problem is...it is still a mesmer. 


    Other than that, I was just curious if condition builds are better for open world, since the author is proposing a build that is of kind of jack of all trades, not one that is necessarily OP at everything.

    pMirage deals less dmg than core power mesmer, just so you get the idea about this build's efficiency in ow, aside from mob tagging, and that's  without mentioning this particular suboptimal gear setup. That might be the reason you feel like you lack dps.

    If we talk about efficient builds that you can also use later for comfortable transition into instanced PvE, you have 3 options:
    Axe cMirage, Staff/Staff cMirage, pChrono

    I'd just recommend using metabattle as a starting outline of what is played where, it presents a generally decent overview of efficient build options for different purposes, there are some questionable trait/gear/traitline choices for sure, but if you're new to the class, it shouldn't be your main concern now. And then find a sort of middle ground between fractal/raid and open world builds there. As for gear imo: berserker with assassins to crit cap for power, viper/trailblazer for condi, regular meta fractal/raid sigils and runes. The only exception is tormenting runes for condi builds, which i'd recommend for open world if you don't plan on chasing dps race in instanced content.

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  2. When some players want something, they go in, spend time and put effort into getting it. And then there’s other players who would rather go on forums and create a 24 pages long polemics thesis about how they are too of a special needs class kid to go the same route as everyone else. Fascinating.

    If you put the same effort you put into this pointless thread, you’d be halfway through into getting your desired legendary. 

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  3. 8 hours ago, Nezekan.2671 said:

    The only build benefitting from confusion change is Alacrity mirage. Because Alacrity is important enough to bring on all fights, and now they are OK damage on all fights instead of just a few, and given they can have alacrity uptime with sigils, utility, good and runes and wear full viper gear, they might become the primary mirage raiding build.

    God please, I hope not. 

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  4. From an sPvP perspective:

    Sword 3 is the only positive thing I can think of. Having to face the target to cast shatters and heal is awful, having to detarget every time you run from someone to heal is clunky and not necessary. Having every defensive (f4/distortion utility) skill getting kittened by a simple daze is awful.

    Dagger is just boring and feels absolutely non-impactful, really I was much more hyped about a single sword skill change than the whole dagger kit. Also, put a icd on the shadowstep part of sword 3, so the actual leap doesn't get constantly interrupted by double clicking/bugging out.

    Aegis on shatter is the only decent trait and it promotes literal shatter spam to make use of. Aegis should be applied earlier or the shatter aftercast should get shaved. The whole gameplay feels very spam oriented, it doesn’t feel like you really need to time anything but instead just stack as many blade consisting skills as you can, because everything on its own is like half the damage of guardian’s symbols and rev’s kit. F skills damage is a joke for the amount of setup they require. I don't even want to compare that to soulbeast level of burst. 

    Utility is non existent, I don’t really get why the spec is even trying to be a condi option when we have mirage, just scrap the bottom condi traits and make a proper power oriented spec with diverse traits. 0 condi cleansing.

    All in all, I really don’t get the idea behind the spec. As far as i’m aware for pve it uses the same rotation as power chrono, minus cs, what’s the point ? It’s absolutely the same power chrono with a  simplified rotation and the same clone(blade) management. I thought it was supposed to be distinctly different in gameplay, shatters do the same thing but now you have these clunky cast times for the same old effects and blades are the same old clones, but now with extra blade attack gimmicks that want to reveal you every time you attempt to stealth. Idk, either shatters or traits should be spiced up in their mechanics so it doesn’t feel like a clunky and edgy version of regular mesmer with just a higher bench. In sPvP I’d rather play rev or something.

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  5. 2 hours ago, JazzXman.7018 said:

    wait, do you have the link to the side where the undocumented change from may 11, 2012 is mentioned? that should be a bug and should be fixed. oO

    That's not a bug, they patched it twice, so it's most likely intentional to make precasts more clunky(?). When it got introduced, clones had a 4 second timer to get in combat or they disappeared, later the timer was increased to 6 seconds, because it supposedly created a lot of issues with clones interrupting their attacks/not having enough time to hit a target and completely yoinking your clone upkeep. So now it's less of a deal but can still f you up if clones can't get in combat in time for some reason. 

    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

    Already have legendary armor. So the Sigil resets to nothing every time you take it out?

    Every time you take out a weapon from the template, sigils go back to the armory and you have to choose them again, yes. So very inconvenient if you constantly switch weapons on a single template. 

  7. I don't think having to reset every legendary sigil every time you switch a weapon is something I'd call convenient. So as of now, I'd stick to regular sigils and ascended weapons, at least until the armory interactions are updated.

    And not sure if runes are worth it either, considering you have a rather limited choice of optimal runes for every role, I'd rather invest in multiple ascended sets or legendary armor at this point, because you will most likely need to switch gear pieces anyway to compensate for stats when picking a particular rune.

  8. Those who think current templates resolve this issue probably do not realize the amount of  templates you would need to freely use all the weapon and sigil switching combinations on different builds/elite specs. Spolier: it's way more than 6. 

    I am really grateful I decided to postpone legendary sigil crafting, that would have been such a pain. 

    • Like 4
  9. 47 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    These glass cannons  builds are all that power mesmer ever had.

    Mirage? We're talking about the core traits are enough sustain, unless you want to spec the famous dual elite traitlines.

    I guess reading isn't your forte (ah see what I did here music enthusiasts?), again we're talking specing core/core/virtuoso.


    No one ever played core power mesmer with tripple offensive traitlines in pvp.  No one, except some youtubers for memes and these singular cases do not serve as a relevant representation. So idk what "glasscannon" builds you talk about that power mesmers only ever had. 

    What ? I don't know what you are talking about but I was talking about power mesmer and its relevant traitline choices, which include both core and elite ones. I stated at the very beginning that we have core traitlines that provide sustain. We also have elite spec that provide sustain. A competent power build consists of 1 defensive traitline and 2 offensive ones, I used mirage as an example of that, because mirage is a relevant power mesmer build and chrono is not a relevant one. I also used core mesmer as an example.

    For virtuoso to become relevant it needs to a) offer enough sustain so you can pick other 2 core offensive traitlines or b) offer enough offense so you can drop 1 offensive core traitline and take a defensive one. So it doesn't have to be strictly core offensive + core offensive + virtuoso to deal dmg.

    • Confused 1
  10. Just now, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    Your damage will be pathetic, literally every incarnation of power mesmer uses Dom/Duel , Dom/Illu or Duel/Illu + chrono/mirage which obviously will be replaced by Virtuoso.

    pChrono builds are an equivalent of playing core with 3 offensive traitlines. These glass cannons builds do not count as relevant.

    Since when mirage is an offensive power traitline ? It has 0 dmg modifiers and its main purpose is either defense or utility oriented. And the only utility that counts as an "offensive" one is now obsolete and only helps stacking vuln from gs clone ambushes which is already covered by domi anyway in the relevant builds.

    Core power mesmer, that as been much more popular build pick among the EU pvp ladders before mantra gutting, uses 1 defensive traitline, because guess what, you already get most dmg modifiers from 2 offensive traitlines and minor dmg buff from the 3rd  in most cases doesn't justify losing a defensive trait like PU or Distortion of signets.

    • Confused 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

    I wonder if some people who posts here even plays mesmer...
    If you spec a defensive core traitline your power damage will be pathetic, so instead of posting here "core traitlines are sustain enough" bs, you should learn to power mesmer.

    Your dmg won't be pathetic if you spec a single defensive traitline out of 3. Literally every incarnation of power mesmer has been utilizing 1 defensive traitline and 2 offensive ones.

  12. 1 minute ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    You named a lot of disengage skill, not skill that keep you healthy and alive in fight, sure you end up alive, but also probably somewhere else on the map. also i literally named inspiration signet distortion as the only good sustain from core mesmer trait line. 

    running away when thing goes bad does not equal to good sustain during a fight

    Well, yeah, mesmer has always revolved around active defense and damage avoidance rather than facetanking and outhealing damage, so I wouldn't be expecting such kind of sustain from any new elite spec. 

  13. 1 minute ago, Roda.7468 said:

    Idk, I think the particle effects look cool enough.  Gotta remember that we aren't gonna be the only ones hitting a target most of the time, and having EVERYONE with super flashy abilities on every button is what makes combat a bit of a mess to look at.


    My only gripe is that the physical dagger charges over your character are a bit too small and transparent making them a bit too hard to see.

    I'm a bit confused, so you mean a character performing an action will make combat look like a mess, but overstacked flashy particle effects from every elite spec stacked at 1 spot won't ?

    I don't know, mate, I'd rather be watching 20 daredevils spam their fist flurry and bound than catching epileptic seizure attacks from having to distinguish mob's attack among 20 stacked aoes and 50 multicoloured particle effects.  

  14. 11 minutes ago, AXLIB.8425 said:

    core mesmer utilities don't have much sustain is the issue, and the only good sustain from core mesmer trait line is inspiration with the distortion on signet activation, which also means forgoing all of your damage, cleanse and stun break.

    Core mesmer on its own has more than enough sustain. You have several core utilities that can offer stealth, mobility, detarget, double f4. And on top of that you have traitlines that can offer full on traited invis monkey or signet spam monkey. Problem is you might lack proper amount of pressure for enemies not to ignore you past ress bot capabilities. 

    • Confused 1
  15. Spec looks decent, assuming they will keep polishing it until the xpac launch. The only real negative I see is that all animations are omega boring and dull looking. Not the flashy kitten skill effects, but actual character animations. After the mirage's  and daredevil's moveset it's really yikes to see these new animations look just as boring as chrono, where 50% of your gameplay consists of resummoning phantasms with hand waves. I do hope they upgrade them. 

    • Like 1
  16. 17 minutes ago, Sodeni.6041 said:

    This class will have no place in PvP and WvW.


    No evade skills, no swiftness, no conditions, no mobility skills. Just. pure. dmg.


    It's obviously a glasscannon made for PvE. It has 0 flavor, it just deals damage and that's it.

    3s block, 3s distortion baseline, 6k+ heal on 20s with aegis + double dodge is a glass canon ? k

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  17. 5 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Exotics were not hard to acquire back in the day. Beta player here, By the time i was level 80 i had enough to afford a full set for most of my characters. The cool looking exotics ones however did cost alot, and they still do cost alot, so not much has changed there. Players still can do instanced content in exotics. I know this for a fact, outside of Fractals, which actually forces ascended due to infusions. Raids and Dungeons, along with strike missions/Drms can be done in rare/exotic/mixed gear, is it recommended, absolutely not, due to the stat differences but it can be done.


    Players got pissed when they introduced ascended items.


    Ive been playing for almost 9000 hours(just shy of a thousand hours a year), and ive still got stuff to do that doesnt include gearing out characters. I had to gear out a druid for raids recently and i absolutely hated it, it wasnt fun at all to get that character geared out. Once i got her geared out i spent a good few hours finding a look i wanted for that build.


    End game goals is fashion, maybe not for you, but it genuinely is one for lots  of people. "Fashion Wars" is a meme for a reason in this game. Lots of us are here because of what Vayne said. Legendaries always where optional. Before ascended got introduced they had the same stats as exotics items. With the addition of the armory however Legendaries have some improvements that make them decently worthwhile to craft, where before it was just because.


    Yes, legendaries were always optional. "Proper" gearing is optional as well, like you said. But I am saying that in terms time and effort required the only things in the game that really require enough of those invested to be called "long term" endgame goal are those I mentioned. I don't think there's any non-legendary fashion thing in the game that can't be easily obtained in a week aside from chak-like infusions and maybe pvp/wvw armor skins  (which were technically also nerfed and are way easier to obtain now). 



    14 minutes ago, Dante.1763 said:

    Funny, i only had one marionette fail, with very few afkers in each try, along with tons of people asking questions and listening to commanders.

    I was mostly talking about private squads, where every lfg and squad message started with "PLEASE READ" . Public's margin of error is too faceroll, so it doesn't apply there. 

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