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Everything posted by TheIceman.1039

  1. It would be easy to add some invisible walls here and there, but somehow they don't. Maybe no one dares to touch the code?
  2. You can make it so that the one who invites to join can't kick out new members at the same time. just move the new members rank up from the recruiter rank. This way, they can invite new members to the Guild, but they can't kick them out.
  3. Tradepoint items Perhaps it's time to remove from Tradepoint all account-bound items that weren't originally account-bound when added to the marketplace. Additionally, it might be fair to reimburse the owners for the listing fee. These items cannot be bought or sold, and they clutter the marketplace. There are many such items currently listed.
  4. Since the circumstances have changed, Anet should change the match/relink length back to 2-6 months. The main reason is described by Neo - because the match is too short, a rather careless attitude towards temporary allies has arisen. A longer relink time, even if it happens to be a bad balance, gives players an opportunity to get to know others and an easy server feel. And everyone is more motivated to fight.
  5. It's not a bad idea at all. Of course, there would be a danger if everyone started aligning themselves according to certain commanders. But if you limit it numerically, for example, a maximum of 20 individuals can follow one person. The most uncomfortable in the current Wvw are solo gamers who have not wanted to join any Guild but at the same time want to belong somewhere. Having been a solo gamer myself for years in another game, I know the feeling.
  6. For those who have collected 1,085 skillpoints, all new characters should be filled with wvw skillpoints automatically. There's no reason why it shouldn't be.
  7. Simple, Anet makes a new rule that only applies to WvW. Or you want to claim that if you buy an extra account, you can ignore all the rules because you have already paid for it.
  8. That's a good idea. But instead of a black screen, you could be forced to listen to this song. Hiiri This would reduce that time floating on the ground.
  9. The solution could be to create a family package.
  10. In addition, those Commanders who come to command for a while on your side and then immediately switch to the opposite side to start their own Guild run there. The solution would be to allow only 2 accounts to be used in wvw. One NA the other EU. This is certainly also difficult to control, but it would certainly limit the use of alt accounts en masse. In addition, playing two opposing sides in the same week could be banned. It seems to me that alt accounts started to be used en masse when the relinking length decreased to one month.
  11. The balance between tiers was also an insurmountable problem even with the old servers. There was also the problem of Guilds roaming between servers. I don't know if Anet uses the same system for match determination that was intended for server distribution. But somehow there is still one too strong "Server" in each Tiers. I think it's time to test kdr based tiers & match creation and see what the balance will be then.
  12. I think that Anet should test the BETA and rematch servers a little more boldly before the right time, as the results were not the best at first.
  13. *Too little time to give comprehensive opinions about whether the new system is bad and the old one was good. *The old servers were even worse out of balance and there was no way to change it. *The first positive change is stopping the constant migration of guilds. *Finding a balance between new temporary servers will take more time. *At the moment it is summer time, people are away from the game more. *The large blob guilds are a direct result of Anet wanting to remove most of the boonrip to give less experienced players a chance to win in wvw. As a result we have more wvw players than ever before. Of course smallscale & roaming suffer at the moment. I think that later better balance will solve this situation. * The best solution for the balance of time zones would be to merge the EU & NA servers into one big server, but I guess that is technically extremely difficult. However, not impossible.
  14. The match length was reduced to one month because all the old servers (They were completely unbalanced and there was no way to change them also because the guilds were constantly traveling. Now that they can't travel anymore the circumstances have changed) got tired of seeing each other already in the second month. But this has led to a certain feeling of disdain for the match/server. If we can now (I'm sure Anet will figure it out eventually, it just takes time) finally find a more or less normal balance between the servers. Then you could consider increasing the match length back to 2 months. Maybe you could test for a longer period of time, for example 3-4 months? . This would bring back the temp server/community feel that many here miss. And would give players more time to get to know the guilds to make the best choice of who to join.
  15. I believe both tag versions are necessary. But a visible and open public wvw tag should get 50% more loot than an invisible and closed tag.
  16. Buy a tag and start changing your match. Ignore those who say typemander can't win. They talk about experiences they don't have.
  17. Now, if Anet could make it impossible for them to avoid each other (Only tiers promotion based on kill death rate would help here), then it would also be a situation that favors wvw activity for others. Guilds just starting their journey, even if they are blob size, should not face those who have 12 years of experience behind them. Certainly even real fight guilds are pretty boring if they don't have a challenge. Yes they can do arena gvg but it's boring compared to regular wvw where you never know who else will join the party =P.
  18. The queue moves quickly and it's only during the reset. This fifth tier was worse than all those years Devona Rest in the EU time zone. Now at least we have more guilds/players on all sides. Activity is significantly higher.
  19. I think you are talking about the EU servers. I don't know that NA servers had any idyllic communities. It was also clearly visible when WR started. Only a few servers decided to make the alliance server based. By the way, speaking of fight guilds, if we had tiers based on kdr, they could all fight each other in tier 1, and the rest in other ones.
  20. My point was that ppt based tiers are too easy to manipulate. Certain commanders who only hunt rookie blobs for easy kill counts always try to avoid stronger servers/guilds. By choosing whether they want to move tiers up or down. Because it is so easy to manipulate. However, if you change the tiers to purely kdr based, it will be very difficult for them to manipulate it.
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