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Viera X.8570

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Posts posted by Viera X.8570

  1. I just posted this but it was in the wrong section. New to posting on the forum so forgive it.

    This has been pissing me the hell off for a while now and I know I'm speaking everyone else's mind here. People are so negative and the way you're given your rank after the first initial 10 ranked games is in no way an accurate reflection of a player's skill. You go into a game with someone who's crying like a young cat and after 30 seconds decides to either A: start arguments and toxicity within the said team, B: Stand there completely inactive for the entire rest of the game, or C: Log out leaving us a man short.

    Then at the end you're told this is how good you are and this is the division you belong in??? That's annoying. Players like me who are actively trying to get people to work together, who are researching their role as whatever class is being played, works hard to keep things positive...I KNOW I'm better than what the kitten computer says I am, because when I'm coming top scores and carrying whatever work IS done in a game, despite the negativity, and then someone young cats it up by being negative and toxic instead of trying to work together, I know something isn't quite adding up.

    Like what am I supposed to do, carry the whole game EVERY game to get to plat? Are you young cats serious? No. Obviously that is not the case, or cannot be and my logic tells me it absolutely must not be, because I can't prevent kittens like I just described and it is a TEAM fight. I fight people that are plat and win in 1v1's, quite often and then I ask how they got plat and they're like "idk just happened." I'm OBVIOUSLY a better player than this kitten system says, and I know other people feel me because I hear from them.

    I wanted to rant and cuss here because otherwise I risk being toxic in game, and tbh I'm the complete opposite.

    Copy and paste your brain down below.

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