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  1. Your reward for playing Power Virtuoso over Condi Virtuoso is dignity you gain.
  2. Warrior was great but then EoD came and whatever the f* they did with nefs/buffs/changes to it. Revenant, all the way.
  3. But we have a situation where every Rev build uses Invocation right now, where's the fun? Deva Ren was fun and pre-nerf, we had Power Renegade at least being viable.
  4. Every Low-Intensity build should be significantly weaker than full-rotation build. Period.
  5. How to tell you were kicked from the squad for bad performence without telling it? Let me quess, someone told you to use fake LI only to be outdps'ed by healer which caused your kick? If you wanna play bad, sure, but why blame the DPS meter? The squad has 10 people, why 9 of them should sacrifice their time only to carry you because you are entilted and lazy? You don't want to use it, great, don't use one. Don't push your own agenda on people who use it. I use it, I do raid training every week for the last three years and new comers are ALWAYS happy about Arc as they are interested in their performence or need help with explanation of mechanics.
  6. And it sounds about right for LI, completely range build where your immortal pet does 1/3 of total damage.
  7. Yes, of course. It should be nerfed by at least 15-20% of it's dps. Not because I am envy, because this build is overperforming contrary to it's complexity. The game should promote more difficult to approach. No only auto-attack build should have dps on par with the top.
  8. Oh no, Raid Community is dying out due to lack of new content, questionable profession updates. How is it there is noone to pug/train with us? Raid Community does clears with statics and are not interested in helping out pugs due to no reward time involvement.
  9. Oh no... we talk about Mesmer's elites... *cough* Time Warp *cough*
  10. Rifle Mech must be nerfed, it's ridiculously overpowered for it's simplicity.
  11. It's high but it's probably the most complex rotation in-game due to Ambush-Clone management, bugs and overall flow. It has high dps and it's probably near top but if you are not good player, you won't go nowhere near it's capability.
  12. You do play with 3 clones as Mirage which do condition damage which do skills like Ambush and following you with Axe3. Please, don't touch Mirage, it's great.
  13. Calling for the nerf for Rifle Mech in Engineer forum, daring are we? Haha. Yeah, this is disaster in endgame content, this build needs to be nerfed. Every 4th player (according to Wingman) in raids is Mechanist, only to wonder how many of them are Rifle Mech (majority). This build is way too strong compared to it's complexity. Low-Intensity builds are fine but they can not be on par with meta dps builds with much more complex background, it is bad for the balance. Why would people play other classes if you can afk while auto-attacking and get better results? This is the approach I have seen at many runs, chats, guild calls. People abandons their builds for that, it's sad. Damage output alltogether should be cut by 1/4 while avoiding to thrash Holo and Scrapper. Yeah, good luck with that.
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