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Ossyrana.1637's Achievements

  1. Ohhhhh my gosh! I just wanna thank you Anet for the cargo pants!!! 😭💕 I've been wanting normal-looking pants for so long! And it's been particularly struggling trying to find a nice outfit for my mesmer. And now she is complete and I am so happy!!! 😣🎉
  2. I'd been away from the game for a few years & I noticed I had like 5 total makeover kits in my bank when I came back. I decided to use one but after I accepted to make changes, it just wasn't quite what I hoped for in person. So I re-entered the stylist page and modified some things. I thought for sure this time it'd be perfect. Made Changes. But then somehow in live real play mode, my character doesn't look as good as in the creation mode. It's quite ridiculous that I ended up having to use all of my total makeover kits on one character in one night just to finally be happy with the result. I couldn't believe I wasted all my kits, which led to me trying to think of how this could be avoided & solved.. As feedback, one route could be to purchase a permanent total makeover kit. This way we'd only have to buy it once to unlock being able to have the freedom to continuously modify our characters over and over to our hearts desire. I don't know if it's because I'm on the autism spectrum, or if it's because I'm a perfectionist, or simply an artist, or because I have body dysmorphia... but I just never seem to be content with the faces of my designs & have to keep tweaking them. I know there is a permanent coupon for the hair that's super expensive if buying from the BLTP or super rare if trying to acquire from BL chests & keys, but hair isn't enough. The other alternative I can think of is having a timer on total makeover kits, like a boon. Make their effect last for a day or something so that players can go back in and make changes as many times as they want as long as it's before the timer runs out. Still kinda sad, 'cause I'd prefer a "for life" ordeal, but it'd at least be better than how it is now and would prevent this kind of incident from happening again. For some reason it's really tough to truly tell how a character will look until exiting the creation panel. How many fashion wars players thinks this would be a good or much needed idea? Or do you have a different solution to bring to the table for Anet to consider? I'm hoping this can start a conversation for the gw2 devs to gain feedback from and hopefully take to heart.
  3. For sure! Yeah, it makes me wonder if the only other way besides reworking the whole thing ground up, is if they copied the binary codes for light armor, placed it in heavy and medium wardrobes for their own copy, and then tweak the numbers to be their personal variant that can fit with the rest of that set’s possibilities (and honestly may need multiple copies linked to each armor to avoid the clipping we still get while playing around with one weight). Then do the same for the heavy and medium in the light and each other’s.
  4. This may sound silly, being about fashion wars, but... what would you say if armor didn’t have weight? That no matter what weight class you are, you could wear any armor in the game. And the different stats the armor would normally have would then just be a part of your character with or without the armor. Or, can keep it the way it is but just let us skin it any way we want. It makes it so hard when designing a character, because I have to keep in mind if I can make them look good no matter if I want to play that class or even that class as a particular race or gender. But if it were free for all, no matter your character imbued weight (just like a lot of other games where each race has their own stat differences and special benefits and cons), it’s be so much easier to outfit our characters and not worry about it when deciding what class would best fit their personality or culture. And on top of this, I wish any class could use any weapon - ‘cause many times there’s a very particular skin I deeply desire on a character but can’t because of their class. And sometimes there’s a unique animation of a weapon that I wish could be an imbuing upgrade we could apply to any weapon or trinket... like the flower growing footsteps of Kudzu. That would fit my character so well, but I’d rather use my Wings of Dwayna because to me it is the most beautiful weapon in the game. I wish that (even if it wasn’t as easy as buying an utility from the trade post) if I at most got Kudzu, then I could at least skin it and still have the footprint animation since I earned it. I also wish there were more toggles in character creation to manually pull and tug on the body to determine the figure and features of individual parts of their form... like eradicating breasts on sylvari... choosing the intensity of rock hard abs without having to have a certain shape... broadening the shoulders and lengthening the torso etc... this however is probably impossible to change at this point though. Way too hard. But, I wonder if it isn’t too late to fix some of the outfits that are way too glowy. The ones that won’t let me dye them near dark enough to the point I want them to be and just have to avoid using those. I also would really love to be able to dye weapons so I can have black metal when I desire as well. But either way, it won’t help if the dye channel isn’t dark enough for the material’s programming. I feel like they’re intended to be shiny metal but are just too smooth with too much aura & brightness like when we see amateur CGI taken to the extreme in films that they justnlook unnaturally radiant. But I know for a fact Anet is capable of realistic metal because there’s other weapons and armor in the game that prove they can execute a superb approach to the item’s texture and reflective adjusting light affects it requires as you turn it around so it reacts to the light source and doesn’t stick onto the object. Stuff to ponder for we artists.
  5. I actually haven’t done any raids yet, I’m sorry to say. Trying to get set up to start getting into them though. But gosh, I don’t even wanna imagine bringing Scrapper in now with the state it’s in. shivers
  6. Is Anet ever gonna fix the chain glitch in AC story? Ya know how after the first room, you fight the two ghosts down the short stairs with all the traps and then you dodge through the fire into the next room? Well... it’d be really nice to be able to finally interact with the chain there again to disarm the traps while fighting them... I understand there’s a lot of bigger projects to work on but it seems simple enough to fix... Thanks...
  7. What if Revenants were a non-chooseable class in Avatar Creation? What if it was a profession we could switch over to later? Like, maybe the game asks us before we begin HoT, and can accept anytime after Hearts & Minds if we pass up the first offer. Otherwise, the timeline makes no sense when we go back to play personal story as such. Revenants came with the HoT expansion pack which to me has always meant that the class didn’t exist back then... so why should it be playable before HoT now? Sadly, with the way it is now, the only way it’d be able to work out lore-wise is if the Revenants just “always” existed in Tyria (even though they didn’t always exist for us players), but that it’s just the “Herald” specialization that’s new and mysterious to all the NPC’s, which would be the reason for why everyone’s questioning Rytlock about his “new magic.” Maybe they’re not bewildered and confused about him entering the mists with every attack skill, bouncing around from foe to foe... maybe it’s the new utilities of Glint that concern them. Thing is... my idea would be a lot of work and they’d have to rewrite the script for revenant alone so that they’ll start questioning our own character too. Rev’s would have to have a completely separate story path due to its dialogue/interactions. So... even if it could never be fixed in game, I’d rather continue to imagine my idealistic setting than pretend the class always existed, ‘cause that’d both diminish Rytlock’s experience and my own... I really enjoy the backstory I make-believe for my human revenant, Annith Dallin. Next: It’d be really neat if Avatar Creation could allow the option of Apprentice for those who are unsure of what class they want to be or their character wants to be. Especially for newcomers. Then they can experiment around and try everything without having to remake characters. I think anyone should be able to change their class even after they settle, ‘cause it’s not like that’ll harm the lore. But if it’s the race they don’t like, then obviously they’ll have to delete and recreate, sadly. Any total makeover kits that might’ve been used and wasted could at least be mailed over. And one should be allowed to alter any icons answering the starter story questions. They wouldn’t have an affect on the game content anyway, but would totally make a difference in how the player sees their character - although changing the personal story option would have to alert you that it’ll rewrite the old and you’ll have to restart those chapters. Further Note: I feel like it’s make sense if all stories before HoT banned revenants from being playable, just like how we can’t use mounts and gliders because they didn’t exist yet. I like the idea of having this new layer that all other classes can connect to rather than just connecting to the one - to get away from how the normal system works in other games. I don’t know how our previous class would change the play of a revenant yet, but I really love the concept and possibilities! I do know, however, how the race would especially vastly change the play of Revenant, in a bit more detail. Example for Sylvari’s legends: I would love for our characters to be able to go through the same exact journey Rytlock did, but sadly that would diminish his story that’s supposed to be unique to his character. I had always thought that that was just the way it was - that it was the only way to become a revenant. That you had to go through the mists and talk to all the legends to learn from them. Pass the test. Psychologically, that’s just how my brain works and interpreted it. But then I was informed it to be untrue. I thought he could leave any time but didn’t because he wouldn’t leave without Solhothin lit. And the deal rekindled the flame and so he left ‘cause that’s all that kept him there... didn’t realize the sword was his way out... to escape instead of go freely. Somehow I missed that context in the lore. I’m still not sure why he was a warrior going in and a revenant coming out... why he couldn’t become one in Tyria and it had to be in the Mists... but I was informed he talked to Glint and it’s a possibility that she told him that he needed these powers in the future and thus fully bestowed them upon him all at once. Who knows. He always had a connection to Glint, so it makes sense why he specifically could be a Herald. So, perhaps my Heralds aren’t really Heralds or Revenants at all. The revenant combines aspects of the ritualist, dervish, and paragon classes. Technically concepts of the Revenant used to exist in Guild Wars 1 but died out and magic evolved. It can’t quite be told that he’s bringing it back to life, because it is still an entirely new breed of magic that hasn’t been seen before. But it does borrow things, as do other classes. It’s like a disciple. And technically was in his blood (dating back to Pyre Fierceshot, supposedly) and he merely needed some spark to activate his potential. I do my best to honor the lore and make it make sense at the same time... it can be a difficult task sometimes for both us role players and the company when under the restrictions of time, cost, and resources. Warmest,Nala
  8. Technically this post applies to PvE and WvW as well. I’ve wanted to make this note for a long time. I just figured eventually it’d be obvious to the ones in charge without hearing it from the community. But maybe they did and it’s not their fault and perhaps they earnestly tried their best to fix each problem but was just impossible to do without other consequences. Idk. But I don’t understand why balancing the game can’t be segregated within their own modes. PvE was created for us to have fun exploring and being able to kill things with ease. But when Anet nerfs a class because of some unfairness happening in PvP or WvW, it unfortunately affects us too (even though PvE never needed balancing) but not the enemies in PvE. We didn’t do anything to deserve the confinement ‘cause we’re not against other people. Making the PvE or WvW nerfs apply to all modes ruins the flow of combat in PvE and takes more time to kill for the same (or similar to the pre-nerf) reward. So in the end, players feel cheated because we don’t reap a moral dessert equal to the effort. Plus, we spend all this effort and money building the perfect character and fall in total adoration with it... but then we have to start all over? That’s not fair to us. It’s comforting to have a feeling of permanence sometimes... that something we love and spent a lot of time and hard work on isn’t going anywhere. Now we have to live in constant anticipation, unable to act on anything because we have to consider how it might change in the future and must be ready for that unknown possibility. Placing all modes in the same basket makes it impossible for us to settle down and feel happy about our class so we can move onto bigger things. And it makes no sense why they would be leveled the same way anyway with them being completely different game types with different systems and rules and purposes. Thanks for listening and hopefully considering such changes. All the best,Nala
  9. I always enjoyed playing a support/healing build combo for my Engi. It got nerfed years ago... it hurt... I really missed my big aoe healing bombs that I could drop behind me with no cool down... but finally I adapted and made it work again... switched to Scrapper when it came out & dealt with the same stuff... ya know the drill. Well, after another past update making me think the play style I liked was gone again, I found a way to make it more than viable and a lot of fun. But now... why did they have to change the Bulwark Gyro to be a suicide skill? I can no longer be a Healer if I am dead from all the damage I’m taking (and heals I’m lacking) whether I’m solo or in a group. It was so good, and now it’s useless. Either this gyro was the breaking point of making her a beast or something else must’ve changed too, because now my engi’s power, toughness, and healing sucks and feels like nothing makes a dent. Apparently, they removed Rapid Regeneration. Why sacrifice something already existent that’s so simple and effective for something unnecessary and messy like barriers? They say it’s supposed to make us tankier but it just makes me feel far squishier. I really dislike the function of barriers and how psychologically it messes with me (the way it looks in the vitality sphere). I don’t understand why anyone could think these changes were a good idea. Please change it back ;_; Don’t try to fix what’s not broken in PvE just because it’s unbalanced in PvP or WvW. Separate the balances. They’re completely different fields. Thanks...
  10. I watched Log Horizon recently, and not only do I so badly wish Elder Tales were a real game lol... I think it’d be so cool and fun to be able to play as one of our very own People of the Land. Either have them as their own race standing next to the others in character creation, or select human and then have the next page be to choose Krytan vs. Canthan vs. Elonian, followed by the male/female screen, or have it be an added story choice alongside parents/sister/circus which would obviously forgo the normal Zhaitan story for the new one. It’s the same concept I’ve always felt would work for Tengu being playable. Anet shouldn’t feel like adding any race has to mean they have to go through the same story. Canthans, Elonians, Tengu, Kodan, Hylek, and who/whatever else can have their own story with their own completely different timeline set whenever it’d make sense for them to join the team lore-wise. I’d love to learn more about their culture up close, see through their eyes, immerse myself in their world to feel like I live where and how they do, and have them as part of my crew/family. Cantha may still be overrun with horrors that kept infecting more and more of the people, degraded to the point that there’s only a handful left and you have to watch every corner you turn to survive the apocalyptic downtown shanties. Could be that no one was ever been able to escape because of the unfit king sealing all entrances to keep purity in and the impure out, and eventually he got infected or died and there’s been no rule or order since then. It’d feel so intense to play in that kind of risky, bold, daring, factionless life on the edge! And with Elona... I know it’s too late for it, but... we could make a villager who’s rebelling against Joko, resisting the Awakened, escaping the Firebrand, and striving to find refuge in Amnoon... maybe also make a living for themselves on the farms (please give me chickens!!!) or at the temple. It’d be so awesome! ?
  11. I love your idea for springer!! I hope you don’t mind that I edited my post to add that! I didn’t really have a good idea for the charr and that sounded perfect! ? But I wanted to make sure to give props to you on that one! :+1: ❤️
  12. Also, I know ppl have written on this, but I really wish we could dye the entire mount. Split it into a few sections like our armor and let us change the color variations of the whole creature. =)
  13. I've thought long and hard about this & hope to draw up an illustration soon. I deeply want Cultural skins for mounts. Sylvari: This time, cultural skins should be useable for anyone, because although for me personally “the planty should stay planty and not leave the circle of the planty” lol, I no longer have any charr sadly, because of all the frustratingly weird armor clippings, so I would love to use their skins for two of my humans who are very steam punk. I also had hopes for other creatures to become new mounts in the future...though this seems way less likely. But if these ever did, they'd need to come with a cultural package set. Meaning to have all the race variations covered for each animal... I know... that'd be a lot of work for the devs :/ Dolyaks: for hauling more than we can carry in our inventory, plus giving other players rides with us I’d also like to change the physique of the springer when I draw my illustrations for all the cultural mount skins... it’s face and body and everything is just not at all cute to me and looks like it’s uncomfortable in its own body and is suffocating in its way too tight of a harness... But as always, I just have to pretend that the things I want different in the game just are in my world. Anet has indeed done amazing things with the game. But just as there is with anything, there’s a fair share that, in my opinion, can be done better. I’m not perfect either (and our tastes fluctuate over time too), but this is the best I can imagine at the moment until I can think of something more creative and beautiful in my eyes, while doing my best to keep in mind the technicalities that go into it and what can be functional. Anyway, something to ponder... All the best,Nala
  14. I made a separate post with 2 personal requests, one of them a gem store related desire to later release skins that can replace current appearances for mounts. I frankly desperately want to ride a dire fern wolf (could take the spot of the jackal), The White Stag (could take place of the raptor), a giant moa aka chocobo (could take place of the springer). I am sure everyone else will have their own personal requests for skins to match their characters and self-created background stories.
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