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Everything posted by nedlee.5943

  1. Poor choices after poor choices. I've about 5-6 builds per character so I'll have to buy dozens of slots when this gets implemented. I'd rather simply stop playing.
  2. I did the timed achievement at the first go with 6 deaths or so. I tried blocking, gliding, stealth gliding, mounting up, which all didn't work, and I'm pretty sure I got shot through a solid rock cover once. A LoS bug I assume. Still I had like 20 seconds left in the end but it was bit annoying. They could've made some NPC give some warnings, but they prefer not to. Some people like to find out things like that with dying a few times, but to some it may feel like trolling. ('ha ha you thought you could mount up?')
  3. The boss can be bit annoying, but not that hard. Anyway when in doubt roll a necromancer. Minionmancer or valkyrie reaper is the easy mode for those kind of stuffs.
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