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Everything posted by aymnad.9023

  1. Like any of the similar tracking skills in the game that needs1 hit to go and then just go... So again you are comparing different skills. How much do you actually know of the other professions because this is not unique? Also I am sure it is very hard to land this skill because there is 0 ways to setup. Oooohhhhh... I also love how you (tried to) ignore how the 2 and most of the spear kit meet multiple advantages I gave… no need to face, more frontloaded dmg, not reflected, aoe so less affected by terrain, faster cast, everything that makes it a more flexible weapon. But hey! I am sure you would never claim that the spear is too strong if it happened to be given to any other profession right?
  2. I think I missed the part where spear lost its aoe, became a projectile that gets reflected, required facing the opponent and got a cast time *5 preventing some movement / combo like kiting away while throwing a ranged maul behind. Do not worry the spear is still fine and can adapt to a lot of situations and lb has a lot of additional weaknesses.
  3. Before testing it I was scared of steamroll (like deathmatch) or way less diversity / room (like 3V3). While it sometimes happened I enjoyed a lot this mode and was able to play many lb untamed games while having impact / fun. I tried range dps, a bruiser, a build closer to WvW and all had a place. This was mostly thanks to: The elevation / no port zone (mid and side): Those are a huge breathing room. In a time where Wb is the main power dps they allow range builds to kite / survive and still provide some cover for the melee (maybe some could be present close to the spawn) The map size: It is just big enough to have time for a team to regroup / reorganize after a lost fight and small enough to have fast games. Here are the few points that were hit and miss: The capture / tranquility buff seems to be mostly taken by the team having the lead as the losing team is closer to their spawn or waiting to regroup. Maybe it is a good thing because it ends games or maybe it could take longer to channel for the winning team. I am not sure how I feel about it. The debuff : I think this is a great way to encourage rotations on the node. Despite that some professions / builds could hold for a very long time but I do not think this can be changed / should be changed Improvements: Indicator for the progression: it is not always clear which team takes the lead. Movement / position of the node : when the node moves it is not always clear where the capture area really is Bug encountered: Having a character stuck sliding to a side of the map. It happened only once when the game started.
  4. Ele : General buffs are fine but the cd reduction are scarier than any coefficient increase (maybe too much). Tempest : Stab on elite is great! A bit counter intuitive as you are meant to use it before a big hit but more stab is going to help support tempest in every game mode anyway. The 2 additional cleanse are nice but I am more scared of what it brings to a duelist rather than a support who already has a tons of them. Cata : The quickness buff sounds great to keep the boons up longer. I will need to check if this is a gameplay I enjoy or not. Engie : Utility goggles are going to be so overloaded and stronger than some traited utilities on other professions. I think this is going to become a case of buff after buff until a build uses it to break something. Energy amplifier giving power is strange. Maybe the goal is to open the way for a duelist build? It could be interesting to see a new variant for engie in PvP Guard : Too much cd reduction on axe 2 when it can be a cc. The rest is a mixt of good changes on less used skills (like mace and the elite) and an overload of protection that guard already gives. Dh : Mixt feelings. It is not used that much but I think there are some annoying bunker builds that already play it + there is the relic of defender. Necro : I expected the spear boon negation to not last as it happened to spellbreaker before. Transfusion : I see why it gets removed even if this was fun… I used it a lot on hybrid scourge (even a dps with blood magic) to make sure the group would be able to keep going. If you really want to remove it I think you should increase the effects of the healing / rez on scourge. Maybe like the gyro have a drawback for each rez (and not for each heal if possible), maybe make the F4 on scourge give stab or something (if the cd is increased because a 15s cd without alac is short). Unlike most people I think scourge will still be a good support / healer but it will lose a lot of appeal. Harbringer : Please do not make it easier for harbringer to sustain when there is still the barrier spamming build around! Ranger : not much. No plan for druid heal in pvp 😞 Soulbeast : Bringing some aoe support is a really good change (imo). Strange how we are slowly going back to the original slb. Rev : More outgoing healing sounds good. I have seen heal vindi do some really good stuff in ranked and it was even played in Mat a few months ago. Differentiating self and outgoing healing is a good thing. Thief : Buffs to scepter is cool! Axe reduction also is since this playstyle is just…not fun to fight War : Tremor is a really really strong cc. Giving a reset is awesome but you probably should decrease the duration. I see a lot of buffs to push a support / hybrid war that will be really good (maybe too strong in some cases)
  5. For a small patch that is still close to the release of the spear (big notes usually take a few months) I was not expecting a functionality change to one of the multiple ways FC provides sustain, damage boost, utility, setup or big adjustments to the new weapons. Still have my fingers crossed for another time (since PoF 😄). If I have to guess the relic could become one the things that gets removed at some point.
  6. The only spear I have somewhat experienced (faced and played) on this list is mesmer. I still do not know where to stand. The damage / aoe is a bit on the crazy side but the drawback is that it does not have much sustain. There is one thing I would like to see changed and this is how it treats height. On Capricorn I was jumping to the top of the big boxes on the dock and kited to the middle of a canon and still kept getting hit. Sadly I doubt it is possible with the way the engine seems to treat aoe.
  7. In tournaments even if harbringer is on the list of potential problems I think it will have wait before coming back as long as willbender is here (but maybe in ranked?). In ranked I see so many axe thief and virtuoso right now. If you have a glass build you are mostly waiting for the moment you will die while fighting something you hardly can touch.
  8. I find sword ambush a bit crazy in its own way but it also is really specific and the animation takes some time.
  9. Even if you pressed your full counter randomly it would only happen once in blue moon and if you time for an attack animation from the mesmer OR the clone then it will not happen.
  10. sunspot / fa ele bug also fitted that description
  11. unless one of the 2 is instant no. You have casting time and sometimes aftercast that you have to time in this 1s window
  12. The bug (in reality feature) fix was needed but the rest of the patch was just... so laughable. I am refraining so hard to name all the professions who escaped getting hit… Jaguar was not great so I was surprised to see it hit so hard. Smoke had more hp, stealth, better skills and overall good dmg. Once more I am not a fan of tying skills to stealth (to play and fight) and with all those nerfs it is no surprise I have only seen 1 person playing ranger with spear in ranked it since the release of the expansion. With a bitter laugh I see that once more that most people who cried about how ranger was going to break the game did not play it more than 2 min and not one of them is saying that they were wrong...
  13. If you were the tiniest bit honest you would have at least tried to compare 2 builds somewhat similar. Meaning 2 dps even if 1 is a roamer (slb) and 1 is a teamfighter (dh) in which case yes it does have a little more stability but also less blocks or even mobility / blind if wb. Different ways to fight. If you really want to go for anything that has stab then put a mirror in front of warrior. Balanced stance, rampage, full counter, eternal champion all with constant applications which makes it harder to boon rip once and you can even add banner of tactics and stalwart strentgh. Defend defiant stance all you want but do not try those fallacies when you can do the same for yourself.
  14. Just how much do you actually play the game? Do you read notes too? edit : And juussst in case you try to bring a “but before patch” you better be able to explain how you were going to win duels / hold with stealth or rotate / teamfight better than the meta picks to make it the strongest.
  15. @Flowki.7194 There is a misunderstanding. I was confused when you said I interpreted this as you saying that tempests were not using Elemental Bastion - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) This is why I said that I was almost certain that players are using it and that in games with 2 tempests I noticed a lot of healing. People I fought were most likely running Tempest - Condition Auramancer - MetaBattle Guild Wars 2 Builds with a few variations. Sometimes with a different trait (like stone heart) or a different weapon (focus) or utility. Maybe you have a different setup in mind?
  16. I disagree. It was not bad in teamfights. A lot of builds do not have that many condi cleanse so putting aoe, sharing auras all while providing some healing will slowly drain them. Are you saying that people do not run the healing trait? I am almost certain they are because it is harder to get value from the other. Also it was hard to get kills in games with 2 tempest (and they still had a good condi pressure). It was not accelerating the game like a fa build, or slowing it like full duelist or a full support but being able to complement any role does have a place especially in this solo queue environment.
  17. Condi tempest seems to be gaining popularity too. I saw a lot of them recently.
  18. Indeed I was 😉 . I saw Nemesis and 2 other accounts (maybe alts, I cannot tell) on fireweaver. Quite tanky and with a good constant pressure.The mat build was using hammer too.
  19. Not on FA but on tank hybrid weaver. If the discussion is about pure power dps then you can disregard my comment but I felt like the thread was about ele in general 🙂
  20. Most of the time I got a top ele in my games for the past 2 seasons they were on weaver so it is better than you think. Now that everyone could see how it performs vs untamed and spellbreaker I am not going to hear that it is just an anecdote.
  21. The realistic answer is that expansion is on its way. So the patch is most likely coming with it. What is interesting is that the last EU mat was a demonstration of the variety we have and how things can change even without a patch. Lot of people thought the builds were limited and got surprised to see that some builds / professions are ready to take the crown. I admitted a long time ago (and by playing other games) that anything will look toxic if you start listing the positive of a build. This is why we see many builds having different performances in ranked / mat and in general it works fine. With that said I think some outliers (spb) come from stacking too many different mechanics which are probably still a nightmare to adjust…
  22. This is illustrates perfectly the forums. Since PoF war players have said nothing except "but ranger" people now repeat it as an “argument” no matter how wrong it can be. Every time war players have a strange change of heart when they realize their profession have similar mechanics.. Ranger has a block on a weapon and damage? Op! And now they are very very silent with their combo of >10k dmg block weapon + 2 leaps and unblockable dmg + another block weapon that fully heal. “Nothing to see here” Ranger has cc + stab on a build? Degen! But when hammer spellbreaker comes in with more cc and stab. “Just do not hit the war and do not get hit so it does not get boons”. It is “skill”. Condi build, unblockable, sustain. Every mechanic went through this... And every time warriors are the ones pointing fingers.
  23. I hope you do not buy what you said… Dh unable to kill? Get off your tank build and go on something with berserker for a moment to check… Specter being easy to kill? Sure is between the blind, mobility and shroud. (noting that you are not contesting the multi role here) Chrono? Laugh all you want but it is not defenseless. Aoe cc, dispel, blocks, invuln, all that can be reset. And if you disagree what about virtuoso chaining invuln, and blocks + damages + heals constantly with unblockable dmg?
  24. You probably never saw a dh (tanky + tons of burst + decent mobility), a specter (tons of condi + mobility + support), a chrono (good defense + burst + utility) edit : or a virtuoso which is probably easier to grasp than chrono
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