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Everything posted by aymnad.9023

  1. Need to face your opponent, most skills can get reflected or obstructed, is slow, 1 skill makes you immobile, 2 do not deal dmg. In short there are tons of ways to counter it. Strange how if you start looking at other professions with less range and way more versatility on their weapons they end up being used eh?
  2. I was already seeing the same people from one game to another during PoF so I would not take that as an indicator. Queues are usually around 3 min for me. The timeframe and level (like plat +) also change that. Less people than years ago sure, but it did not drop as much as you suggest in 6months.
  3. No. This is what really happened. Maces are full close combat with no mobility. When playing them you are fishing for stacks. They also are very slow. This means builds that can spam evade, blind , blocks or have mobility / range are a problem. If you look at the meta builds (and those close) almost all of them check multiple boxes and dealt with maces fine. So no they were not terrorizing the scene unless we are talking about people who just pressed everything. This is also why it was only played on soulbeast. Soulbeast gives more options to force defensive cds, more mobility and more stats. Check the march monthly and see how it goes. It is not that impressive and when the players accomplish something it comes from the standard soulbeast rotation (sword, warhorn, owp). Before the march patch ranger builds were either using skirmishing or WS. The other traitling were filled with either marksmanship or beastmastery + espec. Skirmishing is a huge dmg buff with no sustain and WS is a strong sustain buff with some dmg buff. You were always sacrificing something. Now WS sustain got buffed to a huge sustain buff (5-10% more dmg reduction than before) AND it is a good dmg buff (5-10% or more). THIS is when it actually became meta.
  4. As I already explained many times I only got played after the march patch(ws / hammer update) and got nerfed the next month. That is not "months"
  5. Going from 1 dodge to 2 and not having the traits divided by 2 was a bug which is why it was a bugfix (as noted in the patchnote) and not a patch… The fastest was after the 2020 patch(February 25). The dev said "We know there are a lot of changes, we will monitor them. Please do not panic because we will wait a few weeks to see how it goes". The next day (and for months) the forums are on fire about hybrid builds like tempest and firebrand. Meanwhile anet after 3 weeks makes a patch only nerfing 1 profession. Soulbeast. Even with the more frequent patches we have now this would be an anomaly but at the time when it was every 3months it was mind boggling (even more just for 1 profession nobody was concerned about if you read the forums at the time).
  6. I do not understand your message. Most setup have an animation and people like to see what is coming. On dh even if you missed the original attack you have the effect + animation telling the pull can come. I am in favor of clarity so increasing the effect like the tether to know you are going to get hit by an unblockable effect would already be good. A spell I am still waiting to see is spinal shivers.
  7. I love how you either missed or decided to ignore the important quote of the patch note. Damage never was the goal since only 2 skills are meant for damage (and both have some form of delay). edit : because so many things got changed all the small notes will have bigger impact than you suggest. I think they should have gone for 1 and not all. We will soon find out how it feels.
  8. Nobody played mace or had any success 2 mats ago because it was too slow. Then they reworked WS with traits that give damage / sustain boost turning WS into the defense traitline of warrior. I am expecting to see builds still using WS variants. If mace is played it will be with carnivore (not that much fun to fight when it is on a druid).
  9. You can reassure yourself by thinking I never played it before if it makes you happy. I just said my first full season (also you keep saying on the forums you do not play holo so whatever). Also every point I made is still valid.
  10. You realize there are plenty of variants not using it right? Go watch Eu mAT
  11. I checked for you Eu quarterfinals : no turret Eu semifinals : no turret Eu final : no turret Now for NA Na final : played turrets There is no point in keeping this argument going. As I said build is flexible, barely affected and turret is far from mandatory.
  12. I have slick shoes. Then I can go with 2 of the following : photon wall toolkit spectrum shield What exactly are you trying to say? That I do not play the build? If you watched the last mat you have seen that the holo players change every game according to their opponents and weapon choice. Turret is far from being mandatory and it was skipped most games. Which is exactly what metabattle says.
  13. I don’t know if this patch is going to make it better for me. I did not have an issue with the urn. I have an issue with all the damage vindi keeps getting. There are lots of good coefficients on the weapons which is fine. Then you have to avoid all the utilities which starts to be really annoying. And finally there are really cheap things like death drop being a constant pressure (on a dodge), gs 5 animation hitting you hit even when you dodge.
  14. This is only my first season on holo but I am running antitoxine and I use spectrum shield instead of the turret. It gives me a decent amount of dispell and more stunbreak. There are cases like condi berserker or fire weaver which are a problem but in general I deal well enough vs most builds (like condi reaper). From the look of this patch I will take less dmg from some of the other meta builds and the rest of holo's playstyle is unaffected.
  15. It is a small nerf, only condi clear got affected. It is still going to be a really strong and constant dps in both duel and teamfights.
  16. You forgot to mention unblockable cc and high resistance uptime. It does not seem that different from before. We had condi reaper, holo, condi druid and I still see some dh. Even fb and scrapper were not negligible when it comes to cc. The only range cc build I can think of would be mesmer but right now I see less dps chrono thanks to the support variant.
  17. About the OP. The F2 is not an issue. I have more problems with the F3 coefficient because it should be more a utility. @Sahne.6950 while it seems fun for people to look at this extreme take (because it was) I dislike how the forums have also rewritten history. Did you actively play mace mace (like 20+ games in ranked) before the march patch? Did you watch mAT(EU and NA)? If you did you probably would have noticed that mace was a good weapon but it was not fast enough for a mAT(even for the previous meta) which is why the only build using it was soulbeast (more ways to cc / gap close). So no maces were / are not the problem. Then we had time to play the patch with updates to Hammer and WS. I do not think Hammer is used outside of untamed so it does not need changes(outside of the bugfix) and WS had some major changes. I think smart changes would be: Mace ambush does not grant any stack of rampant growths + does not self heal -> it removes the interaction that makes mace stronger on untamed than on any other specialization. Survival instinct : The big newcomer. I do not know which values / effect would be good but it allows more defense and offense than before. (maybe also) Carnivore : Even if it is not in the meta build I would not mind seing the value get a 10-15% nerf. I can see it in a future build or when less condi clear is needed.
  18. Some people are probably happy because they wanted more stats. Even if it gives me some fun ideas I am a bit skeptical about the power amulet. Some weapons / traits were rebalanced with the lack of healing + dps options in mind (even last patch). The condi amulet seems harder to use vs sage but since vitality is easy to find on runes I can give it a try. Weekly is a good idea and giving color to the title is welcome. I am one of the few people liking Djinn’s dominion because there are more teamfights, the nodes are closer making rotations easier if you lose a fight. Making the skills easier to use could be nice as long as they do not swing the game too much.
  19. Vs most willbender avoid fighting inside the F3. This aoe gives them all the freedom they need to freecast because they will get aegis and stab. It means running away from the node or using block / invuln then trying to pressure them. I prefer to run / evade because blocks can be useful for their other skills. Usually they will have a way to invuln + reset F3 meaning fights are going to take a long time even if they are running a glass build. If they want to run away it usually means that they use their F skills which is a good news for your team because they used important cd. Mace rangers are all about getting into close combat to stack. Mace 5 stacks only at the end so you need to evade that. The best option is to have a build that can kite / blind or evade easily preventing the cc and the stacks. Your core power war build is not going to be equipped for that. Condi berserker would be better thanks to the bow and multiple defenses and spellbreaker would also have more options.
  20. Np. I remember myself and many people having similar question when it released despite the message when we logged in.
  21. Did you come back recently? You are not forced at all to go to pvp. You can choose which game modes you want to have the next day (or week if you pick it on Sunday). Just click on the gear icon next to "Daily" and untick the box saying pvp.
  22. I think all professions are good in ranked. With that said I have a hard time understanding why people do not vote for necro which is amongst the professions with smallest amount of variant and is the least impactful / meta.
  23. I think it won in NA. Roy stream said EU but he swapped to NA if I am not mistaken. I have not played the past 2 weeks but in EU it was not that popular yet. I only saw Erazik playing it.
  24. Sorry I did not understand your question so I hope this will answer. The decay starts 72hours after the last game played. So if some duos played their last games after reaching plat on Friday at 23h then they would get hit by the decay on Monday at 23 which is just a few hours before the end of the season regardless of how many games they had and their winrates. It could explain why someone was in the top 250 just a few hours before the season ended and suddenly disappeared.
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