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Everything posted by Exzen.2976

  1. What on earth are you talking about. WvW is a completely different gamemode. You should have different builds and stats for both - its perfectly reasonable to expect that.
  2. Cele's not being deleted though. I'm sorry for you that you can't see it. I was responding to the comment re marauders. Condi will be via le, hybrid will be viable. Cele will still be playable. Just brought in line - reverted to how it was originally - when it was still used, just not BiS for half the meta. You're clearly just choosing to be controversial here.
  3. Ha, yeah, I'm not saying stealth certain thief builds aren't annoying as hell to fight and I def think wb burst needs toning down, among other things. I will be happy as/when/if all the imbalances are addressed. But cele is an issue amd I am pleased it's being addressed. Let's hope other issues get addressed too, in subsequent balance patches.
  4. There are plenty of other options if you want to avoid getting ganked. Run minstrels/nomads etc if you want. They will still be available. And there's no reason to throw insults like "lame" and "no skill" just because you don't like it. It's personal preference. The same insults could be directed to people who run in groups/zerg etc. It's neither helpful, nor true.
  5. There will still be plenty of condi builds about, we might also still see cele builds, they're just likely to be less oppressive.
  6. Gotcha, my bad. I'm definitely not arguing that the e-specs have been well designed (I agree with you) and I'm not saying cele is the only issue in wvw. However it is one of the biggest issues I've had as a roamer and I am very pleased something is being done about it.
  7. Balance would also be easier if all classes used the same skills and traits.
  8. Honestly, core players haven't paid for the game and cant expect to be catered for in every possible way, I get that some people choose not to pay and thats fine - im not ripping into anyone for it. But Anet have to make money to continue running the game. Does it matter if there is some incentive to pay towards the game?
  9. It's far easier to simply revert the unnecessary cele buff.
  10. Ha, dragon and zerker also see plenty of use. And there might be reason to throw some cavalier, knight, commander, crusader, wanderer in now - at the moment if you want to throw some toughness on a power build, cele is better, since it will still also give you power, precision, ferocity and vitality - not to mention the nice addition on concentration etc. Dire/trailblazer builds will probably make a comeback too, with people choosing to throw in other stats like ritualist, sinister, viper etc etc. Cele being reverted to how it was allows space for other stat combos to have a reason to be used. Cele will still be usable, as it was before.
  11. Thank the lord. This has been so obviously needed for so long. No single stat has ever been more oppressive than cele has over the last few years. For those claiming this will ruin build diversity - this actually means that there might actually be reasons to run some of the lesser used stat combos (cele is simply better than most currently), so if anything this increases diversity.
  12. Yes. I regularly do and kill them.
  13. That's not true. Power ele is most definitely not a free bag in the right hands. Granted it is hard to play well and other classes/specs are better and easier, but you can still be effective on power ele.
  14. It literally is the worst weapon I've ever played in wvw.
  15. I like a lot of what you suggested. Mostly I think it needs cast time reductions and dmg buffs across the board. Air 4 should be changed to function like water 4. The cc should be on the outer aoe circle and the vuln added if they are in the centre (the vuln is so underwhelming though). It's a very very difficult skill to land on a moving target as it currently stands - and not inline with the effect. Volcano needs to either hit stupidly hard to punish anyone staying in the aoe (especially considering the delay to the dmg ticks amd the very obvious build up via the etching and the animation) or it needs to do a big spike of immediate dmg in addition to the damage ticks afterwards. Also, please consider making the dual weaver skills work with superior elements.
  16. You can easily reach those numbers and higher on scepter and dagger skills which also having the ability to combo with others for higher burst, while being far easier to land. It's nowhere near the dmg output or burst of what ele already has. And with of those weapons can be paired with focus to ensure that you have strong defensives etc. I def agree cast times are an issue, spear cc is also mediocre at burst. The radius for the float on air 4 is laughably small.
  17. The problem is, that this is the same feedback they were given last time. This isn't news to anyone...
  18. In WvW it's far more than volcano. The dmg is too low on every skill basically
  19. Don't get me wrong. It's fun to play and I love the animations. Just completely lacks the impact needed to be viable. The dmg needed to be SOOOOO much higher to be usable in wvw or high end play anywhere. Can confirm after playing it in wvw that it is unusable. Trash weapon. Beautiful trash. But trash none-the-less. Such a shame, I was hyped. Wish I could get my money back tbh... I don't like to bash the devs, but how the balance team thought this was OK is beyond me.
  20. Just read the patchnotes. I don't even need to play it to know that Spear will be unplayable in wvw. What a joke.
  21. I honestly wouldn't mind an ele downstate rework. Outside of mistforming through gates (not all eles hug gates), it is shockingly bad.
  22. I would 100% rather have the stun. Scepter Weaver doesn't lack damage.
  23. If you don't think a stun is strong then there is no point arguing with you. .75 seconds while you can chain it easily into combos and cover it with instant casts is not a big deal at all. I really don't understand your point. The skill is still excellent without the damage. Hahaha, instant? You're joking right? That would be insanely op.
  24. Couldn't disagree with you more. FA Weaver can burst someone down in less than 1.5 seconds. You can also cast this while using instant skills like hurl, like arcane blast etc. It's still strong mate. If you don't think it or agree, no problem 🙂
  25. If piledriver was a stun, then sure. Anet didn't remove dmg from all dazes, so Piledriver isn't an outlier. Earthen Synergy was. I'm an FA Weaver main, I do clearly want it to be good, but let's not be blinkered here.
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