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Everything posted by Nora.9207

  1. My friend solo'd air lord, f** what are Ahat up to??
  2. My theory is lack of group identity in USA culture, completly missing in American psychology books, whereas we are riddled with it - I know you won't be interested but Tajfel and Reicher have written well on this. "our membership of groups is part of our self concept" Social identity theory. Hard to get that buzz of loyalty going when all you have is either one guild or random placements all over the place
  3. hahahahahahaha For some reason the powers that be are unable to do this ... or do not want to do it ... no idea really I think USA servers and Euro servers might have different ambience? On my server anyone asks in chat for small roaming team or help to get warclaw or just for help coz they are new get grabbed by some kind soul/s And lesson number one is "DON'T BE LAST" as my friend is always saying (along with "are you dead yet?")
  4. Ahat are actually pretty abysmal ar wvw, tbh it is better that they leave it alone, being as when they do meddle they make it worse
  5. I got one on me alt account, stinky guild alliance ... updating Starwars as I write ...
  6. Nit sure you have got the idea, 1 server is dominating all 4 maps and the other servers can do eff all bout it except log off and wait a week - got it now?
  7. The lack of effort from Anet in wvw just shows we are not buying gems with real money and are not worth any investment This last week was totally rubbish and just reminds me how little Anet has the professionalism to actually understand wvw from Europe servers.
  8. Nonono they cater to d bags who are ganking thieves that bounce across the map, becoming dot on horizon, then bounce back to stab and kill and stomp, less courageous pfft!
  9. Doh! Stronger walls gives more time for defenders to get there, therefore more body bags as result of fights!
  10. It seems a very cheap way of providing content - make players do it all again and (as far as Rose Quartz goes) make it take a very very looooong time
  11. Am standing miles away and get yanked right over the kitten wall!
  12. And anyone mentioning it in Lions Arch/Divinity? Just seems a massive lack of publicity
  13. These are the race tracks: EQE (surfwave, 3 laps)Demon Strike [RACE] (1 lap) - did a round in this myself - great course!The Avaricious Maraca [GWTC] (1 lap) - a really imaginative course and well contructed 0 gwt great speeds!Rise of Hell [HUR] (2 laps)Joko´s Descent [LRS] by Sergent (1 lap)Hell´s Shadows by Hades (1 lap)
  14. No mention of the brilliant racing world cup?https://www.battlefficiency.eu/en/beetle-champions-league/TODAY!March 20, World Cup Final -> 20:00 pm CET / 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7)1º -Festive Confetti Infusion2º - Queen Bee Infusion3º - Frost Legion InfusionWATCH THEM RACE in 6 highly competitive Guild Hall custom circuits Why no chat about this - it is fantastic!
  15. Always nice to have a gun pointed towards your head in a discussion. ROFL!Don't be silly - wvw does not exist, it will not even get a mention in next expansion pack and they certainly will not do anything that thye have promised, balancing?? They were going to do it every few weeks, think they said that about a year ago? They would be shooting themselves in the head to make alliances about guilds - they need gem cash!
  16. Arena have ruined wvw - in many ways, but making walls and gates paper thin has just taken all the pleasure out of defending objectives. As soon as a place is under attack - the outer is down, call for help and use of EWP and then inner is down - it is pathetic. I stopped playing wvw for nearly a year when this 1st happened and now feel so angry that they have done nothing to improve it
  17. Do not need to sneak them - just wander up, slap some seige down and be on Lord before defenders have finished typing "20 reds at garri - 4 rams, 2 golems, need help!"I do wonder if you actually play wvw or if you just like the sound of your own voiceAs shown in your next comment - which I really do not understand "I have literally never seen a commander capable of hiding his zerg while fiddling around with "secretive" sieges. They walk up to the door slap down 6-8 rams and take it. A treb siege or cata siege from outside balloon range takes alot longer and for the former cost alot more. And if defenders fail to notice that 50+ are on the border taking their buffer camps/towers objectives well then it doesnt matter how fast they then take major objectives, defenders have already lost."Unless you are agreeing with us - that new thin walls and gates have changed the gameplay to the point of many people not wanting to take part in wvw anymore because objectives CANNOT be defended
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