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Everything posted by Angoril.2179

  1. iGPUs, whether Intel or AMD, don't have any VRAM of their own. They instead use system Ram which other than being slower, leaves the rest of the system with a smaller amount to work with. On top of that, Intel iGPUs, unlike the ones found on AMD CPUs are quite bad to say the least. There's not much that can be done other than buying a new GPU. I don't know what kind of games you play other than GW2 but unless you play newer AAA titles, there's no need to overspend on a GPU. If 1080 is your resolution of choice, a RX6600 or even a used RTX 2060 are more than enough.
  2. This patch right here is yet another time that you show you don't really play or, even worse, understand your own game. Some of the things you say are so out of touch with reality that surprises me how you came to those conclusions. Oh well... nothing I wasn't expecting out of the current team.
  3. Yes, things can be a bit on the expensive side in this game and if you start looking at the real value behind things, some are ridiculous (set of permanent gathering tools more expensive than an expansion for example). BUT, they give you the option to convert gold to gems if you don't want to / can't afford to spend cash. So unless you don't wanna put money in the game or the time to convert the gold... what exactly do you expect to happen? Having a bunch of slots is a waste by the way. I have 8-9 of them and most of my characters are nothing but glorified flax farmers. Once every blue moon I may remember that I want to play with one of them and someone else turns into a flax farmer.
  4. Couldn't agree more. That thing is horrible. That would be overpriced for the 400 gems in the lootbox, let alone being a "special" skin. Whoever thought that low quality textures like that would go unnoticed needs to have their eyes checked.
  5. Speedtest always connects to a server that is close to you as that gives you optimal results for your connection. If you wanna know what ping you're supposed to be getting, change the server to something close to where GW2 servers would be. That said, their servers aren't really all that great and I wouldn't expect them to become any better. I always have higher ping in GW2 compared to any other online game I play/have played in the past.
  6. More of the same from the team that can't support the name of the game. They need someone in there that actually knows what they're doing instead of just amateurs. If those are the ones that are creating the expansion, they can discount it down to €5 and it still won't be worth it. Shame how far this game has fallen because they got greedy.
  7. Couldn't agree more. I stopped playing the game shortly after LS4 ep 5 got released, came back for 6 and after quitting the 2nd day of ep 6 got released I thought, how bad can things get from here? Little did I know that anet wanted to challenge that... and they succeeded. I only came back a couple weeks before Visions got released, caught up and the rest played them as they released. The story isn't as horrible as it was in the final 2 episodes of LS4 but, it's no more than average. Decent for a MMO, bad compared to anything else. I don't know if it's the management in anet being useless or the writers just not being all that great but the story is fairly mediocre at best throughout the game. Also, stop being lazy. "Do X amount of events to fill this bar" doesn't count as story. The maps, for me, have been an absolute disaster. Grothmar is... boring. Doing events on a set schedule and being "forced" to do them in a certain order that anet set is not my definition of fun. Bjora is ok, I guess. I enjoyed exploring that one for the most part and the puzzles were nice. When it comes to the metas, not a fan of the one on the first half of the map since I dislike anything that interferes with me wanting to do something other than the meta. Drakar is on par with almost every other world boss in the game. If there are enough people around, roll your face across the keyboard and you win, otherwise you lose. Nothing interesting to see there either. Visions left me as uninterested as the rest. Was better than I expected story wise but the bar for MMOs is set so low that it's not really an accomplishment. Drizzlewood is by far the worst map this season. Annoying to explore due to the map wide meta and the snipers all over the place, extremely repetitive with no unique events and a horrible final boss fight design, "achievements" that are nothing but grind. At least it has the best voice acting this season. Ok, I may be joking with the last one but I will take no voice acting over lazy Bethesda tactics of having a main character voice throwaway NPCs without changing their voice (like in Grothmar) any day of the week. As others have mentioned, the masteries could be missing and nobody would even be able to tell the difference. They are so pointless and they lack so much imagination that I wouldn't be surprised if they went to their local convenience store and with no details asked the people to give them gameplay ideas. Makes me wonder, does that studio have any kind of standards or is everything treated with a "good enough" mentality? Strikes are mediocre. I stopped doing them a couple weeks after Visions launched and haven't touched them since. I just don't see the reason to do them since they aren't really all that much fun and the rewards are about as disappointing as the entire looting system in this game. Overall I am not a fan of this season so far... at all. While I didn't believe their promises about expansion level features, given it wasn't the first time anet was promising more than they can deliver, some honesty at least would go a long way. I know personally would be more lenient if they were willing to tell the truth for once instead of treating us like idiots with nothing but empty promises and PR speech twice a year that they address the community. I gave up on the game for the time being, most likely will check the next episode when it gets released but I expect absolutely nothing from it other than what anet does best... the bare minimum. Can we be done with LS already? Just create expansions.
  8. It's okay really. Better than average compared to most MMORPGs, bad compared to a single player RPG. I enjoy it for the most part by keeping my expectations in check and the only part that I really hated were the final 2 episodes in LS4 due to how badly written they are.
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