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  1. would be good motivator to get better and you will get better in long term for sure, sadly doubt it will happen. most people just tell you to go to 1v1 server.
  2. I dont think guardian and elementalist need those buffs.
  3. Great to see some changes. I think condition and power damage needs to all get toned down. Condition Spam is annoying to deal with and Power one shot isn't fun to deal with. I always get kick out people crying about nerfs because class is there main. If you knew your class well you would acknowledge what is over powered about your class. Most the nerfs always apply because someone is abusing it course if your the abuser you will never notice it unless you knew game. Good example is permeant invulbunrablitly on virutoso. There is lot skill interaction people do not notice unless you play it a while. Here are something things we should really question. Unlockable CC's good example is I am blocking my team mate triggers full counter on warrior close to me I get punished why? Getting pulled out of an evade frame/ block shocking aura or pulls. Boons the amount boons in this game are wild. Celestial is not broke its the combination of power damage with condition damage and boons. Getting hit with conditions now days is like playing power builds they dont really damage over time they just stack 20 confusion and you die casting a condition cleanse skill.
  4. honestly its the match manipulation and low population/alt accounts.
  5. After attempting to play the scepter agian. I think, for 2023 weapons just way to slow over all over and just under preforms because skills cant be excuted. Auto attacks are pretty good in animation art and idea. How ever the scepter 2,3 felll extremly bad with the amout of mobility in pvp/wvw. Possible Fix Scepter 1 make the stacks apply per target hit idk 3-5 people (stack building for 2,3 more manageable) Scepter 2 is aoe appliction to the target. Scepter 3 -1 energy on offensive tether.
  6. I understand how it should work but its not fleunt. to short ranged, the 3 skill takes way to much build up. the 2 cancels or gets block blinded. It just feels really underpowered
  7. Great post, I think for pvp/wvw the dodges shouldnt do damage would be start to making vindicator more fluent. Just having normal dodge animation with trait buffs mabye add back the chill on Vassals of the Empier dodge.
  8. Here's how I think the vindicator dodge should be from playing vindicator myself and my experience with it. I would also make it regular dodge because amount times it glitchs and its actaully really hard to see. I'd say theres lot classes that evade lot but they dont have damage vindicator has on dodge is pretty crazy. Forenunner of Death- keep damage buff and take the damage off of it. Vassals of the Empire- keep buff to boons, prot and take the damage of it. Saint of Zu Heltzer- keep it the same.
  9. As long time vindi player. I could see the nerf to the auto attack chain. I dont see why gs 4 block followed by true stike got hit so hard...its really akward skill in pvp/wvw was easy to counter. I cant speak for pve. If you want to balance rev anet should look into the salvation trait line because it is what really busts lot rev builds. Whole time ive played vindi the dodge skills so clunky and glitchs lot for me personally. Stuck in animation while people still attack me. I think dodge would be better off looking like a normal dodge, not just for vindi but people fighting vindi. Also to people that are commenting on why pvers should not have word, this rev form for everyone not just pve or wvw/pvp. Lot players pve/pvp/wvw
  10. great! vets have something to spend currency on, and stand out without everyone having for now
  11. leet.2519


    what does applying chill to thief do other then effect 6,7,8,9,0? does 1,2,3,4,5 not get effeceted like other classes? If so thats busted.
  12. the counter can be a 1 shot if you dont pay attention to the stacks
  13. I dont mind the damage, the supperspeed+barriar it gains from damage is a problem. There's lot meme builds doubt it will get fixed because this game is made for new players that can press 2 buttons with no knowledge of the game and win. If you dont like game just take break or quit because nothings changing lol
  14. I dont know if youve watched some the top pvp streams that people look up to. they call players bad, call people monkeys. pvp its toxic I just play without chat. block the player on pm if they want to be a kitten. pvp so small you get matched with same toxic people. I am not sure reporting even work since most the toxic turds are on a free to play account.
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