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Smiggles.6823's Achievements

  1. Or one with high activity during Australian peak hours. If possible happy for casuals? I'm trying to get Gift of Battle and struggling to find players when solo. I'm Rank 171, not very experienced in WvW.
  2. So I think I found a bug, and I suspect I know why. I cannot progress Saving Skyscales. I have completed every part, the sub-collection for Skyscale of Water is marked complete when I click it, but inside the "Saving Skyscales" collection it is marked incomplete. I completed this without doing the Rune-Locked Doors collection. I was getting confused and asked someone in game who had completed it to please enter the room so I could TP to Friend to them. This let me complete the collection for Skyscale of Water, and get it marked complete, without completing Rune-Locked Doors. I suspect there's a requirement in Skyscale of Water that checks you have completed Rune-Locked Doors to progress. I cannot progress even though I have completed every part. Please help! I'd like to get a skyscale.
  3. I'd like a talking mini called "Dum Dum" preferably a tourist themed quaggan that regularly drops inane comments based on the area and takes photos of it. Eg "Is that a volcano? Wow!" Click. Flash. "What kind of tree is that?" Click. Flash. Bonus points if the AI is terrible. Also wanted a "conscience" themed mini that berates you when you kill something in the overworld. Ie "you killed that innocent bear/hog/harpy/Dragon. You monster!" "That poor Skritt had 97 children. What are you doing?!!" Etc
  4. Edit: OMG, THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE WHO DONATED SO FAR!!! I'd like 300g 0g so I can speed my way through leatherworking/huntsman crafting. Cheers Smiggles.6823 North America
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